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Having a proper what to do situation and thought you guys could help

Over the last few months i have been getting closer and closer to cheating on my other half. Last week i even went as far as letting a guy grab my balls whilst he took us for a drive. It was fit, i was hard and i really could have sucked his cock dry.

Only think is i love my other half and the life we have. If we split up i will lose this life and wouldn't know what to do.

It isnt even the bare fucking thing. I could easily get fucked by guys safe. Its just the urge to be with other guys is getting stronger and stronger.

I dont want to hurt my boyfriend and he totally wouldnt be up for sharing me with someone/load of other guys.

What should i do ~:(

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My personal opinion, it sounds like he isn't giving you all you feel you need, maybe it's all become too predictable and boring? You say you love him so Is what you see around and read on here making your sex life look tame and you crave some of the excitement you read?

Decide whether you can make yourself happy within the confines of the relationship or whether you can talk to him and spice up your (sex) life together somehow. If not, and you are sure that an exciting but unpredictable sex life on your own with some highs and the inevitable lows is worth more than the love of your boyfriend and the life you have now, then it is time to split and move on with respect. Experience seems to be that cheating on him will lead to grief.

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I'd broach the topic of an open relationship with your bf. Bear in mind that these can come with a wide variety of rules (e.g. you bring in other guys to have three-ways with, you only get into certain kinds of sex with other guys, you only have sex with other guys under certain situations, etc.)

Regardless, you need to talk to your other half about what's going on here. This is not something he should discover when he goes through the sites you've been browsing (like this one) or catches you in the act. If the issue is that he doesn't want you taking another guy's load, then that's a reasonable restriction to put on your play. But you need to lay some ground rules in advance and make sure that he's being taken care of first and foremost.

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