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Fever Breeding

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I'm one of those 'night people'. I've always felt more alive after midnight. Leave the daylight to normal people. How I made it through school and college is a total mystery. I had permanent dark circles under my eyes and weighed a mere 130 pounds at 5'10" when I graduated. I was an art student and landed a job doing graphic design for an agency in a mid-sized city. The 9-5 schedule took me a long time to get used to, and I started drinking gallons of coffee and caffeinated sodas just to adjust. The sun would go down on weeknights and normal working people got ready for bed. I tried everything to sleep at night: herbal supplements, crystals, meditation, etc.

I finally went to a doctor. There was a new sleeping pill being heavily advertised on TV. You know the one. I wanted that even though it had a long list of heinous side effects.  I was desperate. My doctor was only too willing to prescribe it, but only after I answered a bunch of questions. 

"Are you or have you ever walked in your sleep?"

"No," (Lie. I did it all the time as a kid.)

"Do you drink alcohol?"

"Not often." (lie)

"Well, be aware that this pill can be habit-forming."

I was aware, but sleep was habit forming too. What wasn't? Food was 'habit-forming', as was Oxygen and water. All I just wanted to sleep at night for Christ's sake. He gave me the prescription with two refills. I promised I'd call him if I suffered any side effects, and that was that. I'd read stories about this pill...people eating everything out of the fridge in their sleep or driving in their sleep.  That was pretty scary, but I needed rest so badly. 

The first night I took the pill, I slept the whole night. A few weird dreams, but nothing noteworthy. This drug was my new best friend! I was happy for a week, but then weird shit started happening. I'd wake up like normal only to find my furniture rearranged in some new way or the leftover pizza gone. My dreams got really explicit and yet I wasn't all the concerned. One morning, my coworker Larry asked me if I was OK.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You don't remember calling me? You woke me up."

"I did? Are you sure it was me?"

"Yeah. At first I thought you were drunk, but you sounded perfectly normal. You told me all about how you wished you had a better relationship with your older brother. And then you told me you were gay and lonely. I figured it was a joke."

"Yeah. No. Sorry, man. I started taking this new sleeping pill and I must have called you when I was out of it."

"Be careful. I've heard about that stuff. Don't drive in your sleep...you could kill somebody. Hide your keys or something."

"Sorry I woke you."

Shit. I wouldn't tell my doc about this. Despite the weirdness, I loved being functional during the day. But then I began noticing that the hood of my car was warm in the morning. I'd driven without realizing it!  Where had I gone? What did I do? This had to stop. The clinic was closed, but I would definitely call the doc tomorrow. And I would have if I hadn't come down with a severe case of the flu that night. It was bad. My fever was really high and I was freezing no matter how high the thermostat was set. I was coughing like crazy, but the fever was the worst. Stupid me didn't believe in taking anything for a fever because it was the body's way of killing the virus. So I let it peak. No virus could survive this heat. I kept taking the pills because sleep was the only relief I had now. The dreams were vivid and bizarre...and very sexual. I dreamed of hard dicks and pubic hair and tattoos. I'd spend all night in pure erotic bliss and then wake up to more misery.  This repeated for nearly a week. I'd suck dicks all night and cough my lungs up during the day. 

The most explicit dream was about walking through a long hallway that seemed familiar somehow. There were doors on all sides, but I headed straight for the sound of running water. Was this a dream? It felt almost too real. Then I was in a cavernous concrete room that was poorly-lit. If I was dreaming, I should be able to make it brighter.

"Where's the light?", I asked loudly. 

"Hold on," a man's voice said.

The light went on, but it was still pretty dim. "Well look who's here! It's Slim! How you feelin', Slim?"

There were five completely naked guys standing around under a shower nozzle in the wall. It was gym class or something. Most of the naked men had full boners. 

"You didn't look well last night. I thought maybe we'd fucked you too hard or something, but you're back for more! Yay!"

"I know you?"

"Oh man -- that hurts my feelings. I was your first. You need to lay off the weed a little. Try this."

He held a little bottle under my nose. I sniffed and that made me cough like crazy. I was sure my waking self was also coughing.

