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[Black BB Bull] Jim's Funeral


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Boy! I am so out of writing shape. This is actually the second attempt at this post because the first was much too wordy and too long. I figure that most of you reading this are like me when I read blogs …” yeah yeah whatever get to the sex part”.

Anyway, to make a much longer story short… a few months ago (during the period where I had stopped blogging) a good friend and former fuck buddy of mine in Dallas passed away. I got a voice mail message from his partner, who never liked me at all, telling me that Jim suffered a sudden heart attack and died. He also gave me the date and time of the funeral and asked me to come. To be honest, I was not going to go, but a few hours after I listened to the voice message, I received another call from Jim’s phone… obviously it was his partner Bob calling. I did not answer right away as I thought it strange that he would call me again since he never really got over the fact that I fucked Jim… the man whom he loved and who was strictly a top… except for me.

Yes… in case you are wondering… I fucked Jim several times on my trips to Dallas without Bob’s knowledge or consent. And, yes, it was Bob’s finding out that put an end to our fucking… but not to our friendship. Bob eventually forgave Jim, but never me.

I finally did answer the phone and spoke directly to Bob

“Hello… Bob”


“I am so sorry about Jim… is there anything that I can do?”

“Yes, I want you to come to the funeral … and I want you to stay for a couple of days”

The funeral was scheduled for the next Friday and if I had planned on going, I would have planned to stay until Sunday anyway. After a brief pause, I said,

“Sure, I will be at the funeral Bob, and will stay at the Marriot”

“No… I don’t think you understand. I want you to stay here at our… my place, with me”

This… given the situation and relationships… was a very strange request. I have to admit that the request gave me pause… and for a moment the vision of a psycho Bob taking a hatchet to me in my sleep crossed my mind.

“Ok, Bob… whatever you need… again, I am so sorry for your loss”

“Thank you… and I am sorry for your loss as well… I know that you two remained very good friends even after… ya know”

“Yeah… I know”

The funeral went as planned. It was a very sad day, but after the business of saying goodbye to our dear partner, Son, Sibling and friend… Jim, the mood lightened and the reception following the funeral was full of food, drink and laughter over fond memories.

From the time I arrived, Bob was very nice and even somewhat affectionate towards me, which caught me by total surprise. I figured that he was going out of his way to be polite out of his love for and in honor of Jim… ya know, making the effort to be like he imagined Jim would be toward me if he were there.

Gay men kiss social kiss, and causally touch each other all the time. I *found that to be normal. What I found as unusual was the fact that throughout the day, Bob was never more that ten feet away from me. I never realized that proximity was so intimate. Again, keeping it real here… I must admit that more than once during that sad day, I looked at Bob’s tight 5’9” body and solid muscle ass with lust. Each time I caught myself thinking that way, I quickly focused on something else and scolded myself for having such thoughts.

That night, after the last guest had left the house, Bob and I were both exhausted. Before calling it a day, Bob pulled two shot glasses and a half full bottle of Jack from the liquor cabinet. We had a single and final toast to Jim. I told Bob I was going to turn-in and asked him which room I should sleep in. With a look that is hard to describe… serious and somewhat challenging… Bob said,

“You are sleeping in our… I mean my room… with me”

Again, I was caught totally by surprise… thinking back now, maybe I should have not been quite so surprised as the signs were there all day long but I totally missed them.

I did not say anything at first… we just stood there staring at each other… and in that ultra silent thirty seconds of us staring at each other… a ton was communicated. In that space of time it was not only communicated that we would fuck, but that I was to bring my “A” game, and he would bring his. I feel my description of this moment sucks… just know that this thirty seconds was extremely powerful, direct and matter of fact. It was not sappy, or emotional… it was like we both understood that this had to happen. We both were to know why Jim loved sex with us both, or… who did he love sex with most?

Oh man… how do I write about the sex? That is what it was… it was hard sex… extremely hot sex… very aggressive sex.

