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I'd always been a pretty straight laced guy. At the age of 30, I'd done my share of partying, but had never lost my head. I'd been safe, responsible. I was proud to reach 30 without ever contracting an STD. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a stiff. I'd experimented with drugs (weed, coke, Tina, g, e) but nothing too major. And I drank. Man, could I toss back the booze! On the particular February night this story takes place, I'd done just that. One drink at eight had turned into multiple drinks at different bars. I'm a fairly decent looking guy, so I've always been able to flirt at least a shot out of a bartender. By the time I stumbled into my apartment, it was 3:00 A.M. and I was trashed. So, I did what any drunk horny homo does: I got online. Usually, I dirty chat until I pass out but, tonight was different. Almost immediately I saw someone I knew: Justin.

Justin was a very hot guy I'd fooled around with a couple of times and then lost track of - the way you can with tricks. He had a huge cock, but was always kind of boring in bed. He was pretty vanilla and never had the throw-down that I wanted. So, you can imagine my shock when he typed "Come over. I'm going to slam for the first time and I want you here." Now, I'd never slammed before, in fact I rarely did Tina. I didn't like the fact that I had difficulty getting hard and cumming when I partied. But, to watch a friend get slammed and party who I didn't know particularly well intrigued me. My rising cock sealed the deal. I was out the door and on the way to his house within five minutes. When I got there, the door man buzzed me into the building without even checking with him. I guess I was expected. I got on the elevator and I thought, I'm not going to party even if there's smoking. I'm going to watch him get slammed, see how slutty he gets, and jack off. That's all. This plan was confirmed when the door was opened not by Justin, but by someone else, who introduced himself saying "Hi, I'm Mark." "Hi Mark. Where's Justin?" "Oh, he's in the bathroom getting ready. Come in."

Mark had answered the door shirtless and as i looked at his face and body all I could think was, Mark is poz, probably with a high viral load. He had defined muscles, but the were very pale with veins prominent everywhere. When he shook my hand, I noticed his nails were really long and looked kind of sharp, which was weird. Well, I thought, I'm definitely not partying. Do not want to loose my inhibitions with this guy. I walked into the apartment and found Justin getting out of the shower. "Hey, bro!" he said. "Glad you can make it! I really want someone here I can trust." His body was just as amazing as I remembered. t was hard not to stare, he was so beautiful. His dick, even soft, hung longer than my dick when hard.

"No worries. The idea gets me hard, man! Watching you get chemmed!" "It does?" He reached out and felt my rising cock in my jeans. "Fuck yeah, dude. I didn't even know you partied!" "Only on occasion. In fact, I'm taking a hiatus to Tina for awhile, and want to end it with a bang." He started unzipping my jeans. I grabbed him and kissed him hard. "Let's get you fucked up, man!" We went into his bedroom. Mark had laid out three full needles in a tray. "Oh, Mark" I said, "Just in case one of those is for me, I can't tonight. I have work early and can't get fucked up - I'll watch you, 'tho." "Really?" he asked, "cause your dick seems to say otherwise" as he extracted my now hard cock out of my boxers. "I know, man. I wish I could, but really, I have to be responsible tonight." "It's cool. I understand."

Justin sat down on a chair, worked a belt around his arm and started pumping his fist. His cock looked like it wanted action, so I started stroking it. "Yeah, Ryan!" he moaned. "Keep doing that. I need a distraction if I'm gonna do this." I knelt down and started sucking his now hard cock. It was so big, I had to concentrate to get it in my throat. "Just keep thinking about him, bro, and enjoy it!" Mark said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mark prepare a point, and ever so slowly he inserted it into one of Justin's now prominent veins. I knew Justin was hit - he sucked in his breath, held it, and coughed. This had the mark of a good session.

