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I'm dumb. I'm so, so dumb. It was a few days away from Christmas and the weather was terrible -- and yet I decided to drive out into the country for a coworker's holiday gathering. The TV had warned there'd be blizzard conditions and black ice on the highways. What the hell is "black ice" anyway? I'd never seen it or slid in it. I seemed like a fake weather thing they used to fill air time.  I'd never seen "updrafts" or "heat lightning" either. The little party was nice even though over half those invited didn't attend due to the dire weather forecast. I ate well and had many rum and Cokes. Probably one or two too many. The hostess tried to convince me to just spend the night on her couch, but I really wanted to be at home. So I ventured out.

The dirt road leading away from her place had started to drift closed  a little, but it was nothing my car couldn't handle. The little two-lane highway heading back wasn't drifting at all, and I could almost go normal speed. I was still in a very rural area and it would be another fifteen minutes before I'd glimpse the lights of the city. No problem. I saw the sign for a narrow bridge up ahead and tapped the brakes a bit. Mistake. I was suddenly sliding and almost went into a full 360 degree spin. I ended up going backwards into a ditch with my headlights shining up into the snowy night sky. I felt pain. Did I not buckle my seat belt? No. I had not. My neck and tailbone ached right away and I could feel slight pain spreading across my forehead. At least the car was still running, with the heater going. I wouldn't freeze to death or anything. Maybe I could just close my eyes for a few minutes and see if I felt better pretty soon. 

I dreamed for a few seconds. A stranger was handing me a huge wrapped gift and wanted to watch me open it in front of him. I ripped into the paper and --- "HEY!"

I was awake and a guy was standing over me. I was outside and lying on the snow. How? After coming to completely, the pain in my back and head  came vividly back to life as well. "I'm hurt", I said  to the large shadow over me.

"No shit!", he said. "You're fucking lucky to be alive".

"Help me", I pleaded. I didn't think I could move or walk without jabs of pain shooting through me. I guess maybe this man knew that because he picked me and gently slung me over his shoulder. 

I was pretty high off the ground which meant he was pretty tall. The jolts of stabbing pain were pretty bad, and I my let ice-cold tears drip onto his down coat. And then I was propped up on the front seat of his truck. I'd never realized how painful it could be to just sit upright. And then I was sleeping again. I woke up, flat on my back in a nice comfortable bed. "I think you've got a concussion so I probably need to keep you awake for a while".

"Can you call an ambulance?'

"I tried. The phones are out. The weather's even worse now. Open your eyes and look at me".

I did. His face came into focus after a few seconds. He was a big beast of a man with jet black hair and a full, bushy beard. Mountain Man. He studied my eyes and concluded I was probably OK. "But just to be safe, keep those eyes open and talk to me".

"My name is Ross. What's yours'?"

"I'm Ed. You live around here?"

"No. I live in downtown in a little apartment".

We went back and forth until he was fairly satisfied I wouldn't slip into a coma or anything. He told me about growing up in Boston before his stepdad kicked him out and he moved to L.as Vegas and then to L.A. where he was in some movies. He was doing pretty well until he got sick and moved here to the middle of Kansas to live on the farm his grandfather left him when he'd died. He raised a few cattle, but it was hard because all the meds were kicking his ass. Meds? For what? He kept talking and I kept listening until sleep finally grabbed me. I maybe woke up two times that night and was aware that he was lying next to me....nude. My clothes were gone too. 

The next morning, I was made instantly aware of he soreness in my body. Ed was gone, but he came soon enough with a glass of ice water -- which I desperately wanted. With some painful effort, I sat up and took a few greedy gulps. I knew I'd have to pee soon, and God only knew how I'd manage that. I had so much pain. "Do you have any Tylenol or anything like that?"

"Oh I got something way better. Hold on."

He returned a minute later with a white tablet in his sausage-like fingers. "Swallow this." I did.

"You don't have any broken bones, by the way. I checked you all over last night. You might have some fractures, though."

"Oh shit...my car."

"I'm fixing to go tow it out while you sleep. The phones ought to be up by the time I get back".

Once I realized I wasn't in pain anymore, I celebrated by giving in to the sleep that was creeping up on me again. I woke up twice.  Once to find myself in his bathroom, leaning against him, aiming pee into his toilet. I didn't really register that he kept holding my dick after I was finished or how he was massaging my balls. The second time I felt the soft, spongy head of his penis sliding across my lips. He was very casual about it. "Your car isn't banged up too bad, but the battery is dead. I'll charge it for you. Go back to sleep". 

I closed my eyes again and yet he was still rubbing the hardening dick across my face and neck. I even felt a little stickiness ooze out.

I slept yet again, but not as deeply. I was almost completely aware of Ed sliding a second pill between my lips. 

And he talked some more. I half-listened in my partial slumber. He talked about how lonely he'd been and how he hadn't had any sex since getting AIDS three years ago. And then he gently hugged me. "Did that hurt?"

"No. I don't have pain now, man."

"Good. I need to do this".

I didn't know what he meant, but then he knelt down between my naked legs and let his hard cock poke me in the balls. And then he prodded it against my unguarded asshole. I knew this was some gay sex about to happen, and I knew it hurt the bottom guy a lot. But then he moved his big dick in and it pinched, but didn't really hurt that bad. I guess everything down there was numb thanks to the pain pill. He was gentle, but fast. He thrust in and out until he stopped suddenly and released his load inside me. 

Later in the day, I was able to get dressed with just some stiffness here and there. The weather had cleared and I could finally go home in my somewhat dented car. Ed and I said our goodbyes with a promise that we'd meet up again. Which we did. Several more times. My physical injuries were minor, but my blood was now injured irreparably.





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  • 4 months later...

What a perfect way to become a carrier of Ed's DNA!! Story is sexy and has a nice romantic pull! I enjoyed being in bed with Ross as he tried to recover but did the right thing and gave his body over to Ed as his immediate caregiver. Gift giver! He had the nicest package and you opened it and responded as you should.

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