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Joseph – Dr Mike’s Patient I Stealth Pozzed and Earned my BIOHZARD Status and Tat

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Joseph – Dr Mike’s Patient I Stealth Pozzed and Earned my BIOHZARD Status

We all remember our first – our first bike, our first kiss, our first poz stealthing. Joseph was mine and I met Joseph at Dr Mike’s office, twice, as told in “Dr Mike – biohazard and healer Part 3 and 4” as posted on her earlier. Well ‘met’ is not the right word as I was blindfolded, but he gave me his cum and I gave him my ever lasting gift and as a bottom, I am even more proud.

Joseph is married, in his 30s, lawyer, white, very handsome, very very conservative, nice 8 inch dick and all of that. Dr Mike set it up so my bio-hazard ass would do its work, and it did. My reward was the big bio tat on my lower back, proclaiming to one and all my new status, my new identify, my role in service to Dr Mike.

I had gotten my new tat only a few weeks ago and was continuing to be the bareback-cum-taking whore Dr Mike ordered me to be, giving my often bloody ass to any dick that wanted it, hoping to infect and be infected as much as possible.

I was checking email on America Online (AOL) and had a message from a someone I did not recognize:

“Hi – Dr Mike gave me your email, I hope it is OK, he said I could talk to you, you would understand and could be discrete. I have no one else to talk to right now. Several weeks ago found out I was HIV+, so don’t know what to do. – Joe”

Joe? Who the fuck was Joe? I did not reply and two days later got a call from Dr Mike.

My ass started to get wet everytime I heard his voice and I hoped Dr Mike was calling me to tell me he was going to come fuck me, but no, he said, “I understand one of my patients has emailed you and you have not responded. I told him to let me know if he did not heard back. Do you know who Joe is?”

“No, sorry Sir, umm, sorry Dr Mike, I don’t,” I said.

“Joe is your progeny, you are his maker, his death bringer, he is the top you gave your AIDs to, the married guy I had fuck you in my office, now do you realize who he is?” Dr Mike said.

Wow, that guy? Dr Mike told me I had given him the bug when he ordered me to get the tat, but sort of like a someone who gives up their kid to adoption, I did not expect to talk to him, or see him again. Damn, was he pissed at me? Did he want to beat me up for something for this? Why did Dr Mike give him my email?

Dr Mike continued, “Joseph is your responsibility, and has only just begun his journey. DO NOT waste what I have given you. You are a toxic stew of venom that must continue to be passed on, and so you WILL respond to Joseph, you WILL do everything in your power to get him to fuck you more - RAW, and you WILL ensure that he starts fucking other guys raw, as well as his wife, to ensure the infection spreads like it is meant to. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? He needs to be a breeder, a pozzer, he MUST PASS THE AIDs”

Dr Mike continued, “You need to know he thinks you are negative. Well, I told him you were ‘clean’ – and again he assumed what that meant – but more importantly that you did outreach on HIV and AIDs, knew about the issue, and was someone he could speak to as it was important to get out the things he was feeling.”

I could only stammer, “Yes Sir,” as I tried to process this new order from Dr Mike and how the fuck I was supposed to do all that. Dr Mike hung up and so I was left to wonder alone as he clearly assumed I knew what to do. Why would Joseph want to talk to me when I gave him my HIV?

Now frankly, the thought of Joseph/Joe fucking me again was not at all interesting. His dick was nothing special, his cum was weak, he was married for fucks sake! I only let him fuck me for Dr Mike, nothing else, but knew I had to obey so logged into AOL.

I replied to Joseph’s email, told him I was happy to chat with him and received an instant message (IM) back almost immediately. Fuck I hated IMs, I wanted some real dick – no needed some real dick, but knew Dr Mike wanted me to do this so started to chat.

We chatted for almost an hour, about nothing really, the weather, where we lived (he lived out in the suburbs in Maryland – total bum-fuck country for sure) blah blah blah. It was not till near the end that Joseph said, “May I ask you something, do most guys know how they got it? You know, the AIDS? I just don’t understand how I did. I mean Dr Mike told me how it is spread and all but I never done any drugs or taken someone’s nutt. How can I ever have sex again? No one will love me, I can’t even get hard for my wife and there’s no way I can tell her what is going on, but she is getting suspicious that something is up. I have not cummed in weeks and am afraid to even jerk off!”

WHAT? He did not know! Damn – that was fucked up, poor guy had no idea not only how he got the bug, but that it was me who gave it to him.

I was not quite sure what to say, but needed to get him to fuck me, so said, “Look man, testing POZ is not the end of the world. They have AZT and other meds to deal with it now, and as long as you take care of yourself, you’ll be OK. You can also still have sex, there are lots of guys, like me, who don’t mind being with someone who is POZ.”

Joseph replied, “Really? You would with be a with a guy who has AIDs? Let them stick their dick in you?”

I had to tread carefully here, and typed back, “Joe, you don’t have AIDs, just HIV, and there are plenty of ways to still have sex and enjoy it, and if you don’t believe me just come by and let me show you.” There was no response for a long time, but then Joseph sent me a message, “I’m married, and being with guys is really not my thing, but I am horny and Dr Mike said you are OK, so OK, told Katie (that’s my wife) I need to run back to the office, so where do you live?”

I gave Joseph my address, it would take him at least 30-45 minutes to get to my place, so I cleaned up and waited.

It was about 90 minutes later when my doorbell finally rang, so I was a bit pissed, but answered and there was Joseph. He was maybe 5 years older than me, black hair, pretty pale, handsome I guess, about my height but skinnier. I smiled, welcomed him in, and we sat on the couch.

“Thanks man, I umm, I…. well…..” Joseph stammered.