When we got on the bed, there was not a word spoken. I did notice that lube and poppers were already setting out on the night stand which told me that Bob had this planned in advance…which concerned me for like a nano second.

Bob got on his knees at the edge of the bed with his butt in the air. Jim must have told him how I love to eat clean white ass before I abuse it with my fat black cock. Bob’s ass was perfect. It was clean but not “just washed clean”. There was just enough of manly butt smell that drives me wild.

I worked his ass with my tong for a good ten minutes. Bob made no sound other than a constant heavy breathing, which told me that he was enjoying it more than he was willing to let on.

He has what I would say is the perfect muscle ass with huge cheek dimples and only a slight layer of fat where the cheeks round into the crack. His hole was small and tightly puckered. At first, he fought the entry of my tong but if there is anything more persistent than my cock it is my strong tong. I soon had a full third of my tong up his ass, and I loved the way he would try to squeeze it out with his ass ring. The more he squeezed my tong with his ass ring, the harder my cock became.

I don’t know if it was Bob’s hot ass, or if it was more due to the freaky situation itself, but I was extremely turned on and hard as nails. I was so hard that I was leaking pre-cum, which is a rare thing for me.

After eating his hole I was more than ready to fuck the shit out of him. Other than the heavy breathing, he was totally quiet and motionless…As you know from reading this blog, I like more responsiveness than that. Consequently, I decided that I was not going to use lube… just the spit from my eating his ass.

Lifting my face from his ass, I positioned the head of my fat cock at the center of his puckered hole. As soon as he felt the head of my cock he started to reach for the lube and to say something, which he was not able to finish as I hard thrust my cock forward while pulling back on his hips. The hard entry literally took the wind out of him.

He tried to pull away from me but my grip of his hips was too strong. I held my cock buried balls deep in him. He began to struggle with his arms and legs flaying all over the place so I pushed him flat on his stomach where I could better restrict his movement and began to work my cock in and out of him with my hips.

That first minute of the fuck was very rough for the both of us. He was too proud to cry, or cry out but I could tell that he wanted to. All he did was grunt loudly with each movement of my cock. It was truly a struggle of wills more than anything else. He was determined to prove that I was just “A Dick”, and I was determined to break him… not hurt him… but to get him to give in to what I was doing to him. To let it happen and then find the pleasure in giving me pleasure. Thinking about it now, the first minute was much more like a rape than anything else. We both expended a tremendous amount of energy and at the end of it… if I am to be honest… I would have to say that it was a draw. He did not break, but he bent a whole lot.

After that first minute we both just sort of stopped and I pulled out of his ass. He laid flat on his stomach and I was sitting on my hunches still between his spread legs. The only sound in the room was that of our mutual heavy breathing. Soon, Bob rolled over on his back and looked at me. He did not say a word as he pulled his legs to his chest and willingly opened his hole to me. In exchange for his assuming the submissive position, I reached for the lube and applied it liberally to his hole and my cock.

As I entered him the second time, he let out a low gut moan followed with the word


As I bottomed out in his hole, I leaned over and we kissed passionately for the first time. With lube and a submissive attitude, Bob’s hole FELT FUCK’N GREAT! We soon found our rhythm and it was It was an absolutely incredible fuck and by the time it was over, I knew why Jim loved fucking this man so much.

I did stay the weekend, and I lost count after the sixth or seventh time we fucked. At some level, it does sort of creep me out that Bob and I fucked like rabbits at the occasion of one of my best friend’s, and his partner’s passing… at the same time, on another level, the memory of it still turns me on months later.

I will see Bob again, but I doubt that I will write about it here… just as I have never written about any encounters that Jim and I had. He, like Jim was, is now more than a trick.

Even with this re-draft of this post it is still long… sorry guys, but given the nature of this one I felt that I had to provide more background than I normally do if for no other reason than to do Jim and Bob justice.



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