Mark undid the belt and pushed Justin's newly pointed arm up over his head. I sucked his cock down to the pubes and forced myself to hold steady, notwithstanding I really was on the verge of gagging. While I was not interested in any chem involvement, I was very interested in satisfying my slutty tendencies by pleasuring myself (and Justin). Justin leaned back, head against the wall, arm resting on his head. All he said was "Oh, fuck!"

"You sure you don't want one?" Mark leaned in and asked me. I shook my head no, Justin's cock still in my mouth. Then, quite abruptly, Justin pushed my head off his cock and stood up, swaying a little. I got to my feet and moved to balance him.

"You okay, bro?" "I need to go to the bathroom" as he stumbled into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. "How much did you give him?" I asked Mark. "Not much. Certainly not enough that he should have a bad reaction." "I'll go check on him."

I walked to the bathroom door and I knocked. "Justin? You okay?" The door opened and Justin gestured me in. "I'm fine" he said. "More than fine." He grabbed me and pushed me up against the door, shoving his tongue into my mouth. I was stunned. Justin had never been aggressive before, but this new behavior was what I wanted. I moaned my approval of the animal the slam had brought-out in him.

"I was just pretending" he whispered, continuing "I just met that guy online and, between you and me, I think he's poz." "I thought so, too" I replied quietly. "I think he might be full blown." "Really? Fuck. That crossed my mind. That's why I did this. Go out there and tell him I'm sick. I'll come out in a minute and tell him I just need to go to bed, that I got too much T. Then, you tell him you'll stay to make sure I'm okay. After he's gone, we'll fuck like sluts!"

He shoved his tongue into my mouth again, grinding his dripping cock into my crotch. Pulling back, he grabbed my shoulders and flipped me around, bending me over the sink. Pushing my head into the mirror, he ground his cock into my ass crack, which, I thought, was a whole lot more interesting than if I blew him and simultaneously jacked-off. Just as long as I didn't party. Roughly pulling my head back up, he whispered "Get out there, bitch - and get rid of him." Pushing my cock back into my jeans, I zipped up and left the bathroom to find Mark was sitting on the bed. "Everything okay?" he asked. "Naw, man. He must be a light weight. He's really sick. It was kind of gross." "Fuck. Does he need to go to the hospital?" Before I had to come-up with a reply, the bathroom door opened and Justin stumbled over towards us, and unsteadily moved to crash on the bed, only to slide off the edge of the mattress and end-up sitting on his ass at the foot of the bed. Damn, he's good, I thought. For a second even I was convinced by his act.

"I'm so sorry, Mark, I've gotta crash" said Justin as I moved to help him onto his bed. "It's okay. It happens - even to those with experience. It's just a matter of chemistry." I felt a little guilty, doing this to Mark. He seemed like an okay guy, especially for a dealer. And as for his supplies, well, at least some were now wasted. But, at the same time, I needed to feel Justin touch me again like he had in the bathroom. I liked his aggression and was happy to play along if I got a good fucking out of him. "I think I need to rest. Ryan?" Justin weakly asked. "Yeah?" "Will you stay in case I get sick again?" "Sure." "I think I should go," Mark said as he started to put his shirt back on. As he turned from me, I saw a bio-hazard tattoo on the small of his back. Yep, definitely a good thing he was leaving. "Sorry, Mark" Justin continued. I could not get over what a good actor he was. I almost believed he was sick. "I'll talk later." "No problem, really. Don't get up. Rest." "I'll walk you out," I offered. When we reached the door Mark turned to me saying "Glad you're here to watch him." "Yeah, it's no trouble" I said, thinking about how I hoped to be taken care of as soon as he was gone.

"If you need anything, or if you want to party sometime, here's my card." He slid his card into my front pocket, letting his hand slide down and then up my hard on. "Thanks, Mark. I might take you up on that." He smiled and walked down the hall. I closed the door, waited a second, locked it, and rushed back to the bedroom. Justin had put on some porn and was standing up, stroking his eight inch cock. "Damn, I thought he'd never leave!" he said. "Come here, boy." Eagerly, I walked up to him. He grabbed me, and planted another intense kiss on my mouth. "Strip!"

