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Big Thanks To RawTop


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I didn't look through the threads to first see if anyone here has already taken the occasion......so forgive me if this is a duplicate gesture.

But I think RawTop deserves a big growling THANK YOU for putting this site, as well as his others together. I do not know him personally, never met him, and have only had the occasion to enjoy his blogs for some time like most people out here. What I do know is that his and my sexual tastes and interests are very close. It makes me feel that much more a part of a larger “thing” when my own thoughts, desires, and kinks are shared by others. And yes, I have gotten white all over the place many times on his sites.

To the point, this newest creation TheBreedingZone with the forum format has given all us long time readers, friends, and newcomers a place to share and interact much more quickly and intimately. It is a place where people can actually meet, get to know, and share. Yeah, there are LOTS of places out there for that already. But it gives those of us who really get down on RawTop’s brand of sex to be with those in kind. That alone makes me all warm and fuzzy.

So while surely to him it is sometimes a job to run all these web spots, it shows through that it is a labor of love somewhere beneath that which is work. It just shows and that is what attracts us all. His avatar is pretty hot too.

So, THANKS MAN. The place to hang, meet and share is appreciated VERY MUCH.

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i'll echo what Gruntaq says (although i would do almost anything -- well, anything -- Gruntaq told me to do). Aside from my worshipful respect for Gruntaq, RawTop does deserve a our thanks and appreciation. Maintaining this site has to be a lot of work and we are all the beneficiaries of His efforts.

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Gruntrag-thanks for starting this thread- I couldn't agree more. Frankly,I'm surprised that more guys have not replied as of yet.

Rawtop has done a terrific!!! job in providing a site,that is not only supportive,but informative. A place where all of us can share(young and old),our lustful desires for cock,ass and above all-cum!

Rawtop has developed a site that I believe is a step towards a day when all men can freely "cum" in the company of each other. It will become as common as shaking hands-no commitment,no guilt,no baggage-just sex-the sharing of cock and cum between all men .

Thanks again Rawtop-

We appreciate it!

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all4cum raises an interesting prospect -- the possibility that the day may come when all men will feel free to share cock and cum as freely as men now shake hands. One can only hope. But i agree with him that this site could well pave the way for such a sexual liberation.

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  • Administrators

I've participated in forums a fair amount in the past, but getting this up I've had to think like an admin and moderator. The other day I was reading about how to keep people coming back and one of the things was don't allow personal attacks. On that count, I think you guys deserve a huge 'thanks' - I don't think there have been any personal attacks yet, which has made my job really easy. And I'll just say now that personal attacks won't be tolerated at all. If you see one, click on the moderate button below the post and the comment will be hidden until I have a chance to look at it.

You guys also deserve 'thanks' for participating. I'm reading other forum owners talking about paying people to do posts or faking multiple identities and doing it themselves just to get things started. You guys jumped right in, which was great. I believe it will grow, but for a relatively new forum I'm pretty happy with the amount of participation.

If you're a blogger and want to link to the site, let me know and I'll give you a link code so you can get credit for sending new members. I am thinking of maybe doing some promotions to take things to the next level, and trying to figure out what sort of promotion will help the site the most. Sending members would probably be something I'd consider in the promotion.

I'm also sensitive to the fact that some people don't want to be around certain things. I've moved bug chasing and "partying" off to defined areas. If there's anything else that I can do to make participating more enjoyable, just let me know...

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I just joined, and I'd like to add my thanks to the list. I found the forum through a Google search. I've only seen one other forum like this, but that one is slow as molasses! :P It's nice to see a more lively board, and I look forward to reading all your posts.

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