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[Blast In My Ass] Metro Game


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I always love riding the metro since there are so many hot guys on there often. So sometimes I play a little game. When there is a hot guy sitting next to me and I feel like hes looking at me. I break out my phone and start texting the following message

"Guy next to me is really hot. I wonder if he'd bred me. I need cum in my ass NOW!"

I've never had a bite with that until tonight when the guy turned to me and said "My place?"

I've never look so excited. We got off a couple stations later and I followed him to his place. I got to inside and he asked if I was serious. I asked what did he mean and he waved a condom at me. I reached for the condom grabbed it and whispered into his ear, " If you want to use that, I can go. However, in exchange for you shooting your load as deep in me as you can, I'm willing to do almost anything."

He laughed. "Game"1269265960677439096-941081674131621407?l=blastinmyass.blogspot.com


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  • 8 months later...

Never tried that.... though When I used to hit the bath houses in Chicago, I loved taking the "EL" public transportation.... to see the people on the subway and if they could tell/smell the cum leaking out of my hole and down my legs... hummm... I'd love Chicago.... usually 11-16 loads per weekend... GREAT Time.

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