Time for Phase 1 – Show him I care: I put my hand on his right thigh and patted it lightly saying, “It’s OK, it’s hard for everyone,” I said, “But like Dr Mike said, I can help, so come here,” and I reached over and hugged him. Joseph tensed and I thought he might pull away, but he then shivered, relaxed, shivered again and almost whimpered and he then pulled away from me a little, looked me in the eyes, and leaned in to kiss me.

I did not expect that. Married guy fucking me raw, yeah OK, I could handle that, but kissing me, no, and I instinctively pulled back.

“Oh fuck, I’m sorry, I…. don’t know, I…. just… no one has touched me in so long, not even Katie, not since this shit started, I don’t know what…… I..I…knew no one would want me NOW!!!!!.....”, Joseph was rambling like a 4-year old confused by seeing Mommy and Daddy fucking for the first time and trying to explain what he saw to his Sunday School Teacher.

Being the aggressor was NOT me, but I reached over, put my hand on the side of Joseph’s head and said, “Man, it’s OK, you just surprised me that’s all, come here,” and I leaned over and kissed him, soft at first, then with tongue, wishing the entire time it was Dr Mike I was swapping spit with. Within seconds, Joseph was unbuttoning his pants and trying to get fumble them off while he kissed, so hungry for passion and to be loved that we was literally trying to fucking chew my lips off!

I pulled back, “Easy man, easy, I’m not going anywheres, here let me help you.” I then knelt down, helped him get out of his jeans, pulled of his white, Ralph Lauren Polo Shirt, and his loafers (fuck a Yuppie!) and there was his dick. Ugly fucking thing. White, about 8 inches, just the way the veins and the way he was uncut like just made his dick look ugly – cannot really explain except again, new I did not want it, but would do this for Dr Mike. You know what I mean – you just see some dicks and go – no fucking way! ICK!

Time for Phase 2 – Make him think I think his dick is sexy: OK, this was not going to be easy. I bent over and put his dick head in my mouth, which was wet with precum. He was leaking like a bad Dutch damn! His precum was like his cum, weak and watery – how the fuck did he have kids? Anyways, as soon as I put his dick in my mouth he moaned and immediately pushed me away, “I can’t,” he said, “You know, I got, I…. please don’t, please don’t, I got the…” Joseph spouted.

I looked at him, the looks of shame, fear, ecstasy, need, hunger all flashing through his brown eyes, his lips trying to work to say “Suck ME!”, so I did. I deep throated him and Joseph laid back, moaned, and relaxed. I sucked him hard and furious for a only about a minute when he said, “Oh shit, I’m getting close, I….”. I pulled away, waited for Joseph to look at me and then said, “Sucking you like this is very safe as long as you don’t cum in my mouth, but even if you did, I can go rinse out with Listerine or something, so don’t worry OK, just enjoy it. I told you, you could enjoy sex again.”

I then stood up, grabbed his hand, and led Joseph down the hallway to my bedroom. He was still timid like a rabbit, so I pulled him onto the bed, started kissing and rubbing on him, and soon Joseph was kissing me back and his hands went right to my hole, digging and prodding with his dick dripping precum against my abdomen. “So tell me about your tattoos,” Joseph said as he pulled away. “Just some tribal stuff, now do you want to talk or do you want to kiss?” I asked.

I rolled over onto my stomach, leaving Joseph hard, straining, his mouth open as he lay on his side. I did not say a word, just lay there, but he did not move. “Come on man, lay on me, I want to feel you.” Joseph hesitated, but then began to shift his weight and crawled up on me and laid flat on top of me, his weight pushing me down into the mattress. I did not move, he had to learn, and soon he began to rub my arms, shoulders, and grind his hips, moving his precum slicked dick up and down my ass crack, teasing my hole. Every time he got over my hole I moaned as loud as I could, which seemed to startle him the first time, but then he caught on and I think began to target my hole.

We had been doing the rubbing, grinding, moaning thing for a while all the time Joseph was licking my ear and kissing my neck. Normally licking my ear makes me beg to be fucked but even his tongue was ugly. It was soft, squishy, just ughh!!! But again, I just kept thinking about Dr Mike, moaned, and let Joseph know we were just getting started.

Finally I moved my hands back along my sides and as Joseph was back rubbing his slimy dick at my hole, I took my hands, pulled my cheeks apart, bucked my hips and his head made a POP as he went into my ass. “HOLY FUCK –OH SHIT, I AM SO SORRY OH SHIT, I DON’T HAVE A RUBBER, OH SHIT!” Joseph said and started to pull out. “No,” I said as I moved my hands up onto his ass and pulled him into me, “Please, it’s OK, you did nothing wrong, I want you in me, please, it’s OK,” I said.

“It is?” Joseph said, pushing himself up on his arms over me, “But I got, I, you know, I don’t want to give you, I don’t…and I….Don’t have a rubber, I don’t even fuck Katie like this!”

I clamped my hands on his ass and pulled Joseph tight, “It’s OK man, as long as you don’t cum, there’s no real risk, and even then it is small, but still, just to be safe, best not to cum in me,” I wanted him – no needed him – to believe I was trying to stay negative.

Joseph suddenly relaxed, let his weight drop onto me, and started fucking. His dick did not go into my ass, he kept trying to get ‘creative with his motion’ and the result was he just hit the walls, which hurt like hell, but he was moaning and enjoying it, so I pretended too as well.

I reached back, guided his dick deeper into my hole, and let him fuck. He was like a 14-year-old virgin with his first pussy, all rush, bluff, eagerness – and pain and discomfort for me.

