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My First Time

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(There are a lot of true bits to this story. I'm not changing names or too many details, because I'm pretty sure they're all gone now)


During Christmas break from college, I decided to buy a cool jean jacket from the mall. I was so uncool in those days that I never got a second glance from guys or girls. Then I got contacts and was determined to spiff up my wardrobe. My lesbian friend Kelly helped me pick out cool clothes-- including a weathered, faded denim jacket that looked pretty much perfect. I felt new. And I was catching looks every time I went out. My self-esteem had always been fairly low, but it was growing a little day by day. The only thing I had to learn was how to return eye contact and make something happen from the connection. I was content just being noticed for now.

Honesty: I was a gay virgin who grew up on a farm. I now beat off a lot, but had no idea what actual sex was like. 

I had a weird schedule my Senior year. I'd get up for my first class at 11 a.m., and stay up late into the night. This was really handy when I had to do wash clothes at the laundromat down the block. It was always empty except for a bum or two who went there to sleep. I was an art major and usually took my camera to get photos of them. One fateful night. the place was completely empty and I just sat down with my sketchbook and waited for the cycles to complete. And then a Hispanic man walked in with a box of donuts. He was my height, dark and smoldering-handsome. He went to the far end and sat at a little table to eat his donuts. I kept sneaking glimpses of him. He seemed happy looking out the dark window and munching as I dried my clothes twice as long as I needed to. I kept looking at him without even realizing he could see me in the reflection of the dark window. 

Well, this was a bust, so I put all my clean clothes in the basket and took then to the trunk of my car. I sat in the driver's seat  and prepared to go home. And then he suddenly appeared at the glass door, looking right at me. I was a bit frozen for a few seconds, but didn't know anything else to do except just start the car and leave. And then. And then he started rubbing the crotch of his sweatpants. It was a signal. A gay signal I guessed. I hopped out of the car and asked him if he needed a ride. 


"Where do you live?"

"We're close. What's your name?"


"I'm Orlando. I guess I should have saved you a donut. Sorry".

It was 4 a.m.

I pulled up to his house which looked more like a shed. Turns out it was a garage he was slowly turning into a small house. We went in and it was kind of a chaotic mess.  He quickly held me close and planted a big kiss on my mouth. My first kiss. Our clothes came off gradually. This was it.

He wanted to get me down on the floor with just a comforter on it. I was all set, but demanded a condom. He seemed disappointed, but put one on. His dick was kind of small. It hurt a bit but then felt better as he pumped and eventually came. I was fine, but he was in a little pain because I was so tight that it tortured his prick. I apologized for his discomfort. He pulled me down to the makeshift bed and we slept. 

Over the next few weeks, we continued this..I had opened up a bit and learned not to tense my ass up so much. It was all fine until he decided that the condoms were killing his hard-on.

"How about if I fuck you bare and pull out?"

I agreed to that despite a nagging feeling it was not safe. He fucked me like that for over a month. A few times he forgot to pull out. Oh well.

I graduated and moved away. Over an hour away. He didn't have a phone in that tiny shack, so i couldn't report the horrible flu I came down with.



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