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Romantic Summer Storm Seduction

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It was a hot sultry summer Sunday afternoon and my chores were done so I headed out to my local gay sauna for a bit of relaxation. Don't get me wrong it is the place where you can spend hours getting as much sex as your body can take, but for me I just enjoyed meeting with friends I had made there and enjoying the sauna and steam room. Changed and towel wrapped around me I headed downstairs and sat in the steam room for about 20 minutes, there was a few men enjoying themselves and one sat on a bench who showed no interest in any one else. He had a rugby build and was quite muscled but not gym wise, a hair chest and a type of 5 day old beard which looked neat and trimmed, close cropped hair and at a guess must have been just short of 6 foot.

He had made his exit from the steam room at the same time just ahead of me, the cooler dry air hit me as I closed the door behind me and  my body was all wet so went to the shower room to rinse off. I was standing under the shower closest to the entrance with my eyes closed and I let the cool water run from my head all down my body, at 28 I had an average body but a natural V shape from when I was doing gymnastics and sport at school but was not a gym person as I could never find the time.

As I enjoyed the feel of the water I felt a body move past me but kept my eyes closed, when I opened them to finish my shower I noticed he was under the shower head next to me doing practically the same as I did. With no towel around him I had to have a cheeky peek to see what he was packing, average but generous I thought but what struck me was just above his pubic hair was a tattoo of a scorpion and the tail part was drawn down along his cock shaft and ended just short of the head with the stinger. Certainly it aroused me so made a quick exit, dried off I headed up to the reception to grab a cup of tea and saw a couple of my friends in deep conversation so I joined them at their table.

"What are you two so deep in conversation about?" I asked plodding my arse on a seat, "The American is back, you must have seen him he has the scorpion tattoo." one of them replied, "Oh yes, he was standing next to me in the shower", they went on to tell me about his reputation when visiting being calculating and sought out his prey carefully and warned me to steer clear of him as he was bad news. I thought to myself for a moment mulling over what they said as a rumble of thunder went overhead. My friends decided it was time to up and leave. "About time we had a storm to break this humid weather" I called to my friends as I past them in the locker room, thinking I would just have a sauna and head back home before the storm hit. After 25 minutes in the sauna I showered off and went to the locker room to get change as crashing clap of thunder and the unmistakable sound of rain starting to fall could be heard, the scorpion man came in to the locker room and started to get dressed. As I exited the building the rain was coming down hard and it was a 50 meter dash to the bus stop across a busy road, standing under bus shelter I wiped my face and was soaked to the bone.

I noticed scorpion man exit the building and was heading towards me at the shelter as he arrived he was soaked as well, "lovely British weather we are having" I commented, he laughed and said "I should have just waited it out.". I then did the very British thing "Oh you are not from around here?", "No, San Francisco but I spend several months in the UK working." he replied and then introduced himself as Dave, he was very charismatic as he chatted. "Do you have far to go?" I asked, "Fulham about 25 minute on the bus and then 15 minute walk" was his reply, he seemed okay but not heeding my friends warning and I told him I live just 5 minutes on the bus and your welcome to dry off and wait the storm out, he hesitated and replied that if I was okay with it he would like to take me up on the offer, "Purely as a friendly gesture." I made clear. He smiled and shook my hand as the bus arrived we took our seats and chatted until we got off and went in to my house getting another soaking as we ran.

Standing in the kitchen diner I grabbed him a towel and we stripped off, putting our clothes in the dryer and made a hot drink for us both as we moved to the lounge at the back of the house overlooking the garden. He as standing at the window "That is one hell of a storm." he said, "Yes been building up for a few days not sure how long it will last." I replied. By now it was 6pm and he told me more about himself and that he was here for 3 months then back to the San Fran for 3 months then back here again for another 3 months, we had a bite to eat and a beer. I have to admit to myself that Dave had an incredible likeability and utterly engaging, I moved the subject on to the scorpion enquiring why he had it done especially down along his cock shaft, he laughed "I have no idea, one of those moments in life when you want to bare all to the world and hell it was painful for a week after it being done.", he pulled down the towel so I could see it properly. "I won't be getting one any time soon, maybe when I get older" I said, "So how old are you?" he asked, "28, and you?" he paused, "35 but feel 25 at time" he laughed replying. I was being drawn to him, don't know how or why it was like a magnet and sizing his body up I wondered if it would feel a comfortable as it looked being tangled together.