Joseph started to breathe heavier, fuck faster, and I knew he must be close, so I clenched my ass as tight as I could and started bucking to meet his thrusts. He did not last long and was soon saying “OH NO< FUCK NO>>>>>OH NOOOOO” as he shot into my ass. I continued to thrust and grind my ass against his dick to milk every drop of POZ cum out of him as Joseph tried to push off me. He finally pulled out, breathing hard, mumbling, “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean,…….fuck, OH, …SORRY,” as he collapsed on the bed beside me.

I turned on my side, reached over, rubbed his face, his eyes opened and looked at me, “It’s OK man, accidents happen, I didn’t know you were close, just thought you fucked loud, but just to be safe I am going to the bathroom to flush out.” So I got up, went into the bathroom, made some noises rummaging in the cabinet under the sink, ran the water, waited a few, flushed the toilet, and went back to the bed.

“Does that…that…what you did…does that stop it?” Joseph asked.

“Well, there is nothing that can truly stop it I guess, but what I just did will help ensure your load is where it is meant to be,” and I did not tell him that was meant to be still snug and deep in my ass. Dr Mike should be pleased, Joseph just pozzed his first ass!!!

Joseph got up, washed off, and ran back to his wife, while I went to sleep with his hot load in my ass. When I got up the next morning there was an email from Joseph on AOL, asking if he could see me at lunch, and he promised he would be more careful, but it felt so good, he wanted to fuck again, and he was sorry about last night, and would do anything if I would let him come by. We’ll see if he would live up to that.

Stay tuned for the next Phases - .....

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Alright Whthole-- about time you stopped taking all that cock and got back on the keyboard-- there are hundreds of us waiting for your next submission ( and not the ones you are ding in the bedroom and stairwells ) <veg>

Absolutely agree!! Wow again!

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  • 4 weeks later...

**The following parts conclude the Joseph story – enjoy**

Time for Phase 3 – Make Joseph Need a Bareback Hole:

Time for Phase 4 – The Wife Finds Out, Teaching Joseph to be a Cheater

Time for Phase 5 – Turning Joseph into a Stealth Pozzer and the Break Up


Time for Phase 3 – Make Joseph Need a Bareback Hole:

Joseph’s email was promising, saying he would do anything if I let him come by and that was promising, so I replied I would meet him at 12:30 at my place, but did not have much time. I also knew that guilt held power and decided to let him feel some shame when I told him, “And man, we can’t do what happened last night, OK? I told you there is minimal risk if you fuck me bareback of me getting your HIV, but you can’t cum in me.” Joseph took a while to respond and typed, “I am SO SORRY, I promise, I won’t do that again, I’ll make sure you know when I am close.” “If I let you fuck me raw again,” I replied and signed off. Let him stew on that for a while.

When I got to my building Joseph was outside in his company car, looked around nervously as he got out and followed me in, and started kissing me in the elevator as soon as the doors closed. As soon as we got in the apartment he was trying to pull my suit pants down and I had to tell him to ease up.

This time when we went to the bedroom Joseph had no hesitation about sticking his raw dick in my ass, - SUCCESSS!!! Dr Mike should be fucking proud of me!!! Joseph fucked fast and furious and this time I let him pull out, shoot on my back, and let him think he had been a good boy.

Joseph now started calling me really early in the morning almost every day so he could stop by on his way to the office or come through during his lunch hour. He never mentioned putting on a condom again, and now started saying how much he loved fucking my ass, feeling my hot, raw hole around his dick every time we fucked.

After about the fourth or fifth time of Joseph fucking me raw and pulling out and shooting on my back, he was over for an early morning fuck and seemed especially horny.

“Katie tried to get me to fuck her last night,” Joseph said as he was laying on top of me with his dick up my ass, slowly grinding his raw dick around in my hole. “She sucked me for a while, got me really hard, then when I went to put on the condom to fuck her I got totally soft. All I could think about was your ass and how good it feels when I fuck you. I just couldn’t do it, she then tried sucking me off and that didn’t work either, so too afraid of…..well you know.”

“It’s OK man, you know you can fuck me, I want to take it for you, fuck me like you want to fuck Katie, you dick feels SOOOO GOOD inside me, oh please don’t stop,” I said.

“Oh yeah, I need your ass, I need you, will you let me keep fucking you?” Joseph asked, “Can I fuck you? I need to cum so bad.” Joseph started fucking harder, breathing hard as my ear as he tried spreading my cheeks with his hands to get deeper up my hole.

He started saying, “Oh yeah, got such a big load, I need to shoot, so much cum, damn….damn…I love fucking you like this, just love fucking you.” I could tell Joseph was getting close and put my hands back to gently push him off me and said, “Ok man, now when you close just remember to pull out, OK?”

Joseph did not respond, just fucked harder and faster, and pushed at him a little more and said, “Come man, pull out – don’t cum in me!” Raising my voice a little to make him think I did not want it. This seemed to excite him as he used his hands, brought my wrists around and up by my head and started fucking faster and breathing hard.

I struggled a little for affect, “No man, please, don’t cum in me again, PLEASE DON’T” GIVE ME YOUR AIDS!” That pushed Joseph over the edge as he said, “OH GOD…YES…FUCK…CUMMING IN YOU, CUMMING…AAAHHHH – AH AH!”

Joseph did not pull right off this time like the first time, and worked his poz cum around and into my hole while still holding me down. He then rolled off, I rolled onto my side and looked at him and he was just smiling, “I’m really sorry,” Joseph said, “I just – fuck I LOVE fucking you and I needed to cum so bad, and pulling out just leaves me backed up, can’t cum like I want like that, I’m sorry – Ok – just go wash out or do what you did before. You said that worked right?” I tried not to smile, and gave him a disgusted, glowering look.

