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Interesting balanced thoughtful article on "Truvada Whores"


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Some extracts below, but read the whole article.

"These men have been called derisively, Truvada whores; however, a number of gay men have taken the sting out of this term by defiantly self-identifying in this way, embracing and even emblazoning the moniker on t-shirts."

"Thus, the decision to use condoms is also a decision to prioritize safety at the cost of sexual satisfaction. Promoting “safe” sex will always be limited whereby, currently and throughout history, hot sex has always been dangerous in some way. Thus, “safety” isn’t sexy and can, in fact, be a libido killer."

"Further, it must be recognized that gay men have consistently been told their sexuality is wrong—so they are accustomed to finding ways to ignore messages that simply do not take into account their desires, attractions, and pleasures."

"So, back to the issue of Truvada whores…The promotion of the use of prophylactic HIV medications offers an important option for gay men—a way to protect themselves that does not diminish sexual pleasure and takes into account their desires. If we fail to understand issues of pleasure and desire, our HIV prevention efforts will continued to be stymied by our own Puritanism."

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An excellent piece! The only way I could fault it is that it's not clear enough in its opening that guys are getting truvada on prescription. I note Gus Cairns in the comments: he's one of the most respected, sensible and practical commentators on HIV in the UK.

As regards reclaiming language, it's a no-brainer to me: the abuser always comes off worse if I get called out in the street.

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Count me in as a Truvada whore! I have been on Turvada for almost three months now. I must admit that my decision to go on PrEP (Truvada) was three fold. One, it was for pure pleasure. Two, after multiple long term relationships that were raw, condoms as a single male in his early 40's was not an option for me at least. After finding myself single, I couldn't stay hard with condoms. If I bottomed, my ass would be destroyed and damaged after most experiences. Ten plus years of raw sex was just too much and condoms just seemed so wrong. Then I heard about Truvada. Actually, I started reading about it here! I did my research and thanks to a post I found here regarding clinical trials, I enrolled in a PrEP study at UCLA! THANKS RAW TOP FOR THIS SITE! the medical side of this site is truly amazing. Since enrolling in the study, I've never looked back. My third and final point on the issue is this, read the research! Why deal with antiquated medical technology? It's just that simple. If I ever seroconvert, it would not be from me being ignorant on the subject. In my mind, I have gone out of my way to protect myself. Does Truvada absolve me of other STI's? No! Does it protect me from HIV-2? No. So I do have some worries but not nearly as much as I used to.

Now, being on Truvada is not a license for reckless abandonment. Since being on Truvada, I have had major blow back from sex partners. My action has diminished. I actually have less sex because people just do not understand what the regiment is. So they actually come across as fearful or feel the need to actually accuse me of being poz. When I wasn't on the pill, I got laid almost every night. So now I am confronted with lying about my actual regiment. I know others have expressed this very predicament here as well. Also, since being on Truvada and actively barebacking, I have had other STI's. Yes, all treatable but somewhat of an inconvenience. On the flip side, I feel healthier. I am more in tune with my health and being on Truvada has sparked a renaissance in me regarding my health. I now walk every day - usually 6 miles. I monitor my diet more and consequently I've lost almost 20 pounds. For me, it's been a lifestyle change both mentally and physically. In the end, I find most are unaware of Truvada. Public health officials have done the greater community a huge disservice by not getting the word out. For every day folks, the word is just not getting out. And if it is, there's too many misconceptions.

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There is some evidence that you can remain HIV negative while having unprotected sex with someone who is positive but who has no detectable viral load as a result of treatment.
It's a pretty tepid comment about our current knowledge. "Some" is definitely an understatement. There is quite a large body of evidence and medial opinion.

While I wouldn't exactly call Psychology Today a widely read, mainstream magazine, it is kind of exciting to see the protective benefits of an undetectable viral load mentioned in the non GLBT press.

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