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Went to a piss party Friday night.

Pig Bottom

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It was at a guys house. He was in a condo and you had to go thru security to get to his place and his unit was hard to find in the group of buildings.

I was picturing getting there and finding guys in a bathtub being pissed on. Instead I get there and there are 6 or 7 guys sitting in the living room watching a bad piss film and no one is talking to each other. So I get there and I need a bottle opener for my Corona beer. The host is on the phone with someone who is lost, but they are both acting like morons and having a five minute discussion that felt like 30 minutes. So I ask a guy if he knows where the bottle opener is and the host hears me and gets it.

So I sit on the couch, only one guy is partially naked. No one is talking. Then I ask if anyone has gone to the previous party, I think only one did. Most of the guys were older or big bears. He had a kiddy pool set up in one of the bedroom for piss play.

I brought a change of clothes, I was wearing a jock and Ashirt for the party. I decided I was only gonna be a piss top that night. When I had to take my first piss I offered it to the host, he was in the kitchen and wanted it right there, so I pissed in his mouth, he didn't spill a drop.

The next time I had to piss I went into the room with the kiddy pool and asked who wanted piss. This really old guy who had to be well into his 80s wanted it, so we went into the bathroom and he sat on the tub and I pissed in his mouth. I figured why not give the old man a thrill.

So I got back to the living room and asked people the standard Florida conversation starter which is where are you from, most people down here are not from here originally, especially not the gay guys. People are really shitty with conversations too, if someone asks you where you are from you should also ask them. Anyway it was kind of nice talking to new people, since I am very shy. Also the host lied about his age by a lot, he looked 15 years older than he said he is.

The party was kind of a bust, I didn't see any fucking. One couple walked in and left a few minutes later. One guy said he knows those people and they are notorious for doing that. The kind that expect Playgirl models everywhere. At least it was free, I might go again if it's on a day of the week I am not doing anything.

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I only go to pissparties given and attended by hardcore PISSPIGS like myself!

The heavy goth looking younger guy spent time in the kiddy pool drinking piss, he was the most hardcore. I didn't catch all the action, but I was expecting something much different than what went on. People were kind of friendly it was just weird.

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