I rolled over, got up and started to walk to the bathroom when Joseph said, “Wait, come here.” So I walked back and he was now sitting on the edge of the bed. He turned me around, had me bend forward, spread my cheeks, “FUCK! I can see my cum coming out of your ass – DAMN – your pink hole so wet – hmmmm…..” and with that Joseph started lapping at my hole, licking at the cum he just gave me, and darted his tongue inside my ass.

Joseph licked at me like a man who just found water in the desert, noising grunting, sloppy tongue, muffled by my ass around his face. “Bend over the bed,” Joseph said as he stood up, turned me around, and when I bent over stuck his dick back up my ass. “FUCK YOUR HOLE IS WET – I need to cum again – will you take it for me please? Huh? Will you please let me cum???”

The desire and need in his voice was what I had to hear, and knew he was now addicted to fucking hole raw, and cumming in it like the breeder top that he was. “Yeah man, I’ll take your cum, please breed me with your cum, please cum in me again,” I said. Joseph loved that and fucked deep and hard and gave me another load. He licked this one out too, then kissed me, swirling his cum covered tongue around my mouth and this time his load seemed thick, creamy, and I enjoyed the pungent taste.

The look of joy on Joseph’s face when he pulled away from kissing me was amazing. He was free. Free to fuck how he wanted, free to cum in raw, and free to spread his AIDs filled DNA – although he had not made that connection yet. I went to the bathroom, pretended to clean out, came out and saw Joseph off. At the door he hugged me, kissed me again and said, “Thank you. Thank you for letting me cum inside you. I loved that so much, can I come back later?”

When I got home from work I had two email messages from Joseph saying how sorry he was for what he did and a voicemail asking if he could come through on his way home. I also had a voicemail from Dr Mike. I called his private office number and Dr. Mike picked up on the second ring, “This is Dr Mike, yes, I expected you to call a little earlier as I had a specially arranged treatment for you with someone from out of town, but that must now unfortunately wait.” I started to apologize when Dr, Mike cut me off.

“No, I did not ask for you to speak,” Dr Mike said, “Just listen. I was quite unhappy about that, but then I received an urgent phone call from Joseph late this morning who demanded I speak with him right away. So I stepped out of the exam room and took his call. He is concerned about you, more like frantic at the time. He told me what happened, everything, about you letting him come over that first night, what you told him, how you let him come back, and he fucked your raw but never came in you again until this morning. Joseph is, shall we say, feeling guilt and conflicted. I could hear the desire and need in his voice when he discussed fucking you raw, but he feels guilty as well knowing he has HIV and asked me to check on you as he is afraid you are angry for what he did, that he hurt you, and wanted me to make sure you are OK.”

Wow, I was not sure what to think now and just kept listening as Dr Mike went on. “ You have no idea how pleased I am and how proud of you I am,” he said. “You have followed my orders exactly and you will continue to do so. You know what else is expected of you with Joseph and he will now do anything that you wish. Do you know why?”

I said nothing, waiting, “You may speak now,” Dr Mike said. “Umm no Sir, no Dr Mike, I don’t know, maybe because he likes it?”

Dr Mike laughed and said, “No, no, Joseph will do anything you want now because the man loves you. Not in the same way he may love his wife, but he does, I could hear it in his voice, he is in love with you. Use that as you must and finish this task and remember that you are MINE. I have other treatments I need you to be prepared for and he is taking up valuable time. Now, I have updated your chart. Call Joseph as soon as we are done and have him come over, but just to fuck and cum and have him out of your apartment by 8:00 p.m.. I told you I was proud of and will be there at 8:05 sharp to show you how well you have pleased me.”

Dr Mike hung up the phone and I just stood there a minute and tried to process what he just told me. I knew what Dr Mike expected of me and so began to plan my next steps with Joseph. In the meantime, I needed t get him back here and get some more of his cum as Dr Mike was coming, and my ass would be ready for any abuse he would give me as I needed to feel Dr Mike inside me and was so happy I had pleased him. I knew tonight I would go to bed with my ass throbbing and Dr Mike’s AIDs filled cum coating my guts.

Time for Phase 4 – The Wife Finds Out, Teaching Joseph to be a Cheater

Joseph and I worked out a regular routine. He came by my apartment early on his way to the office almost every morning. As soon as he walked in the door he started kissing me and stripping and the second I was on the bed his raw dick was in my ass. He said he told Katie he had a big project at work that included one of the firm’s offices in London, which was why he was going in early because of the time difference and all.

Fucking me missionary style was Joseph’s position, he did not like anything else, which was OK. He would whisper in my ear while fucking me how much he loved being in my ass, my ass felt so good, he needed my hole, how he wanted to cum in me so me bad and asking if I liked his dick.

I started being more verbal, and pushing his feelings for me by saying, “I love you inside me, I need you to fuck me, make me yours, let me be yours, please give me your cum, I need your cum, I told you you would be loved again.” Joseph moaned and groaned every time I said that stuff, and the more we fucked I even started saying, “Give me your AIDs, make me yours, breed me with your cum so you will be with me always!” That always really turned him on and usually made him shoot pretty quick. I knew then he was committed to pozzing as he was giving me load after load of his infected cum and never apologized again for it.

This had been going on for about three weeks I guess and when I logged onto AOL there were several frantic emails from Joseph, but from a different screen name.

“PLEASE call me at the office, Katie found my emails to you, we had a big fight, please call!”

“Katie is so mad, she accused me of having an affair, I need to talk, please call me.”

“She says she wants a divorce, threatening to take the kids, tell everyone, where are you?”

“I can’t take this – oh God, I need to see you.”

