Hotload84 Posted September 8, 2010 Report Posted September 8, 2010 (edited) As I sit here with my diary, recounting my transformation, my head is spinning. My hand is quivering. I can barely read my scribbles. I don't think I can keep this up for long. Every joint in my body aches. Just as he predicted—I got the Flu. My name is Adam. I'm 5'8", 135 lb, 29 waist, tanned, toned, and preppy. I look like a teenage Ricky Schroeder—or used to. I come from an affluent, north Chicago family, and don't act gay at all—certainly not like any male prostitute. I was into all sorts of sports in high school including football, soccer, and baseball. I just graduated 6 months ago. I'm 18. I'm telling you this story to rationalize how I went from high school honors student to male whore, and how they got their meat hooks into me. By them I mean Martin and Jake. Of course, psychologically, it was my own doing. Turned out I was amply qualified for the world's oldest profession with a gay twist. The discovery that I got the flu that ain't the flu cinched it. I like fucking raw too much to let a little bug stop me! So where do I begin? **MARTIN** I was walking down Lake Shore Drive one summer evening. I had on tennies, khaki shorts, and tee. I stopped to take a leak. There are many restrooms along the lakeshore, and most of them are cruisy. Until then I'd only messed around a couple of times, and even that was only touching and caressing, but I must admit I was doing a little cruising that afternoon. When I entered the john, this guy, about 6'3", was standing at the urinal. I walked up beside him and took my piss - only I wasn't pissing but five seconds when he struck up a conversation. "What's up, Boy? What brings you to the lake today?" "Just gettin' out. Bored, you know." He stared at me. "So you're just hangin?" "Yeah." I looked at him again. He was no longer peeing, but held onto his cock. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see he had a fat one and was shaking it a little. The guy waited to see what my next move would be. "So, what you up to, man?" I inquired. "Just lookin' to have some fun. Know what I mean?" He wagged his cock at me, which was very fat. I couldn't tell how long it was since he was soft. My instincts told me to get the hell out of there. The guy was more than twice my age, and about twice my size, and hintin' he wanted to have sex. I didn't think he was attractive and he looked kinda outta shape, but still I didn't move; and after a few seconds he leaned over and grabbed my ass. I felt his nails dig through my shorts. It hurt a little; I should have been forewarned. "You gotta nice ass there, Boy. How about we go back to my place. It's not very far. We can be there in five minutes." I had often fantasized how my first real male sexual encounter would be, and I can assure you that wasn't it. However, there was something about way he looked at me. He was in control, and I was not. He could tell I was a little scared, but he could also tell I was curious and interested. "Let's go." He zipped up his pants and headed toward the parking lot. I followed him by a few steps, neither one of us saying anything, not wanting it to look as if we were together. We reached his little Hyundai, and he unlocked the doors. The car reeked of stale cigarettes, and he reached in his pocket and lit one up. I hate cigarettes. I hate the smell, but didn't say anything. He put the car in gear, and pulled away, smirking as if something amused him. "Anything wrong?" "Oh, no. Nothing is wrong. You're just so fine and don't even realize it." "Thanks," I replied. "No. Thank you." He grabbed my thigh and squeezed it hard. It hurt a little. I should have been forewarned. We arrived in less than five minutes—an old, three-story tenement. He parked in back. We got out of the car; but instead of going around the front, we descended a stairway on the side. At the bottom were two doors. He unlocked one. I was surprised that there was already someone in the apartment. "Hey Martin, who you got with you, man?" asked the guy on the couch. He was a fat, bald dude in boxer shorts. He looked a little older than his roomie; and like Martin, not especially good looking. "Just a little friend I met at the park." "Man, you fuck with these young ones and you're asking for trouble, I guarantee it. How old are you, Boy?" "Eighteen." "Damn, you don't look a day over fourteen to me. Shit! You ain't got no body hair nor nothin'." Martin responded saying "He's my Boy now" grabbing me by the neck. It hurt a little. Again, I should have been forewarned. "We're going to be real good friends, ain't we, Boy?" "Yeah," was all I could muster. "Turn up the TV, Jake, in