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Do I tell him he's hurting me?


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Here is a bit of a surprise update since so many of you genuinely seem to care. I found out this morning that I have fractures in the 7th, 8th, and 9th rib. No wonder I still hurt so bad 10 days later. When I read some of the responses about how I could have wound up at the emergency room, I actually thought that was a little dramatic. When I was shown how close the damage was to my kidney and liver, it was a real eye opener.

Even more of a wake up call for me was when they handed me a pamphlet on Domestic Violence. Discretely of course. I told the nurse I did it rough housing, but I guess cracked ribs are a common injury in DV cases, so they never listen to the story offered up. That was humbling. Worse part is, there is no treatment for fractured ribs other than rest. While I have seen my FB a couple times since that night, until today, he didn't really take me seriously that I was hurt. X-ray is proof that couldn't be denied. It scares me that he has no memory of doing it. He is now a black out drinker at 26. I sure know how to pick'em.

Edited by TigerMilner
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Rest is definitely the only thing you can do for cracked or broken ribs. They aren't fun. Please be careful, and remember, it isn't your fault that it happened. You may have contributed to it, but he should have stopped when asked. As for seeing him again, I can honestly say that, in the same situation, I would likely see him again too. But you just need to be more judicious when seeing him, follow your gut, if it doesn't feel right, then don't do it. I hope your friend can get some help, drinking that much is always a major problem. Good Luck, and I hope you feel better soon. (it'll take four to six weeks before the ribs will heal enough to really start getting rough again.)

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