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Would you be willing to cost-share if it meant more hookup opportunity?


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I try to offer my ass up in service for Tops a couple of times a month, in hotel rooms and at the baths. My service is always performed gratis, of course, because I believe that is the role I am meant to play in the Grand Scheme of Things. Men seem to appreciate it, and I’ve even started to get contacts from guys wanting to know when I’ll be back next.

I would do it more often, but the thing is, it ain’t cheap. The lodging/room costs for hotel and bathhouse for those three nights a month, plus gas to get me there, set me back well north of two Benjamins a month. I don’t mind taking on the expense - it enables me to serve. But doing more is beyond my means at present.

My question is: For those of you who take advantage of such services, if the guy offering the service left out a box for donations box to help defray expenses and enable more frequent service, would you ever consider contributing to it? Or would you just assume your donation would go for some other use and not bother? Would seeing such a box give you the impression that something was expected of you in exchange for the service, even if it were clearly labeled that there was no obligation? Could it be done in any way that would make it clear that the guy was not “in business”?

I probably already intuit the answers to these questions, but I’d like to hear others’ input.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest BBBoyfromTN

It's like being pregnant...either you are or you aren't. There's no way to leave out a "tip jar" like it's fucking Starbucks bro. You can ask guys to throw you some roses when they come to use you and some might, some might not. I'm not gonna lie...I used to escort/hustle and I was always upfront about wanting to get paid and what it would cost guys. There weren't any free rides or "tip jars" when I did it. I get that you want a little something for your troubles but most guys will be a bit put off by that. Hence, you're either selling it or you aren't. A good example was when I was down in Galveston for Labor Day. The hotel was cheap and I make good money and could afford it. Would I have liked to have made some money for giving up my ass and breeding the hot boys I hooked up with? Fuck yeah! But was that my reason for being there? No. I was there to get bred and breed boys. I knew there'd be plenty there looking for the same thing. Most of them probably make less than me or don't have jobs. They just wanted to load my ass or take my cum...they didn't want to have me jingle a tip jar and have me ask for money. Plus that kind of makes me look sad and desperate and that's not a good look on anyone. If you get a hotel room or a room at the bathhouse its because you ENJOY doing it. You WANT to do it. If you wanna sell your ass then sell your ass. But it doesn't sound like that's what you wanna do. You wanna get bred and that means you gotta lay out the cash for it. You can ask guys to toss you some roses but don't be surprised if they're no shows or their idea of being generous is Hamilton or Jackson...and that can be downright offensive...

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@BBBoyfromTN - Thanks for that well-rounded perspective, which basically answered my question. I categorically do not want to be compensated for my services to Tops in any way, because that would run completely counter to both my role and duty as I believe them to be, and the service ethic I uphold.

While my interest in this question is purely driven by a desire to make myself even more available to Tops who wish to use me, your response makes it clear that there is no way to go about it that would not be misconstrued.

It’s somewhat frustrating to express myself in this arena because I say exactly what I mean and mean exactly what I say - I have always been that way. I don’t play games, and I don’t misrepresent myself. Yet so many men do when it comes to sex and intimacy that it’s almost assumed. If I say it wouldn’t occur to me to ask a Top to compensate me for something he had a right to to begin with, most men would just think I was spouting a typical bottom talking-point, and not realize I’m being completely serious.

So of course you’re right, anyone would see a donation box to defray travel expense as a ‘tip jar’ or worse. If I want to make myself available more often, I’ll just have to find another way to cover the cost myself.

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This is also one of my problems having  a good time and doing my duty as a cum dump.  For myself, there are no real good places to meet with guys here locally and have to travel well over 100mi for such activities, so the cost is well over the $100 mark for each outing. Living on fixed income, that makes my fun, few and far in between.

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Guest BBBoyfromTN

The topic kind of a reminds me of a bud who's a bottom and on Prep and he wanted to figure out how to do the same thing to help defray the cost of Prep. He was willing to bottom for poz guys and felt he was doing them a "favor" by letting them bareback him, which had me reeling. He apparently thinks a bit much of himself and how good a bottom he is (he's good but not THAT good). I tried explaining to him that he's doing himself a favor by not getting pozzed and how hard it is to find good tops but he wouldn't hear it. He feels guys owe it to him to let them bareback him. Needless to say he's very picky and then proceeds to complain about how little action he gets. Not saying you're like him but speaking more to how there's no protocol on things like that. It's a bit like when you get a room at a bathhouse or sex club. You have privacy and yeah...you kind of wish the other guys would kick a few bucks or buy you a drink or something. I mean...yeah...I'll sometimes have guys offer me coke or something and that's cool but unexpected.

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8 hours ago, BBBoyfromTN said:

The topic kind of a reminds me of a bud who's a bottom and on Prep and he wanted to figure out how to do the same thing to help defray the cost of Prep. He was willing to bottom for poz guys and felt he was doing them a "favor" by letting them bareback him, which had me reeling. He apparently thinks a bit much of himself and how good a bottom he is (he's good but not THAT good). I tried explaining to him that he's doing himself a favor by not getting pozzed and how hard it is to find good tops but he wouldn't hear it. He feels guys owe it to him to let them bareback him. Needless to say he's very picky and then proceeds to complain about how little action he gets. Not saying you're like him but speaking more to how there's no protocol on things like that. It's a bit like when you get a room at a bathhouse or sex club. You have privacy and yeah...you kind of wish the other guys would kick a few bucks or buy you a drink or something. I mean...yeah...I'll sometimes have guys offer me coke or something and that's cool but unexpected.

Yeah... now I’m sorry I asked. If the topic puts you in mind of an ass-proud, self-centered bottom who thinks cock is an entitlement, then clearly the only thing I can accomplish here is to be completely misunderstood.

I do thank you, though, for giving me a sense that there are ‘protocols’ to consider - that had not occurred to me before. It also makes me a little sad for some reason...

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When I read the title of the post, my mind went in a totally different direction. I thought it was going to be about how bottoms could team up to lower the costs of traveling for sex. But I guess that's tricky as bottoms can be competitive and the fur might fly if one is paying half the hotel costs and the other is getting all the action. And then taking this into an entirely different direction, I never understood why more tops don't offer to whore out visiting bottoms for a donation. I get turned on by the idea of a top bringing guys to the hotel to fuck me or him taking me out to a local park (someplace I'd never venture on my own) to get guys to do me.

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45 minutes ago, bbzh said:

 And then taking this into an entirely different direction, I never understood why more tops don't offer to whore out visiting bottoms 

This has been discussed in depth in other topics, but essentially, there’s nothing in it for the Top unless the Top is one of a very distinct set who specifically gets his thrill from this kind of control. Otherwise, it’s nothing but work for the Top who has to search out candidates, negotiate hookups, answer messages and emails from all of them, post ads, and put up with the flakes and game-players... and sometimes they don’t even want to let him watch. All in all, it’s a miracle any Top does it at all. It’s something I consider above and beyond the duty of any Top, and a deep privilege for a bottom to receive. 

NOTE: For a Top to do such a thing for any material consideration would constitute behavior that we cannot discuss on this site

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