case we get a little rowdy. I don't want the neighbors overhearing." Forcefully he guided me down the hall and shut the door behind us. "Get outta those clothes and get on the bed. I'm gonna to smoke a joint. Want a toke?" I nodded 'no' and slowly, nervously disrobed. I was only wearing a jock strap when took off my shorts, and was surprised when he told me to leave it on. "Your ass looks good in it." He had me keep my socks on, too. When he had his shirt off, I could see that he had some chest hair, but not a lot; and most of it was black with gray mixed in. His stomach had a little gut. He removed his pants and wasn't wearing any underwear. His cock was thick and long as well. It was still soft and appeared to be eight inches and thick. "Like what you see, Boy? You need to get It nice and hard: kneel on the bed and face me." He grabbed my hair and forced my head back. "You do as you're told and you'll be fine. Got that, Baby?" He began to slap my face with his dick. It felt heavy as it slammed into my cheeks, first one side, then the other. I could smell the musky odor of his tool. It wasn't a bad smell, but I knew he hadn't taken his daily shower. His dick looked greasy, like he'd oiled it or something. He pushed his shaft between my lips. "Open up that mouth, Boy. Get Daddy hard." He thrust his slimy member down my throat. I wasn't prepared for it and choked. He kept it in me for about five seconds, until tears welled in my eyes. He pulled his cock out and slapped me some more. His Rod was a lot slicker coated with my spit. "Okay, Baby, one more time; but relax that throat so I can fuck your face." He didn't pussyfoot around and shoved it in deep as it would go. But at least I was prepared for the invasion and tried to avoid the gag reflex. He held it in until I was once again choking and tears moistened my eyes. I started to wretch; but since I hadn't had anything to eat, there was nothing to chuck up. He seemed to enjoy this crazy game, cause he continued to pull out and slam it back in. I was dizzy from lack of oxygen, but at the same time was slowly giving in to the piston driving into my throat. Soon I noticed his shaft was able to completely go down my throat, and his pubes were banging against my nose. I didn't realize it at the time, but I had overcome the gag reflex, and was taking a cock that most guys couldn't begin to swallow. "Oh yeah, Baby, you learn real quick. Now just relax, and let me fuck your face." He stared at me with a controlling grin. I'd given him complete control over my body. I'd opened up a hornets' nest from which I'd never retreat. I had strict parents, but, they pretty much let me do what I wanted. I had been given many luxuries in life without having to work for them. And here I was—getting fucked down my throat by a brute who seemed determined to have his way with me. And I loved it! I sucked him with all the vigor I could muster. "There you go, Boy. Keep that up. Watch those teeth now." With one hand gripping my hair, he reached behind me and smacked my ass, which, of course, startled me, and I lost concentration. I started gagging. I'd just got my breath back when he swatted me again. The first swat hadn't hurt because I hadn't expected it, but the second time stung like a bitch. Because his cock was pillaring my throat, I could do nothing but moan and try to squirm out of harm's way, but he'd have none of it. "Don't fuckin' pull away from me, Boy!" he shouted as he pulled his cock out of my mouth and slapped me hard across the face. The smack sent my head reeling, only to be brought back the other way by another slap. "Don't you ever fuckin' try and get away from me! You got that, Boy?" He grabbed me by the chin. "Okay, I'm sorry." I swallowed hard and tasted blood. "I'm sorry what?" "I'm sorry, Sir." "That's better. Now get on your knees and bend over the bed so I can whip your butt." When I didn't move, he yanked me off the bed till my head thumped on the floor and blood gurgled from my nose which struck the bed frame. He sat on my back, his legs astride my upturned rear, my elbows crooked, abrading on the carpeting. With open palm he cuffed me hard. "You need to be good boy and do what daddy says." He then beat my ass, one cheek, then the other, hard as he could. I went ridged with pain; but since he was sitting on me, I could do nothing but yelp into the cavity beneath the bed. "Yeah, Baby, your ass is nice n' raw and ready to be fucked" He flipped me face-down back on the mattress. I lay there like a rag doll, whimpering. "Now you're ready to get fucked good. You ready for some cock up that sweet pussy?" I didn't answer right away since I was still recovering from the