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herpes outbreak- dealing with itching, burning, pain

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I'm fortunate to have come away from my years of decadence with a relatively mild case of herpes. It flares up far more regularly than I'd like but the lesion is almost always the same one in the same place. Stress and lack of sleep is usually what sets it off, but any stress on the area like lots of rough fucking, a night of fisting or even biking with a g-string are trouble. I usually nip outbreaks before they happen with Valtrex. If I know I have a rough patch coming, I take the Valtrex and it keeps things under control.

That said... it's been a few years and I still have a bitch of a time identifying the early symptoms relative to the average soreness of a well ridden hole... sometimes the sore is there before I can get to the Valtrex and once the sore is going the Valtrex doesn't seem to help much.

What does help... and it's evil... is rubbing alcohol.

yes, it fucking feels like you're putting Absorbine Jr on your hole. But you know what else...? Cures the fucking blister in 3 days. After I shower in the morning, I dab a cotton ball with sulphuric acid.... I mean rubbing alcohol (seriously, I was joking) and gingerly dab it onto the sore. If you have a low pain thresh hold you may want to bite on a towel. The searing pain goes fast... after that it's a milder sting. If you can stand it, wedge the cotton ball in place and keep it there for 30-60 minutes under your underwear. Every time I take a dump, I clean the area with a wet wipe (toilet paper irritates the already irritated skin...) and re-nuke the sore with alcohol. Repeat one last time before bed. I typically only leave the swab on the sore once a day, the other times is only application for a few seconds.

I can't verify clinically why this works, but it seems to keep the area sterile and short-circuits whatever conditions the herpes virus likes.

Don't apply any moisturizer to the area until the lesion is gone. Vitamin e is my whore-go-to magic remedy, but NOT for a herpes lesion which seems to gorge on the stuff like mother's milk.

Good luck and remember, herpes sucks, but getting it was a lot of fun hard work.

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I agree with JizzDumpWI, we all have our own pattern as mine is over exposure to sunlight and a sizeable amount of stress. So, I manage how much sun I get and just stay cool headed when things get rough. I think stress plays a major role in outbreaks, in my opinion.

In terms of treatment, I've used acyclovir in my first outbreak and it helped. My second outbreaks, I did some research and I took this supplement called L-Lysine, about 1200mg per day and it subsided after 3 days. Apparently, the virus feeds off a certain type of protein called argenine (abundant in protein shake supplement for muscle building) and L-lysine actually looks a bit like agrenine molecularly, so basically when you supplement L-Lysine, you feed the virus the wrong type of food and they die.

I continue to take 600 mg of L-Lysine everyday and have not had a breakout for about 3 years already. So, maybe you can give it a go and see how your body reacts to it. ;)

Good luck.

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