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Celebrity Hook ups


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I haven't hooked up with a movie star or anything, but a while ago I placed an ad for older tops and got a response by a guy who was visiting from America. He emailed me from his business email address. He was a reasonably well-known motivational/business speaker, "happily married" with kids, great fuck.

I've had a change of mind recently and probably wouldn't get fucked by a married man anymore because cheating is cheating and people get hurt by it, but at the time it was great.

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A guy I fucked around with last December swears on his life that Chris Brown tried to pick him up after a concert in Germany. This was before he got famous and before the Rihanna incident.

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I lived in Southern Missouri ( USA) back in the late 70's, and other than cruising the park, there was not much else to do in that town for hooking up. I was out one night cruising, and this 45- 55ish guy came cruising thru in his Caddilac, stopped and chatted with me, and invited me back to his place. Nice, sort of very upscale neighborhood and ornate house. We played,all I really can recall of him was his cock was short and the fucking hair went from the ballsac to the tip of the cock- and it hurt / irritated my hole as he fucked me. We played a while, took a break, and he turned on the TV to see what was on. Breaking news was crawling about a failed rescue mission in Iran of US hostages-- he got all engrossed in the news, and after a few minutes suggested we probably should call it a night. It wasn't until about a week later when I spotted a picture of the Congressman in the local paper that I had the lightbulb go off in my head. I sure hope Senators and Presidents fuck better than Congressmen do <g>

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I hooked up at the baths with a guy I recognized from a soap opera. Not a major star or anything but when he introduced himself by first name I said "I know, I enjoy your work." thiswas after we had been sucking each others dicks for about half an hour so it was not a come on line

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