shellacking I'd taken. He didn't like my unresponsiveness, and yanked up my head. "I ASKED YOU, BOY, YOU READY TO GET FUCKED?" "Yes, Sir!" I cried, not sure if I wanted to get fucked or not. It was all happening so quickly, and there was no escape. I could have made a break for it; but fearful as I was, I was inclined to let the fucker have his way with me. Deep down, I wanted him to use me and abuse me. Maybe I even wanted him to kill me! He got on the bed above me and pushed my legs together. "You make that pussy nice and tight. You got that, Boy?" "Yes, Sir," I replied, as his body come down on top of mine. He was sweating profusely, and glided effortlessly up and down my back. I felt a halting trickle as he aimed his yellow stream directly at my ass crack. My ass cheeks still burned, and his urine actually felt medicinal. "You're a sexy Boy, you are. Ever had that sweet ass fucked?" "Is it gonna hurt much?" "It's gonna hurt all right. But I guarantee you'll get to like it." He grabbed a tube of something from the nightstand. It turned out to be KY. He squeezed the it directly on my pissy ass crack and on his turgid cock. He massaged it in my butt hole with his fingers, working a well-lubed digit up my pussy for good measure. He yanked my arm behind my back. "Now beat my meat, cocksucker. Get me lubed up real well." Awkwardly, behind my back, I wrapped my paw about his shaft. The slimy goo stuck to my fingers, and I made sure his dank tool was coated really well. "Now, aim my cock at your hole, Baby, like you want it real bad." I slid his cock about my slick Ass crack, till it was firmly pressed against my cherry. "Raise your hands above your head and keep 'em there. Open your mouth." He jammed a sock from off my foot—black at the heel, dank with sweat, and smelling of B.O—crudely down my throat, and some of it hung out. I could still breath—but other than that, I couldn't make a sound. "Now, Baby, this is gonna hurt real bad. You're gonna wanna buck me off, but I won't let you. You ain't goin' nowhere till I breed you. That's just the way it's gonna be. So lay still, and make it easy on yourself." Now I've read on the internet about guys getting fucked for the first time; and they all said the same crap about how it hurt a little at first, and then all was bliss and shit. Well, let me tell you it ain't that way—especially if you're a virgin and you got one mean mother fucker devastating your ass. Instead of my hole opening up, it compressed like he was fuckin' a balloon. He backed off and started to nudge in again, with the same result. The third time was the charmer. I'd clenched my ass muscles so tight together, I couldn't keep it up. I relaxed for a second, and that was all the opening he needed. In that instant my ass was split by a horrible slimy sexual aberration that plunged into my gut. I screamed; but since the sock in my mouth, I could barely whimper. The torment was stupendous. I felt as if I were being ripped apart. He continued to push into me, but there was nothing I could do. I started to black out, but I was not to be that fortunate. My body clamored for release, but the assault continued. Finally with a grunt I felt his Shaft hit bottom: he'd run out of cock as simultaneously I'd run out of man cunt. I cried hysterically, but my tears had no impact on the pervert ravishing my butt. He kept his rod buried up my ass and continued to rely on his brute strength to pin me to the bed. It seemed like an eternity before he pulled out, and when he did, it felt like he was sucking the guts out of me. I screamed in agony. "Fucking hurt, Boy, didn't it? I'm gonna give you a choice I don't give many of my bitches. You can either learn to take it up the ass or suck me off. When I pull that sock out of your mouth, you're gonna tell me which it is. Got that? A word to the wise, Shithead. If you get to screaming and hollering, you're dead meat, Boy. Your pussy'll never again be suitable for man nor beast alike. I'll see to that." I lay there panting, thinking hard. My ass was screaming as the pain had not subsided. He removed the sock from my mouth, and after about thirty seconds he asked me, "What's it gong to be, Boy? Blow Job? Or you gonna be a real man and take my cock?" I thought about all the crazy things that I'd done—hitchhiked round the world, flown in a balloon, skied in the Alps—all with my father's money. I'd done it all. Or, rather, he had. Yet none of that compared to what I was doing at that instant. None of that had challenged me so that I could test my mettle. I thought of all the macho dudes I'd been brought up with, and all petty shit they'd done to prove their manhood. But I guarantee you that none