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I'm poz dating a neg guy


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When I tested poz two years ago, I did the responsible thing and told my sexual partners. I had three who were breeding me. The hottest of the three dropped me COLD when I told him.

Fast forward to two days ago. This guy texts me and wants to meet. I'm confused.

When he arrives I told him it hurt me to be rejected at such a difficult time in my life. He said he freaked out because he was in a monogamous relationship at the time. He got tested and was neg. That relationship ended 6 months ago.

Well after quite a few tears, we had some of the most wild passionate sex ever. He bred me 5 times and said he wants to date me.

Would you date him? He knows I am undetectable.

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Guest pozpig46

I would be a little weary of the guy if he freaked because you were POZ imagine what he would do if he himself come up POZ.

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If you are comfortable with him, go for it. He knows the situation and probably has his head on straight. If interested, you have an opportunity for something out of this. Have a good time.

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I say to give him a chance. I'm dating an undetectable guy and it is alot to deal with for a neg guy... but my first poz guy that I dated, I learned to love him and ignore his status. All that mattered was how much we cared for each other. Then it got to a point to where I didnt even think about his status. This may be your chance to help him evolve and look past status and love you for who you are, and spreading that kind of knowledge is priceless.

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I would be a little weary of the guy if he freaked because you were POZ imagine what he would do if he himself come up POZ.

A guy who's cheating on his boyfriend will freak because of a syphillis which can easily be cured. Imagine you just rented an appartment together and made plans for the next decade and now your bf has proof that you're not only unfaithful but also don't care much about safer sex.

So actually I wouldn't make an issue out of HIV status: The other guy knows that you (bbzh) are poz. He knows what kind of risk he's taking (a miniscule one at best) and should he against the odds test poz he will probably learn how to deal with it. At least that's much easier than for example also dealing with having infected your boyfriend whom you swore monogamy. That can fuck you up quite a bit more.


So the question if I would date him would have nothing to do with HIV. There are other aspects to consider:

- The guy has problems with being faithful. So if your ideal is an open relationship and you're willing to either grant each other certain freedoms or to overlook some fucking around, it might work. If you wanna marry this guy and want to have him all to yourself, i.e. if you expect him to change for you, that could be tricky.

- Then there is the honesty issue: It seems that he didn't tell you back then that he had a boyfriend and he of course was dishonest to his boyfriend. That's no problem if all you intend to do is casual fucking. Beyond that the question is: What makes you believe you can trust him enough to build a relationship with him?

- He seems to lack some emotional sensitivity. You have to define what you're looking for in him and whether this could be an issue.

- He hurt you. Intentionally or not, the question is, whether you can truly forgive or forget. Or whether this will boil up again as soon as you have your first argument.

In the end the heart wants what the heart wants. So does the dick. You'll have to do what you'll have to do and don't think there's much some guys on the internet could say to change your mind.

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Gotta say I'm with the others that say they would be more concerned with his dishonesty. Even if you are ok with an open relationship the question you have to ask yourself is "Will he be honest and tell me if he contracts another disease from someone else?"

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You guys are mostly split on the issue but it seems fair to say that you think i should be cautious. There are some things I could have been clearer about in my first post. I knew he was in a relationship when we first met. He was breeding me once a month. I started having feelings for him and he had no clue. I was just a hole to him. After we started kissing the other day, all of the feelings came back and I began to sob uncontrollably which must have freaked him the fuck out.

If I was the one he cheated with during his last relationshup, then it's likely he will cheat on me. I'm not hung up on monogamy. I asked him about open relationships. He does not want that. He didn't say no to the idea of us fucking around with others on vacation. I said that it is harder to overlook indiscretions in our town. And lets face it, people tend to be jealous. If he had just been out breeding another guy, I wouldn't want him in my hole. (he's slightly oversexed so I imagine he would have no problem fucking several times a day). And I get the sense he would not like me climbing into our bed full of another man's spunk. Funny how sometimes we think it is ok for us to cheat but not our boyfriend!

What I didn't say earlier was that I think he is also interested in me because I am in a much better situation financially and professionally. I didn't tell him that I recently bought a luxury condo which is being custom built. And I feel safe saying that I earn probably triple what he does. AND his last boyfriend had way more money than me. He left that relationship with pretty much the clothes on his back, which also raises some concerns for me. He went from living in a nice house to renting a room, so he could be looking for someone to hitch his wagon to. We are both in our early 40s. By the way he was married to a woman in the early 90s and has two adult children aged 20 and 23. Gosh our life paths have been so different.

And I also wonder if he is poz. Yesterday after already having bred me a few times, he asked me how many pills I take a day. Now that's an awfully specific question for a neg guy to ask. I could see him asking if i take my meds regularly.

Now to my last point. I think I may need to take a step back and go REAL slow with him. But I feel weak because he is very good-looking, very charming, has a nice dick and can breed multiple times. I am at a linguistic disadvantage here as we speak German to each other (his mother tongue and my third language). Wait. He just sent me a text message telling me he misses me already. Y'all might want to pop some popcorn and pull up a chair for this one. :-)

And I want to go to my regular sex party in Mainz tomorrow and I feel guilty!

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Alarm bells ring for me too from what you say. Sadly he has much to gain from you so it is not easy to know what his real motivations are. He is not in a position to dictate terms. You should not let your desire for a relationship blind you to the danger of being fucked over instead of just fucked. Be very careful.

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I agree... When income levels are that different, you don't know what his real intentions are... especially since his last partner made even more. And you always have to wonder with boys like that if they EXPECT you to pay for everything and if that is something you are willing to do.

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When I tested poz two years ago, I did the responsible thing and told my sexual partners. I had three who were breeding me. The hottest of the three dropped me COLD when I told him.

Fast forward to two days ago. This guy texts me and wants to meet. I'm confused.

When he arrives I told him it hurt me to be rejected at such a difficult time in my life. He said he freaked out because he was in a monogamous relationship at the time. He got tested and was neg. That relationship ended 6 months ago.

Well after quite a few tears, we had some of the most wild passionate sex ever. He bred me 5 times and said he wants to date me.

Would you date him? He knows I am undetectable.

Yes I would... For the simple reason that he broke up with u at the time....But that he had a very valid reason in my point of view...the fact that he contacted u months later... Shows me that there is something there... And if u cried together... The more reason so...if I were you... I would give him another chance...I'm true Latino and love good love story... And this just shows you that we pigs have deep feeling too and r able to love... Beautiful if u ask me...

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