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Flakes online

Guest MusclepigcunT

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Guest MusclepigcunT

You've seen them. They are online all the time but for some reason can't hook up. I feel that I'm reasonably attractive, not everyone's cup of tea, so I get that not everyone is going to want to have sex with me. I'm a big boy, I can take rejection. If you are simply not interested, I will block you so we never speak again. It is that simple.

Or so we think...

There they are at 9:00pm on a Friday or Saturday night. They are online but can't play because they are tired. They are so tired that they sign off and sign back on so they remain at the top of the list. Three hours later, they are still online and at the top of the list. It is all bullshit really, either you can play or you can't. Why the fuck are you on a cruise site if you are so damned tired? If one is tired, one should take a sleeping pill and go to sleep.

Then there is another type of flake. They are online profiles with spectacularly beautiful men but the pictures just seem a little off. If they do seem off, it is because they are fakes. Often they are pictures from big muscle.com profiles of guys that don't even live in the city. I'm not sure why these losers create such profiles. I suspect it is because they are seeing what attention they can get by using fake pictures. Other times, I suspect they are trying to catch a cheating boyfriend in the act. I'm curious as to what other reasons there may be for creating fake profiles.

Also, I'm curious if others are tired of the online BS and fine people unwilling and unmotivated to hook up. Is this a San Francisco thing or does it happen in other cities? When I travel to other cities, it is easy to hook up on BBRT.

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Guest BBSeroMan

I agree with you. More fakes and flakes who have no intention of hooking up. This is why I go to the baths and pump my dirty load into piggy cunts that are already cum-filled and craving more.

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i've had some guys on my buddy lists for years without hooking up, and i still hope to fuck them someday. there r other guys i have blocked on a fukn whim. this thread dilutes the meaning of "flaking", which started as "arranged to hookup n then never showed/called/etc".

not everyone can hook up when u want them to. not everyone can be bothered explaining that to u every time. not everyone can afford to give a big shit about ur feelings, bcuz ur a fukn stranger to them...they can only afford u a Little Shit.

for my own part, i tend to make reliable use of status indicators "now, ur place" "now, my place" "later today" "not looking" etc. most people dont bother reading, however. most people r myopic, and see only their own needs. me, you and everyone else here included.

if someone gave me the OP's attitude, i might have to read back to see if i possibly led them on somehow...just my own OCD, as i'm pretty good about not doing that. if/when i see that ive done no such thing, my next question would be "ok, is this nutjob worth the hassle?"....the answer is usually not. i will tell them either way, politely.

only rarely will someone try go down in flames...too bad, i like fire.

to the OP: not everyone is as polite as i am, or as direct. u may have fucked up chances with some of these guys n they're just too nice to tell u.

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It's not just a san francisco thing. If I'm serious about sex I go to the tubs. If I'm home online I'm probably not gonna hook up. I find it hard to believe that anyone actually meets off of craigslist since using hook up sites are so hard and they are less anonymous.

People use fake pictures and profiles because they are insecure. Everybody wants guys who are hotter than they are and some use whatever means to try to meet these guys.

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A flake to me is someone who cancels an arranged meet or fails to turn up. A fake someone who is not who they present themselves as. Both are easy with online.

People could also just be fantasizing to satiate their desire when they are unable to meet or maybe they just aren't that into you to find the energy, but "tired" could well be a simple way to explain the boring detail of their inability to meet as well as an attempt to excuse themselves without having to 'reject' you.

I think a big part of the problem with online is the lack of the face to face body language cues we get at the bars or baths to judge interest and availability from the object of our desires. In a bath you can look and see who's looking at you - I guess the nearest online equivalent is the track or viewed feature.

Online allows pretence, but also because we can't get the measure of a guy as we could in person, I guess in this age of instant internet gratification we have learned we just look at the profiles like an online catalog of guys, make assumptions, and get annoyed when it is not available to us immediately or at all.

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I don't do online one on one hookups. I prefer to go to a darkroom and get fucked from behind anonymously. I'm going to a piss party on Friday, so hopefully that will be fun. I've done piss play but never been to a piss party before. Also I don't post a picture of my face online, not that I'm ugly and I do have some semi decent ones, I just like to stay anonymous online. And yes there are a lot of flakes out there.

When I lived in the Northeast I tried to hook up with one guy, he kept sending messages via Craigslist asking if I had porn and poppers. We spoke and he gave me his address. I get there, after a 45 minute drive and there is no response. I can't even get into his building, it was above a store front and locked and no bell to ring. He didn't answer his phone. I went home. I never heard from him. I then posted a Craigslist ad with his picture, some other guy's hot body shot and put in his phone number and said he liked all kinds of guys. When I called to check his voicemail was full. Then he said he had to take his sister to the ER because she cut her hand. I didn't believe it, but he begged me to take the posting down so I did. A few weeks later this same flake responds to another ad I posted.

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Fakes/Flakes are everywere. The reason you get lucky when you travel, I think anyway, is that you are only there for a short time, they will never run into you anywhere when they are out and about and don't have to worry about anything awkward if they are cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever.

I don't have much luck when I am home, for one reason or another, but the last 2 times I've gone to Vegas for work I've gotten several loads from locals and tourists alike.

Flakes/Fakes are Everywhere. Nothing one can do about it unfortunatly. If the flake out most likely they would have been a bad fuck anyway so count your luck and move on. My 0.02.

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the biggest problem i see is that it's impossible to be honest online. if i tell someobdy "sorry, you're not my type", they are likely to get upset and try to insult me. it's easier to just tell them "i'm tired now" than put up with the fragile egos out there. you might be surprised how many guys get bent out of shape simply because you mention you're not attracted to them. some of us are only attracted to a very small percentage of men. people need to accept that and respect it. i don't expect everybody to find me attractive.

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In general the MAJORITY of flakes & fakes I run into are the on-line variety. What I've learned to do if someone wants to connect on-line I'll arrange a meet sometime during the weekend at my "regular" hang out bar. If they TRULY want to meet up they'll show up, if they flake out it's not a waste of my time as I would have hung out at the bar on the weekend anyway. It's also a safe place to meet as if they do show and turn out to be nothing like their on line photo or if they "lied" about what they're really into, again it's not a waste of my time.

As far as meeting up right after you chat on-line, I don't do that anymore. I too wound up going over to someone's apartment only to have them not answer their door-bell and/or not answer their phone if I call from out front. I REFUSE to get burnt like that anymore!!!

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Another thing is guys who lie about their age. There is this one guy online who says he's 50. I know what 50 looks like, this guy puts a picture of him looking at least 60 if not 65. If you want to lie, just shave off 3 or 4 years. One time on Craigslist I posted that I was looking for guys between 25 to 50. I spoke to the guy and I get there and he's in his 70s. We fooled around anyway, but it wasn't good. It was kind of my mistake for not asking him how old he was and not catching on that his voice sounded old on the phone.

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