Shit. That’s not good. I called Joseph, he was a wreck, told me the whole long story. Basically Katie had become suspicious since they stopped having sex. Then when Joseph started working weird hours she called the office a few times and he was not there, so she knew something was up. Katie started digging around their house, found his AOL password, logged in, and found some of the emails Joseph had sent to me. Now, the only emails Joseph had saved, and the ones she found were pretty bland compared to the IMs and nasty chats we had, but they were enough for her to realize the truth, that Joseph was spending time with someone else and it was a guy.

I had no idea how to handle this type of thing, suggested he call Dr Mike, and if he wanted to come over would let him fuck me as I knew that made him feel better. Joseph laughed and said, “Oh, you know I love being inside you, but I have to try to fix this. I can’t lose Katie and the boys, or my job.”

I did not hear from Joseph for a few days, but then I get an IM on AOL. I asked how he is doing and he said fine, that he an Katie had been talking, she knew everything, he had told her that he had realized he was bisexual and that he had met me online and I had been become his friend and had been encouraging him to open up to his wife and tell her the truth and had been helping him deal with his feelings. He said Katie had been pretty understanding once he explained all that, said she always suspected something like that, that she loved him, and if this was what he needed, she did not like it, but would stay with him as long as he was honest. Joseph also said he assured her that he had never had unprotected sex or any sex at all with a guy, even me - yet. Katie wanted to talk to me and meet me, would I be willing to come to their house for dinner Saturday night?

Fuck that! This was too weird even for me, but I remembered Dr Mike’s instructions and said OK, and so I was ready at 5:00 p.m. when Joseph came to pick me up. I opened the door and invited Joseph in, but he said we should get going, but I told him I needed a minute, stepped back in, closed the door, dropped my shorts and bent over, wiggling my ass in front of him.

“Please fuck me,” I said, “I want you so bad, have missed you so much, please give me your cum, please.”

“What about Katie? I told her I wouldn’t do this, especially without a condom,” Joseph said, while rubbing the instant hard on in his pants. “She won’t know, I promise,” I said, and bent over in the living room, took a quick nutt from Joseph and rode with him to his house to meet his wife, while his cum worked its way around inside me.

Well as you can imagine the evening was beyond weird. Katie was nice looking, typical suburban housewife, and pleasant considering I was the other ‘woman’. I expected some nasty talk, anger, or something, but she tried to be very pleasant, asked about me, my life, my work, and said several times how nice it was that, “..Joseph found a friend like you to help him through this…” Little did she know part of that help was milking his AIDs dick and his charged load was leaking out of my hole as I sat at her dining room table eating lasagna.

The only time things got serious was when I was helping her clean up while Joseph went to let out the dogs and she said in a whisper, “You do play safe don’t you? “ I just shook my head yes, Katie continued cleaning up and we went back to chatting about nothing. The three of us then went and sat in the TV room and started to watch a movie, when a car pulled up.

Joseph said, “That’s Katie’s parents bringing the boys home,” as Katie got up and went out to meet them and we heard the security alarm beep from the front door opening and closing. As soon as I heard the beep I unbuttoned my shorts and looked at Joseph and said, “Fuck me.” He looked shocked, confused, he looked toward the front of the house, back at my ass, unzipped his pants and his hard dick was in my hole in a flash.

“I need you Joseph, I need your cum again, please make me like you, please, please poz me, please give it to me, please let me love you!” I said. Joseph was moaning and in heat like a Rottweiler on a bitch he cornered in the yard. He lasted maybe all of 60 seconds before he shot a thick load into my ass and I quickly turned around, knelt down, licked his dick clean, pulled my shorts up and sat back on the couch.

Poor Joseph looked a little stunned, buttoned his pants, and we sat there for a couple more minutes before we heard the car start to drive away, the front door alarm beep, and then the voices of his two boys and Katie. She came in with the boys, introduced us, asked what she had missed and I said, “The movie has been pretty slow, you didn’t miss a thing.”

We exchanged a pleasant good bye and nice to meet you and Joseph then drove me home. I assumed he would just drop me off, but he said no, he told Katie he may stay for a while to just tallk, so he came up, I offered him a drink, we sat on the couch, and Joseph held me as we watched a little TV.

Joseph let out a few deep breaths and said, “Thank you,” as he kissed me. “I know tonight must not have been comfortable for you, but this was the only way Katie would stay with me. She said she needed to meet you, to make sure I was not putting her or the boys in danger somehow. She said she did not understand why I needed to be with you/someone else and I guess I don’t really either. I just know I need to be with you,” and he kissed me some more.

“I’m not really sorry you know,” Joseph said. “About what?” I asked. “About cumming in you. I need you to stay with me and I cannot tell you how good you make me feel when we are together and when I cum, I have never felt anything like that, not even with Katie. I promised Katie we would just chat for a bit, but she will never know will she?”

I smiled, kissed Joseph, and said, “If you want me to stay with you, you need to give me some more of that cum to make me yours.” Joseph grinned wide, stood up, undressed, and fucked me on the floor of the hallway and gave me another big load.

Time for Phase 5 – Turning Joseph into a Stealth Pozzer and the Break Up

Joseph and I saw each other almost every morning again to chat and workout. That’s what Katie thought, but we spent almost every minute with Joseph’s dick in my ass. The next morning we fucked after the visit to his house I did not go to the bathroom to ‘clean out’ the infected cum. Joseph did not say anything until about the fourth time I didn’t do that when he said, “You know I like cumming in you and all, but I thought you needed to clean out after. You know to be safe, I don’t want to give you my AIDs and HIV.”

“Don’t worry man,” I said, “I got tested by Dr Mike and he said I was ok. Anyways, knowing you are fucking me with AIDs cum is really hot and dangerous, and like I told you, I want you to make me yours any way that you want.” Joseph kissed me deep, rubbed my ass, “You do? You like that? Really?” he asked.

