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PrEP and parTying?


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Never parTied before but thinking about it and wondering if the drug will affect my PrEP efficacy. Any experiences or thoughts to share? Thanks guys

First off it depends on what you are "partying" with. Many drugs will slightly compromise the immune system, and party drugs are no exception. If you are asking about it from a strictly medical perspective, party drugs like Tina can have slight effects on ARV's like truvada. Should it be a huge difference? no.

However, I would still STRONGLY recommend against "partying" aka PNP. Many guys who party think its the best sex in the world, but quite the contrary ask anyone who is remotely sober, and you will find that its usually pretty bad. Tops cant keep it up, or if they can fuck forever without nutting, bottoms get bossy, and want more even after you nut, and all they time they just wanna hit the pipe. Additionally people who PNP, at least in my experience often freak out for almost no reason.

Lastly and most importantly for someone on PrEP, People who party often do so for days on end without thought to anything but more drugs and more sex. This is a PERFECT storm to forget or ignore your PrEP. A couple days off PrEP, and some very risky sex means that 92-99% efficacy could be thrown out the window.

That situation Pretty much happened to a friend of mine, he lost his insurance that paid for his PrEP, didn't investigate any of the programs to pay for it cause he was busy partying, and ended up HIV+

Sorry but at least with "Tina" I see too many guys who cant handle it, end up hooked, and really messing up their lives. IMO its best just to stay away.

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