of them had been through what I just had experienced: none of them had given in completely to another man who'd used his ass—without regard to mutilation, pain or STDs. I was being asked whether I'd had enough; or if I were man enough to take the next step. I honestly didn't know, but I looked him in the eye. "Please, Sir, make me your bitch." I lay my head face down upon the mattress. There was no turning back. "That's my Boy," and the next thing I knew he rammed his cock back in, up to his pubes. I screamed again, but, without the sock, into the pillow. He pulled out quickly, but not all the way; and once again buried his rod as deeply as it would go. The torment was excruciating, but at least it didn't come as a complete surprise. He no longer held his cock in me, but rammed It in until he bottomed, and then withdrew, repeating the agonizing cycle over and over again. With each new thrust my innards were brutally tossed aside to make way for his encroaching tool. I clenched my fists and screamed into the mattress, until—eventually—unable to catch my breath, I whimpered like a baby. After a couple of minutes, my man cunt just gave up and acceded to the throbbing pole hammering my butt. I lay there motionless, near complete exhaustion. The pain subsided to a throbbing soreness. It hurt like hell, but at least it wasn't the stabbing, lightning agony like when I'd first been violated. I lay there grunting like a pig, drool seeping from the corners of my mouth. "Get the fuck up Boy. Come over to the mirror so you can see that ass of yours." He led me to the bedroom door which had a full-length mirror. I looked exhausted. My face was red with the tears still drying on my cheeks. My hair was a mess from being pulled. My cock was as soft as his was big. "Get on your hands and knees and face your pussy to the door." I was presented with an image of my bare butt, red as a beet. Martin shoved two fingers up my hole. After his cock, I could barely feel his digits; and my cunt looked bruised and purple. No longer was it the succinct tight, little hole that showed no sign of opening. It was capable of taking two huge fingers easily (and, later, I discovered, a whole fist). "Now watch this, Baby." He inserted his massive cock up my rectum. I must admit I was fascinated by the sight of it disappearing into my innards. It still hurt, but not as much as earlier. A burning sensation—but that was it. He pumped my pussy a couple of times and completely pulled out. I was amazed to see that my ass did not close up. It remained distended an inch or so, and I could even see the redness of my ass walls. Instinctively I clenched my muscles and my pussy closed up, but not fully. Soon as I had tightened up, he rammed it back in. It was easier when he kept it in me, but he kept plowing in and out. Somehow, without any conscious effort, my asshole had learned to accommodate his cock. It was almost hypnotic—watching his huge meat disappear into my insides over and over again. This went on for several minutes until Martin, appearing bored, pulled out. He left, and I collapsed wearily on the bed. I reached down and felt my pussy. It was sore, but not too bad. I put three fingers in and felt around. I was relieved that there was nothing on my fingers but the slimy pink-stained lube of the KY. I thought for sure I'd been bleeding more than that. I smelled my fingers—nothing but the aroma of butt juice and lube. It was fortunate that I hadn't eaten; and, just by chance, was clean down there. **JAKE** The door opened. It wasn't Martin, but his roommate Jake. He was still wearing just boxer shorts and had a beer in hand. "Martin had to tend to business. Said I should entertain you." He pulled off his boxers. Even though he had a huge belly, it did not conceal the Monster Dick that swung beneath it. It was at least as long as Martin's, but grotesquely thick. Every time I see a beer can, I'm reminded of that shaft. I sat up, but fat Jake pushed me back and lay down on top of me. Once again I adjusted to having a big man on me. But instead of looking down at sheets, I was gazing up directly into the puss of an unshaven, ugly man twice my age. "Martin said you been real good. You did as you were told. He said he got that ass of yours ready for my dick." Leaning forward, he kissed me. Before I could respond his tongue slid down my throat, exploring my oral cavity. He reeked of cigarettes and beer. I turned away. He was revolting. I got nauseous. Before I knew it, another palm come crashing across my brow. "Stop fighting me. If need be, I'll beat the crap outta you. I mean it. Got that?" His slap hurt not as much as Martin's, but it got my attention; and I realized