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Just got meds, nervous about them

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It takes longer than a month for it to become mundane. At first, it is a daily reminder that you have HIV. Eventually it's just a pill you pop, and so uneventful that you can't remember that you took it. I think for most it's a year, to year and a half before it becomes "my special vitamins."

Varies from person to person. It was rather mundane for me after about 2 weeks, I think.

But I wasn't terribly surprised when I got the diagnosis. I knew it was only a matter of time with the risks I was taking.

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poptronic, how was the first month on Stribild?

Did anything change in the first few days, or has it been almost unnoticeable?

Does the daily pill intake become mundane routine,

or do you still think sometimes that 'it's for the rest of your life'?

I wonder how quickly most guys get over the initial uneasiness.

Sorry for so many questions but I'm curious because my doctor says Stribild would probably be my meds if I don't have resistance.

jtonic, the first month was a piece of cake. The first week, it felt a little foreign to me but now (5 weeks in), it's all gravy. To be honest, I have so much going on with work and my other job bartending, I don't even have the time to worry about taking a pill as an emotional issue. It pretty much is a non-issue. I wake up, I take it, I eat something small, done. My day goes on like any other.

Instead of harping on what the rest of my life is going to be like taking a pill everyday, I just started wondering about the other things in my life like where will I be in my career in 10 years, where will I live, where will I travel to, etc.... A little turquoise pill that takes all of 25 seconds to take out of the container and wash down with water is not my life's main concern. I'm going to turn 30 next Friday (FUCK!!!), so it's time to be a man and start getting my life together and not sweating the small stuff.

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jtonic, the first month was a piece of cake. The first week, it felt a little foreign to me but now (5 weeks in), it's all gravy. To be honest, I have so much going on with work and my other job bartending, I don't even have the time to worry about taking a pill as an emotional issue. It pretty much is a non-issue. I wake up, I take it, I eat something small, done. My day goes on like any other.

Instead of harping on what the rest of my life is going to be like taking a pill everyday, I just started wondering about the other things in my life like where will I be in my career in 10 years, where will I live, where will I travel to, etc.... A little turquoise pill that takes all of 25 seconds to take out of the container and wash down with water is not my life's main concern. I'm going to turn 30 next Friday (FUCK!!!), so it's time to be a man and start getting my life together and not sweating the small stuff.

Thanks for sharing. I'm going through this as well. I keep forgetting that I'm in my 20s and I can do anything I want in the future, so I should simply focus on tomorrow. As you said, stop 'sweating the small stuff'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my personal experience and this is mine alone. I have severely fucked up brain chemistry as it is. Meth doesn't do anything for except give me a jittery buzz like I've had too much caffeine.. I accidentally smoked crack, which is a story unto itself, and it made me a bit hyper. Coke does absolutely nothing for me.

I've been on Atripla and before that Truvada for nearly 17 years give or take and I still have weird ass dreams. Of course that may have a lot to do with the psych meds I'm on well. I can't sleep well without Adivan every night but only at 1mg.

Ask your doctor about something to help reach a deep sleep so you won't remember your dreams and get a restful sleep.

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