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Screw Snowden


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Guest slobbvers

Snowden is a high school drop out who has watched the Bourne movies and bought into the plot. He told the Washington Post "reprter" that the NSA will take out the reporter just for talking to Snowden. Max Boot has been reporting about Snowden this past week for Commentary magazine. http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2013/06/12/snowdens-quest-isnt-about-civil-liberties/

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My apologies for not knowing who he is. I was focused on the policy and the hypocritical response from much of our government. I completely missed the guy responsible for bring this into public view.

My take is why the surprise? The Patriot Act basically allowed various sections of our government do do almost anything they please. Plus, our sense of privacy is reduced or violated daily by almost every business interest.

I see your point. Another man on this forum told me in a phone conversation that the U.S. govm't probably scrutinizes this & similar websites. Wouldn't surprise me a bit. As far as privacy is concerned - well, that's more than likely a lost cause.

Onward i lurch and stumble my way, anyway.

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