that I couldn't get out of doing what he wanted. "You gonna be a good Boy?" "Yes, Sir." "OK, we're gonna have some fun now, ain't we, Boy?" "Yes, Sir." Once again his lips pressed mine. Once again I realized that I was dealing with someone who was in control, and I was not. His tongue pressed in. Even though he smelled of cigarettes and beer, I had to reciprocate. That was all he needed. He shifted into high gear, invading my ears, nostrils, face and lips. My neck and head were slickened with saliva. My oral and aural cavities filled up with spit. Just as when I was being fucked, I slowly adjusted to the heinous assault. I opened up as wide as possible so he could put as much of him in me as he wanted. I pushed my tongue past his teeth and slithered around inside his nasty mouth. I'd never kissed anyone so passionately. All of my prior kissing had been dry by comparison; and there I was, with this guy's spit all over me, and loving it. He pulled back briefly to inspect my mug, and there were ropes of saliva dangling from his lips. He descended on me again, and I became his willing receptacle. From the corner of my eye, I watched the mirror. I saw and felt the huge nude man spit in my mouth, which only heightened my desire. I wrapped my arms around him until my hands were sliding up and down his sweaty back. I dared to taste the sweat that dripped into my mouth—raunchy—and I loved it. Tentatively, then aggressively, I licked and swallowed. I ran my tongue across his lips, sucking off and swallowing great ropes of spit. He stuck out his tongue, encouraging me; and I sucked him like a lollipop. "Open up those legs, Boy. Let me in." I spread my limbs apart. He reached down and grabbed one leg and hoisted it to his shoulder. Then the other—till my knees were pressed back to the mattress. I'd toyed around with being a gymnast when I was younger, and was still nimble and able to stretch my legs back to that position. My ass was pointed toward the ceiling, at an angle that gave him total access to my hole. Although he didn't ask, I wrapped my arms around my knees and held them there. He leaned back to assess the subjugated, vanquished boy who once again was willing to submit his ass to any cock. "Oh yeah, Boy, you lean real quick. You know what Daddy wants, don't you?" "YOU WANNA FUCK ME LIKE MARTIN DID?" "Yep. I wanna fuck that hole real bad. You want me to do it, don't you, Boy?" "Yes, Sir." I glanced over at the mirror and saw myself. I pulled on my knees still harder so that my ass shot even higher in the air. I wanted to give up my ass to this fat fucker any way he wanted. The name of the game was complete and utter subjugation, regardless of the consequences. "JUST FUCK ME, DADDY! USE MY HOLE!" He quickly closed the gap between us. He found the lube and stroked it over his thick shaft. He applied some to my hole, which had largely dried-up and was becoming at most sticky. He finger-fucked me. If it hadn't been for Martin, the thickness of his digits would have hurt, but my ass was now used to being busted, and it popped open, allowing him to insert another finger and another. "Yer ass is nice and warmed up." He inserted a fourth finger. The last one hurt a little, but my man cunt didn't offer much resistance. In only seconds all four fingers were plying my used hole. Because I had pulled my knees behind my head, my ass was already high enough so he could press his turgid cock against my quivering pussy. "You're one hot bitch, Boy; so I'm gonna give you what you deserve." My ass was once more torn asunder by a monster tool. It felt as if a baseball bat had been rammed up my anus. A grunt escaped my lips. "There you go, Baby. Now you got it," he said as he lowered his body on top of mine. "Open up that ass, kid. Give it to Daddy, n' Daddy's got a gift for you." He let his body relax on top of mine, which caused his dick to inch-in deeper. My hole had already been stretched to the limit, and once again I was having to rearrange my innards to accommodate an unnaturally large rod. Grunting like an animal, I didn't feel human anymore. I was a piece of meat to be devoured by this rapacious man. Instead of repelling the invasion, I pulled even harder on my knees, driving my ass further up his shaft. I wanted to get his cock in as deep as possible, no matter what the consequences. Two more inches plunged into me. I moaned uncontrollably. His face was near enough for me to once more taste his Spit, and I lifted my head and pressed my mouth and lips to his. Wildly, insanely, he plowed my butt as well, until finally I felt his pubes and balls smash against my cunt. He pistoned my hole at a surprising rate—considering how out of