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Tops not caring if a bottom catches something?


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Years ago when I was versatile or topping guys, a hunk came up to me and told me to go to the STD clinic as his ass had been infected with gon and I was the only guy who'd fucked him in ages. My test came back neg (and I've never had gon before or since) so I'm not sure what he was on...

At least he told me to go and get tested I guess, so can't fault him too much.

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What happened to personal responsibility?

If you're prepared to spread your legs for a stranger, you should accept that you may get something, even if they say they're clean.

It was the tops attitude once he was contacted saying that he might have something. I'm not sure how the OP worded the message, but when the response comes back " he replied that I got what I deserved and that slag bottoms deserve to get infected with all sorts."

Yeah, there is personal responsibility and accepting risk - but taking that attitude as a Top and viewing bottoms as slags that deserve to catch STDs is bullshit. If he had been "oh shit, thanks for the heads up - I'll go get tested" that'd be one thing.

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