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[Breeder] Thursday Housekeeping: Milestones and Vacation

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Earlier this week I passed something of a milestone for A Breeder’s Journal: my one hundredth entry. No plaudits necessary. I’ve kept a journal for basically thirty years now. I have an entire bookshelf devoted to my old notebooks, and that’s just through about 1995, when I started to document my life electronically. A hundred entries is a drop in the bucket.

Breeder’s Readers—that catchy name I call you guys—have learned a lot about me over the last months, but I’ve learned a lot about you guys, too. After a couple of tentative steps outside my comfort zone, I learned that most of you aren’t quick to rush to judgment. You’ve been supportive when I’ve revealed a few of my frailties and burdens, and for that I thank you. And on the whole you’ve been extremely generous with your praise and your gifts of kind words.

It hasn’t all been rainbows and puppy dogs, of course. There’ve been a couple of times I’ve cringed when I’ve felt I inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings. I’ve had a couple of moments of anger at some of the comments I’ve gotten. I’ve learned that some of you have buttons that are easily pushed. And I made the connection yesterday that one of you unleashes with profanity and foul-mouthed insults at me whenever I’ve documented having sex with an African-American guy. That was an ugly eye-opener.

I think most people respect that I’m not some soulless corporation pumping out pornography for your wanking pleasure on a daily basis, here. God knows I don't get paid for it. This is my real life I’m documenting, day by day. Sometimes it’s hotness itself. Sometimes it’s dull. Sometimes it’s even disappointing or just plain appalling. I love having my audience—I really do—and there have been times I’ve done some outrageous things just so I could write about it for you guys. But in the end, happy as I am to have you all in the passenger seat as my sidekicks, I’m still the one driving this crazy car.

I love having you along for the ride, though.

Now, a bit of housekeeping. I’m going to be visiting Toronto on my own for a few days over the weekend. I’m hoping to line up some entries to auto-post while I’m gone, and I’ll have my iPad with me at my hotel, so hopefully you might get some live entries while I’m on the road, or replies to emails if you send them. If I miss a day or two, however, don’t be dismayed. I’ll be back before you know it.

Hopefully with some tales to tell. Toronto guys (or guys traveling there this weekend)—call me. I’ll be downtown.12316001024335229-1782747662396791149?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


  • 1 year later...

I try not to be judgmental, because I'm far from perfect myself. As one of Breeder's Readers, I'm grateful to get as much insight into your life as you're willing to share with us.


Hope you enjoy your trip to Toronto, TheBreeder. I haven't visited that city yet, but hope to one of these days. I'd like to combine it with a trip to Niagra Falls.

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