shape he was. He was no longer kissing me, but, mere inches from my face, stared directly into my eyes—a countenance of loathsome lust devoid of tenderness and love. He knew his cock was splitting me apart. He slowed his pace to tease me, then, without warning, slammed in deep into my bowels. The pain of impalement was both stupefying and exhilarating. "Want me to cum in you, Baby?" "You can cum wherever you want." "Maybe you want me to cum in your mouth. Maybe you'd like to eat this load of mine." I had never had cum in my mouth before; and, frankly, the idea was disgusting-but I knew I'd let him if he wanted. "Cum in my mouth if you want to." He closed his eyes, clenched his teeth, and fucked me harder. Breathing became difficult, but I inhaled as I got used to the cyclic rhythm of his pounding. "Ahhhhhhh, Shit!" He ripped his cock out of my ass, causing me to scream. He pinched his dick head hard, and crawled up the bed, straddling my chest with his huge thighs. "FUCKIN' EAT IT, BOY!" Inches from my face he unpinched his cock. I opened my mouth wide and stuck out my tongue to accept what was my destiny. A stream of thick white goo shot out of his shaft. It didn't land in my mouth, but on my right cheek and dribbled down my neck. The second shot hit my tongue. Instinctively I closed my mouth, and a third volley splattered on my nose and chin. I opened up again; and when I did, he pushed his rod into my orifice, and shot three more loads of jizm down my throat. I craved to have his shit in me. I wanted all his body fluids: his piss, his spit, his crap, his jizm. If he had any STDs I wanted them. What other boy was more deserving? If he had AIDS I prayed I'd get that, too. He was a dream cum true. I gulped down one load, and then another. I ran my tongue around the inside of my mouth to make sure that I was getting all his nasty venom. I kept on swallowing till I was gulping mostly my own spit, but I could still taste his acrid jizm, which adhered to my esophagus. I scooped up his cum from my neck and cheek, and sucked off my fingers. There was a long stringy gob of cum dangling from his piss slit, so I licked his dick head and cleaned-up the cum. He brought his cock closer, and I bathed his shaft with spit. When I had finished cleaning his dick, I closed my eyes and waited for the fat slob to get off me. Because my legs had been pinned behind me, I d begun to cramp from being crunched up so long. I was thinking about the need to stretch, when a stab of pain shot up my rectum. **THE FAMILY** "Hey, Little Buddy, forget about me? Did Jake here fuck that ass of yours? I think he did because your pussy is one loose mother fucker now." "Oh yeah, he took it good and hard, didn't even fight me. You trained him well. He even swallowed my load—the little whore. You could sell that piece of ass real easy." Jake pulled on his boxers. As he closed the door behind him, he reiterated, "You could get good money for him, you know." Martin pulled me to him, my legs resting on his shoulders; and I was hardly aware of the cock up my ass, 'til he once more slammed in to the hilt. I felt the huge tool tear into my sore man cunt. "I ain't finished with you, boy. I ain't cum yet." He began to slam-fuck me hard as he could. All I could do was grip the mattress and hang on. His face once again assumed an ugly snarl, as though he reveled in the damage he was doing. "You're all mine, ain't you, boy?" He was dead serious. "Yes, Sir. I'll do whatever you want." He continued to slam dunk his cock into me. "I got myself a business, and you'd fit in real good. Got another boy I pimp, but he's gettin' worn out. AIDS is takin' its toll, and he's ready for retirement. Could use some fresh meat like yourself. You could make good money, and have some fun besides." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The guy wanted me to sell my body. Earlier in the day I'd just wanted to get out of the house cause I was bored; and here I was—on my back, legs in the air, a poz cock up my ass—and a pimp suggesting I become a prostitute. I couldn't think. He hadn't stopped slamming up my ass, and I was once again enraptured with the pain. "Don't know" I managed to stutter. "Well think about it. When you're laying home in bed tonight, alone and cold, remember how my dick felt up your ass. With your boyish looks, you could make a mint. Gotta strike while the iron is hot and you're young and healthy and still got it." He pulled his Dick out all the way. "YOU LIKE COCK A LOT, DON'T YOU, BOY?" He slammed back in. "YEAH!" I screamed as he plowed my ass. "FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK THE SHIT OUTTA ME!" I meant every word. I wasn't the same