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Question about load counts


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Like a lot of guys on here, I like to keep track of the loads I take. I also like to freeze my own loads and insert them in my hole as lube before taking fresh loads. Any other guys who do that? Do you include the frozen loads in your overall load count? When tops ask me how many loads I have in my hole, I include the frozen ones. Any thoughts?

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Guest BBBoyfromTN

When I first started having sex with guys I kept a sex journal that catalogued every sexual encounter, keeping details. It didn't take long for it to spread to many pages as I really liked having sex. I was constantly thinking and fantasizing about sex, what a guy's dick looked like, tasted like, how his cum tasted and so on. I thought it was harmless and once I casually mentioned it to a bud and he looked at me with complete disgust. "What are you, a girl?" There was such contempt and disdain in his voice. He mocked me like I was writing my first name with the guy's last name like I wanted to get knocked up and married. I was embarrassed. Why was I keeping track, reveling in what I'd done? Another bud wondered why I wasted time on it. "You should be moving on to what's next" he'd say. I stopped record each one, writing down only memorable ones and before long stopping it entirely. The reason why might surprise you.

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