“Oh yeah,” I said, “Lots of guys get into that, especially negative bottoms, the danger of it makes it so fucking exciting especially if you don’t know for sure about the top whether he is positive or not. And as a top, fuck, if they will let you fuck them without a condom just don’t say anything, just get off on knowing you get some raw ass and you get to give them something of you if the HIV takes.” I laughed, little did he know I was setting him for the final phase.

Katie had Joseph invite me to go on a day trip with them, and while still weird, it was not as bad as the first night. She seemed more relaxed and told me Joseph was happier then she had every seen him, and thank you for being his friend. Once again I had his cum up my ass while she is saying this to me, but played my role. Katie even called me a couple times, once to tell me Joseph was not feeling well and would not make our morning workout, another to invite me to the barbeque festival in downtown Washington, DC.

Joseph did not pick me up this time, and I met him, Katie, and their kids at the festival. It was a warm spring day, lots of beer and good food and every time Katie was out of ear shot Joseph told me how much he wanted to fuck me. As the day wore on, Joseph and Katie both got a little more buzzed and the talk turned to us as soon as Katie’s parents had met up with us and took the kids off for a bit.

Katie said, “I just wanted to say again thank you for what you have done for Joseph. I love him, I really do, and I don’t understand all this, but, I am willing to try. So we have been talking and I told Joseph that it is OK with me if you two want to have sex. But, there are two conditions, you need to be safe of course, but I also want you to do it at the house, in our bed, with me there. I need to be with Joseph and if this is what it takes, I am willing.”

I was stunned, am sure my mouth was open as I looked from Katie, to Joseph, and back. Joseph had not said a word and I was sort of pissed to have this sprung on me. I said I need some more beer and got up and went to the beer booth. Joseph caught up with me, “I am so sorry. I had no idea Katie was going to do that. Yes we had talked about, but only as a way to get her to quit asking me to fuck her. She makes me put on a condom every time and I hate that, I won’t do it, not anymore. Maybe with you there she will see it is OK for me to fuck her without one like I fuck you.”

“Do you plan on telling her you have HIV,” I asked? “Hmm, I…no…I don’t think..” Joseph stammered. “That’s between you and her man, you can tell her or just fuck her raw and she will realize how much she likes it and then it won’t matter.” I said. “Let’s go back.”

We found Katie, had several more beers, and Joseph was more and more handsy with me, which was pissing Katie off and making me feel uncomfortable. Joseph even said, “You know I love you don’t you,” to me once when Katie went to get beers. OK – time to wrap this drama up.

As the afternoon wore on, Katie said they should go find her parents and head home. Joseph said he wanted to stay and hang with me, Katie glared at me, then left to find her parents. Joseph could only say he wanted to fuck me, so we started to walk towards my apartment. A few blocks north of the where the festival was happening was an adult bookstore with a video arcade in the back. At this point Joseph was up for anything so I told him it would be hot to fuck in there and let other guys watch him cum in me. He was hard and agreed, so we paid the cover, got some tokens and wandered into the back.

There was a pretty good crowd, and this was not a place that the pretty boys went. Real mix here, with a lot of homeless guys, druggies, and others looking to make a quick buck for a fix. I was on a mission, found and empty room without a door, pulled Joseph in, undid his pants, sucked him hard and bent over. Joseph hesitated at first, but stuck his hard dick in my ass and fucked. We were soon joined by a middle-aged white guy with an average dick who got in front of me and I sucked him off while Joseph fucked me. Joseph seemed to like that and got really loud when he cummed in me, letting everyone know my ass was now lubed.

Joseph pulled out, standing there with his slicked up dick, which was now being eyed by a little white twink boy from the doorway who had just walked up and missed the action, but saw a nice dick. I pulled my pants up, walked to the door and said, “Hey man, what’s up? My friend here is married, trying to get him to get a bit freaky, you interested?”

The boy looked at me, at Joseph who was now stroking his dick and looking at us, and said, “I can’t man. He has a nice dick though, but I’m negative and only fuck safe.” I leaned in and said quietly, “No worries with him man, like I said, he is married, totally clean, always wears a condom even with his wife, and I had to get him totally drunk to come in here.”

The twink boy looked at Joseph again, nodded, and I said, “Ok, one sec.” I went over to Joseph and said, “That boy over there really wants to get fucked, he is negative, but I told him you were married and always fucked safe. I really want to see you fuck someone – not bring them home – something here where we never see them again – would you do that for me?”

There was a mixture of curiosity, desire, but also pain and hurt in Joseph’s eyes as he looked at me, the boy, then back at me. I leaned in and said, “But you don’t have to put one on, just say you are, fuck him like you fuck me, - I want to watch you give him your AIDs cum.” Joseph looked at me again, desire taking over through the haze of liquor, so I motioned for the boy to come in, told him to bend forward and suck my dick while my buddy fucked him.

The twink pulled out a condom and a little packet of lube, handed it to Joseph, who ripped it open, dropped the wrapper in front of the boy, who now feeling sure of a safe fuck, started sucking my dick. He did not see Joseph throw the condom into the dark corner behind us. I started getting verbal to make sure there was some noise, as Joseph positioned himself. The boy went to reach around toward Joseph’s dick, but I took my hands, pinned his arms to his side, and skull fucked him. Joseph lubed his dick, pushed it in and the boy tried to pull away. I don’t know if it was because it was too big, or he felt it was raw, but I held him tight with my cock in his throat and hands holding his arms.