youth who had walked into that restroom to take a leak a couple hours before. I'd become a dirty little slut who craved getting fucked. It didn't matter what the Johns looked like—how old or how fat. All I cared about was sucking cock all day, and taking loads all night. Martin smiled. He knew he had turned me into his dirty little whore. "I'll give you my number, and when you get over the flu, call me. Call me everyday at four. If I got work for you, you get your ass here. Got that?" "Yeah, I promise." "Good. We got a deal then. Now just hold on and let daddy cum." He began a torrid rhythmic fuck and his eyes glazed over as had his roomie's. A minute later his breathing grew tempestuous. "OH FUCK, YEAH! I'M GONNA POP MY NUTS, BOY! HERE CUMS MY JIZM, CUNT!" He pumped furiously. "OH, YEAH! OH, YEAH!" I felt his noxious seed infiltrate my pussy. The new me wanted every drop of his, and I pushed outward with my ass like I was taking a shit, knowing that would open my cunt even more to his sick jizm. "Yeah, Baby! Open that man cunt! You're one good fuck!" He pulled out and wiped his cock off on my face. Re-aiming his hard tool at my pussy, he plunged in again. "Let my spooge work its magic on you. Let me grind it in you nice and deep—so it'll molder and fester. You'd like that, wouldn't you—to become a member of the Family?" I nodded my assent, not understanding the ramifications of his words—not really caring, either. I heard a slurping sound as he plowed my butt. He pumped a couple of times, and with each thrust I could hear his cum gurgle in my innards. It was so fucking nasty, but it turned me on so much. "Now get over here and clean me off. You do this for every trick who cums in you, and they'll tip you good." I grabbed his slimy member and took him down my throat. To my satisfaction I was able to remember how to curb my gag reflex. I wrapped my lips tight about his shaft and sucked what precious little remaining venom I could harvest, deep-throating him to make sure that I had ingested all the toxin to be had. He pulled out, though I tried to hang onto him long as I could. I didn't want him out of me; but, obviously, he'd had enough. "Get your clothes on," he commanded, as he got dressed. When I got off the bed, I realized how sore I was. Not surprisingly my ass muscles were particularly fatigued and tense. I would need a good stretch when I got out of there. Even though my jock strap was wet with spooge and sweat, and my ass was leaking cream, I pulled on my shorts, wondering as I dressed, if this scenario would be repeated with each new trick. I supposed it would. I found my shirt and sat down on the bed. My butt throbbed, evoking memories of the thrashing I'd taken. I was reluctant to clench my rectal muscles, but knowing that if I didn't close my hole, the roomies' jizm would leak out, I squeezed my anus, and notwithstanding the pain, tightened up my hole. My poor pussy had been distended for so long, getting It back in virgin shape was not going to happen over night, if ever. I walked stiffly to the living room. Jake was on the couch, watching TV, the volume turned up really loud. He grabbed the remote and turned it down. "How's that ass, Boy? Get more than what you bargained for?" He turned back to the screen, ignoring me. Martin entered and held out a shred of paper. "Here's my number. Now get on home, and call here every day at four P.M. when you get over the flu. Comprehende?" What flu, I wondered? I felt fine—sore and tired—but, otherwise, pretty good. I stuck the paper in my pocket. "I'll call. I promise." I lied, not sure if I would call or not. I wanted to get out of there. The reality of how I'd been transformed had not yet sunk in. "Be sure to keep in touch. And if you tell anyone about this, you and I are gonna have some words. And I don't think you wanna have words with me." "Yeah. I won't tell. I promise." I meant it. There was no way I was going to discuss the last few hours with anyone, admitting my complicity, let alone that I was seriously considering becoming a male whore. I didn't even have a gay friend to share it with. Who could I tell? He walked me to the door. "Walk two blocks east and catch a cab. Got money on you?" "Yeah. I have $40. It should only take a $10 or $20 to get home." "Give me $20. From now on, you share half of everything you got with me. Might as well start now." I gave him one of my two $20's. "You learn quick, Boy. Gonna be a pleasure workin' with ya. Now get the fuck outta here, and call me when you get over the flu." Again I wondered what he was talking about. I didn't stick around to ask. I walked out the door into the stairwell; and before you could say "jackrabbit," he