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tumblr removes adult blogs from google search and from tagging system

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Saw this today - it reminds me of Joe Hill's old quote, "Don't mourn, organize!" What can we do about this? Start our own blogging site and run it on a non-profit basis? Show up to tumblr headquarters and hold a protest? Contact groups like the national coalition against censorship?


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On one hand, the only reason I ever go on Tumblr is for porn, so if they do away with that, they've lost a visitor.

On the other hand, all they have taken away is the ability to search for it through search engines, which I never have done and wonder if many others do. Once you get to one Tumblr, you just find the next one by either clicking on one the blogs that the blog creator follows, or on the users that liked that pic. Their latest action is annoying, but not totally destructive.

If the community wanted to strike a revenge note, they could start up different websites that provide index links to various Tumblrs that have pics that they like. As long as those are kept updated it would give people wanting to find adult Tumblr blogs the necessary head start.

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  • Administrators

Please read this post - explains where things stand.


Things aren't all that bad - they've backed down from the worst of what they did.

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