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I was in college, and loved everything about it except the studying. And the reading, tests and homework. Other than that stuff it was all super. If there'd been a "wasting time" major, I'd be a huge success because every time I was supposed to be studying, I'd find some new way to kill an hour or two. My school had several museums and I'd been to all of them except the natural history one. I'd seen enough taxidermy and dioramas on grade school field trips to last a lifetime. But it was late on a Thursday afternoon and I really didn't feel like going back to my dorm room and cracking open a Russian novel where all the characters had long names that were too hard to keep track of. So I went to that museum. The horse General Custer was riding when he was killed was supposedly in there somewhere. That'd at least be something that might be interesting.

Right at the entrance there was a long wall of dioramas. "History of Man" was the theme. It went backward from modern man (a mannequin with a briefcase and suit) all the way to apes.  Talk about wasting time. It was all so simple but I did find myself lingering a little at both the Cro Magnon and Neanderthal exhibits. Naked, hairy and primitive men always looked good to me no matter what period of time they came from. I had no experience with men, but I already had a type. It was a little frustrating that they put such small penises on them, but I guess you can't really expect to see porn-sized dongs in a college museum. Oh well.

I did mange to find Custer's horse on the 4th floor and it was pretty unimpressive. i  worked my way down each floor and grew seriously bored. Maybe something was wrong with my contacts, but I swore I kept seeing something moving in the corner of my eye. I looked around and saw nothing. I didn't clean the lenses as often as I was supposed to. 

Once I made it to the basement I finally found exhibits I was somewhat interested. Here were displays of venomous snakes and spiders common in this state. I had a serious fear of those brown recluse spiders and was certain that they were everywhere around me as I slept at night. As I tried to memorize what they looked like, a janitor pushing a broom came right up to where I was standing. I quickly moved out of the way and started studying the snakes. 'whisk, whisk, whisk' Here came the broom man and I was slightly annoyed. Were't there four other floors he could go sweep now. I thought of just leaving, but decided to go three rows over and look at all the colorful butterflies -- dead, beautiful and pinned to a board. I'd lived in this area my whole life and had never seen any of these species. Whatever.

whisk, whisk, whisk

What the fuck? Was I trailing dirt or something? The janitor was back and this time I turned to him to say something. I saw him at last. He was pretty much the guy from the Neanderthal display wearing blue coveralls. Shoulder-length dark hair, a bushy beard and a distinct uni-brow. It was almost comical, but I didn't laugh. I decided to stand still and let him just go around me. But he stopped and stared right at me with dark, dark eyes that were heavily shaded by his thick eyebrows. 

"You here to have fun, boy?"

He could talk -- which surprised me somehow. "Huh?"

"They usually come here on Thursdays for some fun", he answered.


"The fags. You a fag?"

"Probably", I answered, hardly believing I was having this conversation.

"Good. Who told you about me? Was it that Kirk guy? He's got AIDS, ya know?"

I stayed quiet.

"Yeah, I noticed a lot of you dudes are sickly looking which is why I never touch their dicks. I'll fuck 'em in the ass and mouth, but that's it. I'm completely straight so I can't get nothin'.

"Don't be so sure", I thought to myself.

I watched as he let the broom drop behind him. He stared me down with that prehistoric stare and started kicking off his work boots. He had no socks on and each of his toes were sprouting great spurts of hair just like the fake cavemen in the display. Once he had his janitor uniform all the way off, I was witness to the most body hair I'd ever seen on one body. His dick was hard and noticeably larger than his cousins in the diorama. "Well...come suck on it", he said with a tone of impatience.

I hesitated.

"I locked the front door twenty minutes ago. Nobody's here but us".

I would not get to the Russian novel on my desk any time soon. I knelt down and took the shiny, fat head in my mouth. It tasted like a man. I pushed forward and his ultra-hairy, ticklish  crotch covered my eyes and nose.

"Ow, Watch the teeth! What's wrong with you? None of them others ever let me feel their damn teeth".

I tried to be more careful but I guess he'd had enough. Caveman pulled away and bent down to fold up his coveralls into a makeshift pillow. "Come lay back, fag. Damn! It's like you ain't never done this before."

I hadn't, but I played along. I was supposed to be somebody else I guess. I noticed the top of his 'pillow' had an embroidered name on it. "Judd".

Judd. Perfect.

He wasted no time in mounting me with my legs in the air. It hurt so much and I tried to scoot away from under him. 

"Aw Hell -- you're new. You need oil? I don't got none now, but I'll go easy."

In my effort to get away I had messed up the pillow and now my head was on the bare floor. He went for it again. His determined caveman dick eventually made it halfway in me before I stared weeping with pure agony.

"Relax the butthole, boy. I'll finish soon."

'Soon' could mean anything so I just shut my eyes as tight as possible and let him go at it. He was fast and primitive and started to orgasm right as he let out a caveman growl. I maybe even moaned myself. He pulled out of me (which also hurt), straddled my chest and let a few cum drops hit my lips. "That there is clean sperm", he added. I doubted it, but savored the taste anyway.

We dressed and I left. I went back a few times and we did everything all over again. He sometimes brought oil or lotion and sometimes he forgot.

It was somewhere around the time finals started that I got seriously sick. I had fevers, a rash and pains in all kinds of embarrassing places. I could barely get out of bed and that's when my buddy Jenny dragged me to the student clinic to get checked out. Big surprise. I had gono, syphilis, crabs, and thrush in my throat. It was too soon to tell if I had HIV, but I'd find out in four months. 

I spent a lot of time recovering...sleeping, taking pills and dreaming of going back n time to meet my caveman.







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9 hours ago, ponyboy238 said:

Lucky caveman to get himself a cherry boy.

Where's that museum, hope he still works there.

The actual museum is at KU in Lawrence, Kansas. It's exactly how I described it, but that janitor is fictional. I've been cruised there, but not by a hot caveman. If only!

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I thought I f he got thrush, he either ate too many sweets or was definitely down with an opportunistic infection as a result of hiv. Many of us still remember friends who came down with it, many no longer here. Good writing, though. Would be interesting to see a follow up, maybe the janitor and his brother.

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