"Maybe he needs to lay down," another deep voice said. "Let's put him on the bench."

"This is a dream."

"Yeah, Slim. That's exactly what this is. You're dreaming now." the others chuckled and whispered. 

I was lying on my back. In the sparse light I could see I was surrounded by hard-ons, bald heads, tattoos and leather arm bands. There were more than five now. "How many are here?"

"Enough to make this your best dream ever. You want lube or you wanna go dry like last night?"


"Let Jeff go first. He hasn't bred you yet. Go ahead, Jeff."

A big, bearded ape of a man stood next to me and let his hard dick poke me in the eye. Ouch. I'm glad my waking self had taken my contacts out. "I like that. Do it again, Jeff."

More chuckling. He poked that hard rod into both eyes until I could barely see. "Can I fuck his eyes out?"

"No. Let's keep it a little more sane tonight. We've already done enough weird shit to the poor kid."

"Fine. But I gotta piss first." He aimed that fat head right at my mouth and I saw the first few drops fall before a blast hit me in the lips. It was hot and odorless. 

"He digs that! Look at how hard he is. I'm gonna go now too."

Then there were three or four streams hitting me in various places. "Piss in his eyes!" And somebody did. It didn't sting at all...in fact, I thought I would ejaculate right then. My vision was blurry but I could see that ape Jeff get between my legs and started licking my asshole. I shot my load. Best dream ever!

"Sorry, guys."

"Don't worry, Slim. You cum several times every night. That was just your warm-up shot."

Jeff was on top of me. His big belly was so hairy and his beard was rubbing my face raw. I could feel his hard tool push deep into me. It felt a little painful and a little amazing.

"Damn. You guys have him all loosened up. When do I get to break a cherry ass?"

"When you quit the third shift and get here at a normal hour of night. I was his first, and he took it like a champ."

Jeff had a tattoo under the hair on his chest. I tried to see what it was, but it was hard to make out. It kept changing. At first it looked like some kind of symbol but then it became a skull. He was really thrusting into me with full force. It was so nice. Was he my boyfriend in this dream? I reached around and hugged him like he was. That set something off in his brain because he went deeper and faster.

"Here it comes!! Ah Shit!!" He bucked and spasmed a few more times before stopping. We lie there for about ten seconds before he stood up and shook some remaining cum drops on my legs.

"What's your tattoo, Jeff?"

He laughed as did the others. "You need a tattoo also, Slim. We've already marked your insides...maybe it's time to mark the skin."

I don't even know who was talking. let's get you something on your skin. Whispers. "Hold out your arm." I did.

I felt a razor blade go through the soft skin of my inner arm. Huh? Then the first guy stood next to me and cut his own arm. He pressed his fresh wound against mine. "I'm your blood bother now." Then everybody else wanted to do it. I was cut in multiple places and got contact from all their lacerations. It didn't make sense, but I didn't say anything. Dreams are just weird. 

The rest of them fucked me and it felt great every time. A few of them went twice and a few of them wanted their cum swallowed -- which I was all too happy to do. Sperm  tastes like lemons and salt and life. 

"I could live on sperm."

"Well, we can arrange that, Slim."

And the, a parade of dicks of all shapes, sizes and colors were in my mouth, feeding me seed. Sometimes a bare asshole would be planted on my mouth. Some of them smelled bad, but in a nice way. More pee.  Best dream ever.

"Don't leave now, Slim."

But I needed to go.

My phone was ringing. It was my boss asking if I was feeling any better. 

Coughing. "Yeah. I think my fever has broken. I should be back in a day or two."

"Well, make sure you're well. Half the staff is out sick."

"OK. Bye. Thanks for calling."

I actually did feel better. A little weak maybe, but not like before. And thirsty. My mouth was so dry and my lips were chapped. And I had bled all over my comforter.  I was cut up in eight different places. I had enough strength to dress myself and go outside. Mail had piled up. The hood of my car was warm. Wherever that dream took place, it was within driving distance.

I knew what I'd done and what had been done to me. It was all a dream, though. I was blameless and so were they. 

That dream stayed inside of me forever.





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