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Breath and Death

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Winters in the Midwest are either miserably cold or ugly or both. It's weird that I chose that time of year to come out and start playing around. I could have chosen July when all the hot men wore practically nothing, but I guess you don't really get a choice on when you "awaken". The timing was also unfortunate because there had been almost a dozen cases of young gay men in my city vanishing without a trace. The cops didn't really do much about it until gay groups and parents of the missing guys started getting vocal and calling for an investigation. These were not gay prostitutes on the street -- they were young men just like myself. Guys who had jobs and families. Maybe it was due to my age, but I never really worried about it too much when I went out. Nothing bad or weird had ever happened to me.

There was a gay bar near my work called "Jamm". It was small, friendly and the gossip was always good. The latest hot talk was about the new police artist sketch that was being posted everywhere. Apparently somebody had been approached by a man who gave him "a creepy feeling" and tried to get him into his car. That didn't seem like much of a lead, but the sketch was posted everywhere now. It wasn't a very good sketch. The face looked too weird and angular - like a Marvel comic character. The hair especially looked bizarre. I sat at the bar and listened to the speculation....

"I thought it was Jerry at first, but he never leaves his house since he discovering computer porn".

"I think I saw him at Lansbury Park".

"He's probably changed his whole look since this came out".

"It says he's between 5'11" and 6'6"? How do not narrow that down!?"

The doorman/bouncer made sure everybody left with a photocopy of the sketch. I put it in my coat pocket and went home. A week later I went to the pharmacy to get a prescription refilled. I was on an antidepressant that I wasn't sure was working, but it gave me great dreams. Of course there was a problem. The pharmacist said there was no record of me on file. Fuck. I'd come for months and knew I was in a computer database somewhere. I was trying to be patient with this boob, but my voice was getting louder and angrier. I was not one to cause a scene however this seemed as good a time as any. The manager scurried over and wanted to know what the problem was. The pharmacist and I began talking at the same time while the manager went directly to the computer and started fiddling around on the keyboard. 

"Lou! You only brought up only the past week's archive file. This young man is in our permanent record. Go take your break now and we'll talk later".

Victorious! The manager took it upon himself to fill my prescription himself. I watched him and noticed how tall and odd-looking he was. And obviously wearing a toupee. He fit the role of a pharmacy manger pretty well. He handed me the pills and said, "No charge. We apologize, Mr. Brewer".

I left and went home to eat dinner and fed my cat. I was almost ready for bed when the phone rang. 


"Mr. Brewer?"

"This is Tim, yes."

"It's Joseph Noddingham from the drug store. I filled your prescription".

"Oh yeah. Wait -- Your last name is the same as the name of the store?"

"Yes. My family owns all the Noddingham Pharmacies in the country.We're based here."


"I just wanted to apologize again for the mix-up. Are those pills working out for you? I'm not familiar with that one at all".

"Well, I wouldn't say they make me happy -- but I sleep great and have some awesome dreams".

"You're unhappy?"

Not all the time. I'm just not in a good mood very often these days".

We ended up having a long conversation about moods, life and the limits of medicine. I told him needed to go to bed, but thanked him for the call.

"Goodnight, Tim. Enjoy those dreams".

And that, the phone rang again and again over the next ten days, Joseph (or "Nod"as he liked to be called) talked a lot. It stopped seeming weird after a while. He kept asking to take me out to dinner and I ran out of reasons to decline. He picked me up one Friday night when the temps were hovering a bit below zero. We went to nice place and it sat net to a large window with a nice view of the city lights. As he ordered an obscure wine, I studies his face. Something was familiar about it. He was probably in his early 40's and not too bad looking. His hair was the probably his worst feature. It looked like a wig but possibly it wasn't. We ate a great meal and drank wine...two bottle's worth. 

About fifteen minutes after we finished up, I felt that arctic wind through the glass. I shivered and considered putting my coat on, but that would probably be rude.

"Cold, Tim?"

"Yeah. I tend to run cold anyway and this Winter has kicked my butt so bad".

"I've got an indoor, heated pool at home. And the whole place to myself this week. Want to come soak up some warmth for a bit?"

That sounded so good. "Well, Nod -- I didn't bring swim trunks. Sounds nice, though".

"We're both guys, Tim. We don't need swim suits. Come on. It'll be nice, and I'll drive you home later".

"Well...OK. But I have a cat that will need her breakfast at 9 in the morning".

"No problem. Let's go".

We drove through some really nice neighborhoods I'd never seen before and then we were in the country. He lived in a friggin' mansion next to some woods. We went into the huge house and I could smell the pool right away. Chlorine has a sexy smell in my opinion. Make me think of men in tiny swimsuits and bare chests and hairy legs. He led me to the by the arm to the pool. It was beautiful. There was even a tiny waterfall at the end. As I turned to compliment his set-up, he was already striping off all his clothes. Once he was done, he stood in a Super Man pose and showed off his stuff. His physique was thin but pretty muscular and his dick was long and pointy. He had a fair amount of body hair and his bare feet were bizarrely long. I took off everything too, but didn't pose or anything. I just jumped in the warm blue-green water. God, it felt nice! All the Winter chill left my bones. 

Weirdly, Nod stayed on the side and started playing with himself, kneading his dick. Well OK then. He was gay too. I probably should have guessed that, but I was new,

"Get out and dry off, Tim".

I did as told. He had me lay down next to him while he continued to stroke himself.

"I've never done anything, Nod".

"I figured as much. I've done a lot. I do as much as I can when my wife and kid leave town. Her family lives in New Mexico. Ever been choked? You might get into it."

"N-No. Choked? You want to choke me?"

"Just a little, Tim. It's part of the play. I like to control a person's breath and help them feel good. I've gotten good at it You'll come like never before".

"I don't think so, Nod".

He had lubed up his long, weird penis with a mystery lotion. "OK. Can we just fuck then?"

I didn't see an option. He mounted me on top and planted that thing into me. It didn't hurt too bad at first, but then I felt an incredible burn in my ass. I tried to tell him to stop but he had his long skinny hands around my throat. I couldn't scream or breathe, He got furious with the his torso and was pummeling me. 

"See? You passing out yet? If you'd been nicer, I would have used a nice silk scarf instead of my hands. You'll have bruises now, but that's all your fault. ALL YOUR FAULT!"

I was starting to black out.

"This was supposed to go different. I was going to give you AIDS and let you come back for more. But you wrecked everything. Yeah. At least you won't die of AIDS like I probably will. You'll just die and then I'll have to chop you up and bury your parts in the woods with all the others. BLAME YOURSELF!"

I wondered about 'the others' just when he shot his pulsating load inside of me. He had worked himself up so much that the orgasm weakened his grasp on my neck. I took the opportunity to get away from beneath him. He knelt there, composing himself when I pushed him in the water. As he tried to crawl out, I picked up a huge pot of plants and smashed it on his head. He fell back and submerged. I got dressed, got the car keys out of his fancy dress slacks and drove his Lincoln directly to the nearest police station. I relayed my story as quickly as I could.

He drowned and I was now a hero....with a bruised neck and HIV in my blood. A serial strangler had been caught. It made national news....especially when they started uncovering all the human bones in the woods. I had to move back with my parents. Mom stayed on top of all my medicines and made sure I ate well. She took me to doctor's appointments regularly. It was nice to be taken care of, but I was still fucked.

Some nights I thought of Nod fucking me. I held a pillow over my face with one hand while I beat off with the other. 






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