Just then a bolt of lightning flashed not far away and the thunder rattled the windows, Dave got up and stood by the window "Aren't storms amazing and thrilling, they send my adrenaline pumping around my body when they get so close" he was talking in a slow very seductive way as I moved to stand next to him he put his hand on my shoulder, "they breathe life and bring destruction but also provide a most romantic backdrop to be made love to." his hand slid down my back as he looked at me. I said nothing and rested my head on his shoulder as we gazed out the french windows, his arm reached further around my body and feeling a getting pulling motion I moved in front of him as his other arm encircled me and our heads rested against each other. He continued talking in his slow seductive voice my hands were now holding his arms as he began to kiss my neck gently "You are very sexy, I am very attracted to you, I want to hold and caress you and make love to you." he whispered, as he started turning me to face him his arms still wrapped around my body as I stroked his back he looked me in the eye as his face drew closer.

His lips touched mine as I felt my body surge in pleasure and I could now feel his erect cock pushed against mine, slowly kissing my top lip then the bottom our mouths opened and we had our first passionate kiss. He moved his arm up and around my neck as he kissed me again parting my lips I felt the warmth as he slipped his tongue in to my mouth, I felt like I was floating on air and desired this man standing in front of me. As we engaged in a very long sensual kiss he locked both his arms around my lower back and lifted me up as my legs wrapped around his and my arms clasped at his neck as if afraid he would stop. He carried me over to the large sofa as he lowered me he kept a tight grip on me and positioned his legs missionary style which kept my legs pinned up around his hips, we carried on kissing as and our tongues found a new vigour exploring each other. His arm resumed the position around my neck to hold me and his other hand disappeared below, I felt him rubbing his cock head over my hole as I melted in his arms, slowly increasing the pressure causing my some pain and discomfort my face winced. He kissed my neck moving to my ear and whispered "Relax and let me do the work and together we will both enjoy making love to each other.", I tried to calm myself as he went back to kissing my neck I felt his cock pushing in further as I moaned and told him I wanted to make love. With that he glided the last few inches in and held my tight so we were arse to cock and face to face, his slow gentle thrusts with his cock sent the most amazing feelings through my body and he started to kiss me deeply. It felt so comfortable and loving being locked together as he quickened his pace the thrusting got harder and deeper but by now I was totally his to have and I wanted him badly.

After 30 minutes of incredible love making he held my head as close to his as possible and his thrusting got faster and his breathing moved to a panting he kissed my mouth then lifted his head as he thrusted his cock deep me and holding it there he shuddered and moaned as his orgasm began and I felt the warmth of the seed being released in my body at that same time I began shooting my load clasped around his shoulders pulling him closer to me as we were both in throws of ecstasy. We laid there for what seemed an eternity as he continued kissing me and the storm raged on outside and in our bodies.

Eventually we undocked ourselves from each other, "wow, that was amazing" I whispered to him, he kissed me "perfect match" he replied and continued "I had already decided when I saw you in the steam room that I would seduce you to make love with me the natural way", I looked back at him "Are you poz?", "Of course, what do you think the scorpion symbolises?". A look of horror must have come across my face as he leaned in and kissed me again. I asked him one question "Why did my friends say you were calculating and bad news?", he laughed at me as he got dressed "I choose my victim carefully and seduce them and have bareback sex with them.", stunned by all the revelation he came over kissed me again and walked out the door. I sat on the sofa listening to the distant rumbles of thunder as the storm moved on.

The following day I went to work as usual with conflicting memories over the love making and deliberate act of poz fucking me, this lingered with me all day until I left work and back at home. I had some dinner and sat on the sofa looking out of the window with my thoughts for company. The doorbell ringing shocked me back to reality and I was in two minds to leave it but I got up and opened the door to see Dave standing there, "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you but I want to talk about last night." he urgently said, I moved aside to let him in. "I will understand if you hate me for what I did but I can't get you out of my head and I wanted to see you again" he paused and looked at me "actually I want to see a lot more of you.", my head filled again with conflicts as on one hand he possibly single handedly destroyed my life but the other I was very attracted and addicted to him.

I knew he was heading back to San Fran at the end of the week and would be back 2 months later, my mind made up I told him that when he returns if I am diagnosed with HIV I would see him again. We kissed and he apologised again and left.

The clinic was full on the day I returned to get my results and as I walked with the doctor to his room he broke the news that the test came back positive, the rest of the consultation was a blur and a further appointment was made for me to go back to check the medication was working that he handed to me. Life goes on and another statistic added to the books.

The following Saturday morning the doorbell rang, as I opened it Dave stood there and I let him in. "Did you have the test done?" he asked, "Yes, I have it." was my short reply, he smiled as he looked at me held out his hand as I raised mine and placed it in his open hand. Dave moved towards me and seduced me once again. Somehow the raging storm from that Sunday afternoon had set me up with a man who I lusted after and now loved dearly as we began our lives together.

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