Joseph was fucking him raw and put his hands on the boy’s shoulders to pull him back onto his thrusts, leaned forward as did I and we started to kiss. Joseph was moaning, kissing me hard, and I knew he was enjoying it. I pulled away a little and whispered, “Fuck him good now, like you want, I want to see you cum.” We had a small crowd of a couple guys now at the door watching us sandwich the twink and soon Joseph grunted, moaned, and tensed and I knew he was going to cum. Getting sucked is not my thing, but knowing Joseph was giving this negative boy his AIDs cum, made me unload, so the boy got two charged loads at the same time, one in each end. We both pulled out, the boy wiped his mouth and quickly left the room. Joseph and I pulled up our pants and he did not say a word.

“Did you enjoy that?” I asked. Joseph nodded, and I said, “Don’t worry, lots of guys will say they are negative, but will not stop you if you try to fuck them raw. You are a breeding top. You need to give your DNA.” Joseph looked at me a little confused, but nodded and we started walking around some more. We were still really buzzed and I was not done yet, and about 10 minutes later I found what I needed. There was an older black guy, late 40s I would say, balding, not attractive, heavy build, and he was standing in a room watching a video flicker on the screen jacking a big, thick dick. He was easily 10 inches and the second time I passed, stopped and stared, he looked at me, did not react, and went back to watching his movie.

Joseph said he wanted to go and I said, “No, one more thing to try, I want you to watch me get fucked, then you fuck me after, OK?” Joseph looked really hurt this time, but shook his head so I said, “Wait here a sec,” and stepped into the room with the black guy.

“Hi, amazing dick man. Look, I’m here with a married buddy. He likes fucking me and just gave me a load, but wants to watch me get another load from a really big dick – you up for it?” The guy’s expression did not change, but his dick got stiffer, he said “Oh yeah, I enjoy a good cummy white ass.” I motioned Joseph into the room, pulled my pants down, started sucking the black guy who got rock hard pretty quickly, and motioned Joseph closer so I could stroke on his dick at the same time. I pulled off the black dick, sucked Joseph a few times, went back to the black guy who was now super hard. I stood up, bent over in front of Joseph and started sucking his dick. He put his hands on my head and was rubbing my head while I felt the black guy shift behind me, and his fingers dig into my ass, scraping at my gut walls. It seems lots of tops who want to breed do that – dig that ass good and get it tore up to receive the gift.

I pushed my ass back onto his fingers, moaned, and felt that huge black dick stretch my hole open using Joseph’s cum to allow it to slide in. What resistance there was was soon overcome by the force of his dick, and he was soon balls deep and the sounds of his hips hitting my raw ass filled the little video booth.

“NICE cummy ass – oohh that’s good, I love fucking a white hole like that – oh yeah – you want to see your boy take my cum man? You want to see him be my bitch? Be my white bitch? OH YEAH!!!” the black guy said as he cummed thick hot stream after stream of cum in me. He pulled out, slapped my ass, said, “Thanks for that,” and left the room. I stood up and asked Joseph, “Do you want to lick my ass?” He face got all contorted in disgust as I reached out, swabbed my finger up my hole, and brought it up to my mouth, licked it and said, “Hmmm, tastes good.”

Joseph said, “No, that’s disgusting, you don’t know anything about him. You just let him cum in you like that. I don’t….. I thought you wanted to be with me, I was going…”

“It’s OK man, chill,” I said, “We’re just having fun. Now fuck me, feel how good it feels with all that cum up there now.” I turned around, Joseph’s hard dick easily slid into my ass and I rode him hard, bouncing back on his cock and getting him close as he moaned and groaned louder and louder. When I knew he was close I pulled off, said, “I want to talk around some more,” and left the room, leaving Joseph behind.

I quickly found one of the guys who had been watching earlier, and his dick was about the size of Joseph’s so dropped my pants, bent over, and let him fuck me. I soon had a dick at my mouth and started sucking and after a minute saw to the right that Joseph had found me and was standing in the door watching me get two dicks from total strangers. He looked pissed and walked away.

The guy fucking me came, and the guy I was sucking then went to fuck me but pulled out a condom and I stopped him, “No man, raw only.” He paused, shrugged, then gave me his dick and after a while his load too. I was losing count, but the cum was running out my hole and the last guy had left a wad of tissue on the floor so I grabbed it, used the side that was dry to wipe myself off a little, and went to find Joseph.

I found Joseph towards the front in a room and he was fucking a very feminine looking guy raw who was squealing and calling Joseph daddy. There was a another young guy buck ass naked with a pile of clothes at his feet rubbing Joseph’s nipples and kissing him on the shoulder. Joseph saw me, I smiled, he turned back and kept fucking. Good – the plan was working.

Now for the finale, I wandered the halls, checked the rooms, and scoped out who had the biggest and nastiest dicks. I saw a couple black homeless guys that I had fucked with before at the main library when I was there with Carl. Carl was a homeless vet I met through Dr Mike as told in the story Carl – The Homeless Dick Gangbang in the Library and Matt the War Hero.

The two were in their mid-30s I guess, very rough and thuggish looking, were always together, never said much, but for a $10 bill would do anything, and I mean anything. They smelled like god-awful hell, but they each had HUGE DICKs, well over 10 inches and thick, and fucked to hurt. One of them also had an ongoing case of gonorrhea, so his dick was especially nasty. I gave them each $10 with a promise of at least two loads in my ass from each of them, another $10 for their bottle of new poppers, $10 for the big bottle of cheap ass beer they had in a bag, and told them I would give them $5 more for every dick they found to fuck me to – along with some very special instructions – and a generous tip at the end.

The instructions were to make sure to find and tell Joseph once they got started and that they had a whore they were pimping out they were looking for only AIDs and STD filled dicks to breed him even though they had promised him they were negative and clean.

