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For years i had been recommending the site lifeout.com as a gay alternative to Facebook and all the politics that goes on, it had provided a free social networking space for gay/bi/trans people... well just like Facebook over the years their policies and regulations changed as did their format. i had noticed the system operators doing things like removing photos and Homemade videos because it no longer "fit" their image of the website... it is theirs after all but this past week they decided to terminate my account because of a support group i had started in one of their forums, one which had existed for years. it was a forum for formerly molested men to discuss their feelings and such... well with some of the changes on the website i hadn't frequented as much as i used to so had no clue that the forum had taken a darker turn... so like any good sysop they terminated me for starting the group, throwing the baby out with the bathwater so to speak....now i understand that they were protecting themselves but doing so without warning seems a bit harsh and if they had contacted me i would have removed the offensive post or deleted the forum all together. but they chose not to...

now i'm not trying to be bitchy but i ask has anyone else experienced similar treatment from this website (lifeout) or any other "gay"friendly site BTW thank you Raw Top for providing this site and letting its users know when we have crossed the line and not just throwing us out..

I also suggest that any user using Lifeout that they consider canceling their account... just on a side note i had on many occasions given donations to Lifeout yet they seem to ignore that fact

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I've seen some crazy things go down on that site. I used to be active in several forums there, but ultimately became a tourist. I go once a month or so, login, logout. And feel kind of bad about bothering to login in the first place.

Like any site that uses a hand grenade when a scapel will do, there's not much sense in being a contributing member of anything that frequently trashes whole communities without warning.

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Guest JizzDumpWI

I am officially ANTI LIFEOUT... Like you rawdad, they cancelled me right after i made a significant donation. They would not respond to queries on why. The site is unethically and unfairly run. If we all work together, it will die on the (web) vine.

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