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Strange response

Bottom Jim

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When I post on cl I say pics for trade. I usually want to trade face pics as that tells me something about the top. I had one guy who said cool and I sent him a face pic. He responded with a dick pic. I said I would like a face pic and he sent a different dick pic. I know what a dick looks like. When a top is so evasive I usually say no thanks

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If your meeting at a neutral location a face pic is despecially important. Guys who won't give a face pic in kind are usally closet cases or paranoid married guys cheating on the wife. I tend to steer clear of those types to begin with.

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Guest JizzDumpWI

Yep indeed! You've shown ONE of the many ways to screen out the crazies when looking to hook up. The photo game; I tend to refer to them as "photo collectors" although in some cases they just send photos completely different than asked.

My over simplification is along the line of: Ask for A, get Z about three times and either they aren't paying attention; or aren't able to; or they have something to hide. Variations from the askee POV; a guy asks for face shot. Send that. Then they ask for body shot, send that. Then they ask for (insert any of the myriad variations here) shot. If they ask again after #3 then I think they are just collecting photos and wouldn't meet no matter what. I typically open with those three photos (face, body, ass). If that isn't good enough, I stop the interaction.

Or they keep asking other questions. We answer. They ask something else, we answer, They ask yet another question, we answer. Then they ask the first question again.... WTF?

Bottom line, you've identified a valid screening technique. Trust it.

Maybe those of us here should call the processes specific names; like the "photo collector"; the "recycling questioner"; the "perpetual no show".

Edited by JizzDumpWI
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