closed the door behind me. I stood there in a daze. For the past two hours I'd practically been raped, and in the end had given him half my money. What the fuck was wrong with me? The soreness in my ass made walking awkward. I headed east and hailed a cab. The past few hours were the most pivotal of my life. I'd been transformed into someone I didn't think was possible—a guy who'd complacently given up his body to a two sadistic faggots, and let them do with him as they wished—a guy who'd obligingly sucked cock, got fucked, and took their toxic jizm up his ass and down his throat—and who wanted it! I could forget all this had happened. I could call the cops and claim that I'd been raped. But I wouldn't do that. Thankfully, when I got home my parents were nowhere to be found. I went in the bathroom and stared into the mirror. I was surprised I'd even been able to get a taxi. My face was still bright red where they'd slapped me. My hair was a mess and sticky. Apparently a shot or two had landed in my tresses. My ass was red and swollen. The welts would last for days. Thank God I could conceal that from my parents. I could make up some lame excuse about my face—that I had gotten in a friendly tussle with a buddy. my jockstrap was dirty, but I doubted mom would notice as it gets quite dirty when I sweat. Overall, no one had to know what had happened, and what would likely happen in the future, except Martin, Jake, and me. I hopped in the shower and massaged my anus. I got a sudden urge to take a dump. I rushed out of the shower and sat down quickly on the can. I had a minor case of gas and diarrhea. I felt the excrement egest my man cunt, accompanied by several soundless farts. When I reached down to wipe my ass, I was surprised to find no trace of brown. I saw clumps of white floating in the bowl. So that's what happens what someone fucks you! I stuck a finger in my Hole and felt around. It came out slimy pink; my fingertip was jizz-covered. I raised my digit to my lips and sucked it clean. I finished my shower, put on my robe, and climbed gingerly in bed. A horrible thought occurred to me. I raced into the bathroom and retrieved my shorts. I found the paper with Martin's number on it. I put the paper on my desk. That little shred of cellulose was my salvation, my only concrete link to what, in time, I would become. Edited February 6, 2012 by Hotload84 2 3 3
everready4it Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 More. Let's hear about his exploits as a pimped out whore.
Jackfoster Posted February 6, 2012 Report Posted February 6, 2012 hey man this is beyond hot and it's also extremely well written. I can totally relate to this character-- I've been in many crazy situations and each time my internal dialogue is asking what the fuck am I doing here and I can't help but randomly think " what if my mother found out?" The dualities of life are strange, exciting and sometimes really fucking nasty. ~Jack 1
cumaddict71 Posted February 6, 2012 Report Posted February 6, 2012 oh my god, this is one hot story!! MORE PLEASE!!!!
Inception Posted February 6, 2012 Report Posted February 6, 2012 Yeah hot, but it's just every fucking bottom's fantasy that guy's think they're so hot that they'll pimp 'em out. I wanna read about how you turn out a young stud with huge a schlong. How does that kind of guy get convinced to start fucking old poz bottoms bare for cash? Cause in the real world those are the whores I wanna klnow.
cumaddict71 Posted February 6, 2012 Report Posted February 6, 2012 I know, it's every bottoms fantasy... to convince a young stud with a huge schlong to barefuck old poz bottoms might just be a question of the amount.... But would love to read a story about that for sure, too!
Jackfoster Posted October 24, 2016 Report Posted October 24, 2016 This story is STILL so fucking hot god damn
sweetholealabama Posted February 21, 2021 Report Posted February 21, 2021 for anyone interested, there is a 5 part version on the nifty erotic stories website nifty / gay / authoritarian / the-zone
Shotsfired Posted February 28, 2022 Report Posted February 28, 2022 One of my all time favorite stories. I thought more people should enjoy it. Bumping to the top. 1
PozUpMN Posted March 21, 2022 Report Posted March 21, 2022 (edited) On 2/20/2021 at 11:45 PM, sweetholealabama said: for anyone interested, there is a 5 part version on the nifty erotic stories website Thanks @sweetholealabama. I found it at [think before following links] . It seems part 1 was reworked with bugchasing elements and ended up here on BZ. I enjoyed both versions. Edited March 21, 2022 by PozUpMN fixed link 1
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