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[Real SF Gay Sex] Morning sex


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I woke up this morning to Rick trying to fuck me. I knew better than to try and stop him... Rick is the kind of guy that always gets what he wants. It's one of the things I like about him. Sure, he was rubbing me sweetly and kissing my neck, but he was also gently, insistently, pushing the head of his cock against my hole.

Rick can get his cock in you with no hands... and no lube... not even spit, just his precum, sliding in you like it's the most natural thing in the world. Once his cock is inside, it's like everything has been put right in the world, this is exactly the order of things, exactly how fucking is supposed to happen.

Feels so fucking good to have him inside me, pumping my ass with his dick, licking my neck, sticking his tongue in my ear. He likes it every way he can get it, on my stomach, on my side, but his favorite is anywhere he can watch me jack off. I end up straddling him as he lays on his back, stroking out a big load across his belly. That's enough to push him over the edge, shooting his hot load deep up inside me.

How does one end a post like this? That's the end, right? We shot our loads, and then we made sandwiches, yes? Maybe not quite... more to cum, I guarantee it. Probably more straightforward gay sex, two horny guys getting off... maybe I'll tell you some Rick stories from years past. Would you like that?5015840145356853840-3628156177411801747?l=sfgaysex.blogspot.com


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