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[Gruntraq] What's Really Behind All These Twisted Gay Fuck Stories?


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Question via FormSpring:

You write some really raunchy twisted stories. Are any of them true or based on your life? Are you a filth pig like the people in your stories?

Yes I am as deviant and as twisted in my sexual appetite as these stories you read here would suggest. I would have to be wouldn’t you think? If it if comes out of my brain, it’s in there already. Writing these stories and tales is an outlet for the constant and churning storm of sexual energy in my head. If it wasn’t poured out into written words I would need Xanax to sleep at night (every night instead of just a couple times a week that is). And I would likely live at the local bath house or sex club like a troll in the darkness never getting my recommended dose of daily UV light.

While living at the local dark room is not something I am putting down, I have to work and produce like a regular Joe. I got bills to pay, relationships to keep up, and a pretty active career that is in no way associated with my dirty filth pig side. If you met me on the street you would never likely guess I get down and dirty like this. Most of the people in my professional circle and even family don't have the first clue. I usually don't advertise it unless you do first and then well we might just get to talk more about it.

To that end I do enjoy writing this stuff trashy as it may be to some because while the erotic stories are works of fiction there is a lot of truth in them. The truth is in my own flavor in the expression of affection, aggression, passion, love, dominance, submission, caring and violence that makes up the sexual experience between men. I love my fellow man in so many ways from the spiritual, the physical, and the visual. We are the better sex and two together makes a powerful combination. We are spiritual beings that have needs deep within us that sometimes we don't even truly understand until they are fed. There in lies the eternal search of man. Ok, sorry about getting off too deep in that direction.

Do I enjoy sharing it with other people? Fuck yes. I would be lying if I said I didn’t get a thrill when people comment and email about the tales saying they got off huge or just got wet reading them. It validates in some ways my own desires and feelings, my passions when another man says, “Yeah I like that shit too”. Why that means something is because most of you reading this will agree that no matter how confident we are in our sexuality, there is always some place in us that knows we are twisted and nowhere near the mainstream of societal norms. Some more than others. Does that make it unnecessarily complex? Probably. Analyze if you wish.

Are the stories true or based on true people or situations? First of all, within this blog are many true stories and written words of my daily life experiences or thoughts. They are usually titled and described as such. And when I am telling my personal word, I am honest and open. Erotic stories of fiction on the other hand are always noted as such. If you see the tag “stories” in the bottom footer, it is most likely vastly fictional in its context of events.

What I will say is that most of the characters, places and situations in the erotic stories here are based on real life people, places and experiences. The locations and places in almost all cases are based on real ones past or present. The people likewise are almost always based on people I have met or known in my life. And the situations are often strung together with facets of both. Fact is I am not that good of a writer in the creative sense. I can’t make this shit up out of nothing at all. The only thing I got going for me in this hobby is the ability to re-paint a picture in your mind’s eye that I have seen before and lay a long winded story line through the middle of it. I have ZERO educational training in creative writing or communications. In fact I was a C, D, and F student in high school English. Therefore my grammar and punctuation is not at all up to industry publishing standards and yes I get many emails pointing that out. Save them….I know it already.

In closing let me share that the twisted kinks depicted in many of these stories are right out of my playbook, right out of my bedroom. As I have gotten older and more traveled in man to man sex, the level of deviance has progressively gotten more wicked. At the age of 18 I would have never believed that at 40 I would crave sticking my tongue deep into the crack of a man’s hairy ass and licking him raw, getting off on his sweaty taste and his squirming cooing reactions to my advances. And then to be told I would follow that up by bull-fucking him senseless then water in the mouth to get back in there and eat my fuck juice out of him, I would have grossed out. It’s one of my favorite scenarios, a scene that comes to my brain most often when I scope a hot young tatted up guy in line at Taco Bell. That is unless I imagine him doing it to me instead. Either way I come home and write it out.620619944028412509-7250514286227308262?l=gruntraq.blogspot.com


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