We went into one of the larger booths at the back, the two guys plopped out their big dicks, I licked the first one clean, got him hard, and he then got behind me and slid right in. He fucked rough, so had to brace myself against the other guy as I licked the gonorrhea slime off his dick head. I stopped them, guzzled from the beer bottle I bought from them, opened the poppers and took a big hit. The guy with the gonorrhea dick then left and the one fucking me pushed me up against the wall, pressed his arm across my neck to hold me in place and slam fucked. I was moaning, saying “Oh fuck that hurts, don’t stop,” and more. Soon he pulled out, I turned around and some other dude was there. I backed up on the new dick while I sucked on the homeless guy who was just fucking me.

The homeless guy started to get close, told the other guy to step off a sec, slammed into my ass and gave me his nutt, yanked out, the other guy stuck his dick back in, and the homeless guy put his dick back in my mouth.

It was covered with a hot mix of cum from Joseph, the other black man, him, and more. Joseph would see what a true cum whore I was for Dr Mike. The guy fucking me shot his load, pulled out and left. The homeless guy with the gonorrhea dick came back, had two other guys with him, but first he took me to the side and whispered, “Yo man, found your boy. He was up in some drag queen shit, anyways, told him like you said, even plopped out Mr. Willie here to show him how you had cleaned my green juice off real good and we wanted to fill you with AIDs and shit. He did not look happy yo, no yo, no when he asked what this white guy looked like and I told him.”

I smiled, said thanks, took several more big swallows of the beer, bent back over in the middle of the room and was immediately stuffed at both ends. I knew the guy in my ass was gonorrhea dick as he fucked rough and talked nasty, “Got us some fucked up pussy here, nice pussy, this pussy TIGHT YO! Gonna nutt up all in that pussy yo, big fuck nutt.” I had no idea who the guy was I was sucking and did not care.

The dicks and cum kept coming and once, I thought I saw Joseph at the door, but there was someone standing in the way so was not sure. My two homeless pals were true to their word and gave me multiple loads each in my ass, and brought several guys through, most of whom came in my ass, a few down my throat. The last guy was the black guy who had fucked me first and this time my ass squished and made noise with every thrust.

The buzz from the beer was wearing off, my legs hurt like hell, I had cum flowing out my ass, and decided it was time to find Joseph and head out. I borrowed a towel from the homeless guys bag, wiped off, got dressed and went looking for Joseph. I did not find him, so decided to leave and go home. As I stepped outside, it was now dusk and Joseph was nowhere to be seen.

I stopped at the liquor store, got home, but did not shower as I had plans for later. I got online and as I expected, there was an IM almost immediately from Joseph. He said, “So – did you get enough?” He was clearly angry, and hurt, so I tried to make light of it and said, “I had a good time man. I did not realize how much fun getting fucked raw and taking cum could, thank you for teaching me that.”

Joseph responded, “You were supposed to be just mine. Mine, no one elses. You should not have let them all fuck you?”

“All who Joseph? Were you watching? You want to come over and eat all their cum out of my ass? I bet I got lots of AIDs cum today. How many holes did you fuck? I saw you fucking other guys and that was all you – your choice, I did not ask you to do that,” I typed back.

There was a long pause, then Joseph’s last message was, “You’re right, I’m sorry. I guess I just thought that we….. Well never mind. It doesn’t matter. I need to go. Katie knows something is wrong and so I have to go.”

Well, things seemed to have worked out I thought. I believe I accomplished everything Dr Mike wanted, I got Joseph to fuck me raw, got him to fuck other guys raw and stealth them, and Joseph was now a poz breeder. Would he fuck Katie? I don’t know, I sort of hoped not, but I could not get attached and Joseph wanted far more than my biohazard ass.

The evening was not going to be a total bust though as I had arranged for the two homeless guys who pimped me out in the video booth to come over for the night for $50 each. I promised them all the ass they could take, a hot shower, I would wash their clothes while they were here, food, a place to smoke and party that was safe and dry, and an offer to feel free to pimp me out some more and I would make it worth everyone’s while – basically I was their bitch. They said they knew two younger boys who hung out at Franklin Square Park, one just got out of jail, both had at least 11 inches and they had all gangbanged some white bitches together at a crack house before so they knew these guys were down for anything rough, freaky, and nasty. With any luck, I would have a lot for Dr Mike to add to his file, so time to get ready.


I never saw Joseph again. I did get a couple emails from Katie asking what had happened, that Joseph would not talk to her about it, but she knew we had a fight or something. I just told her she had to talk to him.

Dr Mike was VERY pleased with me when I reported in and ordered me home from work early so he could show me how much I pleased him. Several weeks later Dr Mike mentioned Joseph, said he had seen him a few times as Joseph was now a regular at a bookstore in Maryland and one of the asses he bred and seeded, gave him something in return. He said Joseph asked about me, wondered if he should get in touch, and that Dr Mike had said he would pass the message along, but probably not, as I had tested HIV+ and that I had been infected with the same strain Joseph had. He did not say Joseph infected me, but Joseph assumed that, said he was so sorry, and Dr Mike said he assured him I was being treated appropriately and was doing very well with my regimen.

Now, for the rest of my evening, the homeless guys came through. I got used, filled with black dick, cum, pimped out, and more, as I was their white cum whore and bitch, and that is a story for another time.

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Hey whthole- thanks for another great Dr Mike story installation-- been bouncing back and forth between reading it and shoving a new, 31 inch long dildo called a colon snake, up my hole. FUCk- have to be up at 4 am for work, but may just still have to run to the sex club this evening for some seeding before I can sleep-- thanks again bud

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