Without thinking, I dropped my trousers and pulled my shirt off over my head while I kicked off my shoes. "Faster, bitch" Justin said, lightly slapping my face. Damn! Dominate too? This had all the markings of a hot session, particularly as both times Justin and I had had sex, I'd fucked him and our experiences had been very vanilla. This was a whole new side of him, a dimension I liked - a lot. I stepped out of my boxers and stood before him naked, as I reached for cock, only to have him slap my hand away. "Did I say you could touch me, faggot?" he (almost) snarled. "No." "No, what, bitch?" "No sir!" "That's right! Are you going to do what I say?" "Yes sir!" "Everything I say?" "Yes sir!" "You better, faggot, or I will punish you. Believe me!" My hard cock was dripping pre-cum. This was exactly the kind of scene about which I'd fantasized, but hadn't had the guts to actually investigate. I knew I would do anything he said, no question. I felt the part of my brain that made rational choices slowly disappearing. "On your knees, bitch!" I quickly sank to my knees, opening my mouth and moving towards the beautiful cock I was prepared to worship. Justin slapped my face away. "Did I say suck it, faggot? Huh?" "No sir." "Did I even say open your mouth?" "No sir!" "If you can't obey, boy, I'll tie you down and make you obey."

Th thought made my cock (and asshole) twitch. Would I let Justin tie me up? I'd never been tied up before. The copious stream of pre-cum seeping down my shaft and onto my balls told me all I needed to know. "Now, stand up." I did as I was told. Although I suspected it might get get me in trouble, I couldn't resist taking scooping up and tasting some of my pre-cum. Fuck! I love the taste of cum! Justin let me suck my finger dry before the punishment came. "Stupid faggot!" he yelled. "Too addicted to cum to listen to simple instructions?" "Yes sir." "Lay down on the bed." I had never tasted Justin's cum. When we fooled around in the past, it had always been very safe. I wondered if I'd get to taste his cum tonight. Now in his dominate, uninhibited, tweaked up state, anything was possible. I wasn't moving fast enough. Slap! Again I was ordered "Lay on the bed, you fucking faggot bitch!"

Justin slammed me to the bed. Part of me wondered if his neighbors could hear us, but another part of me couldn't care less. It wasn't my apartment. "Stretch your arms out," he ordered. I did what I was told. Justin pulled ropes out from a night table and tied my hands to the bed posts. Ropes in his nightstand? Had he been planning this all along? Surely not, but what other explanation was there? Had Justin's range of sexual interests changed? For that matter, the question briefly crossed my mind Just how good of an actor was Justin? Had I walked into an elaborate scene he had concocted to get me tied up and helpless? I had come to his apartment thinking I'd be in charge. How wrong my expectations were.

In any event, any worries I had melted away with the thought of his amazing cock, and the possibility that I might get to swallow his cum. I wanted to taste him so badly, to feel him shoot his load down my throat. I hoped he'd pull out a little, letting a blast or two land on my tongue so that I could savor it before swallowing it. "I'm going to breed you tonight, boy." Quickly I was pulled out of my fantasy. Breed me? I had never had a bare dick in my ass before, let alone had anyone cum in my hole. I was negative and proud of it. Breed me? This had gone too far. "No, man. No unsafe sex." Justin slapped my face, harder this time. Much harder. I was stunned. "You don't get to say no, boy. In fact, I'm going to make sure you beg for it!" It was then that I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Shit! Someone else was in the apartment. My heart started to race. I pulled on my ropes, but they were too tight. I couldn't get away. It was then that it finally sank in just how helpless I was. I started screaming. Another slap. "Shut up, bitch!"

Just slid his belt over my arm. I was trying to absorb Justin's intentions when I saw Mark who said to Justin "Hold his arm down." But how had he gotten back in? I had seen him walking down the hall and had locked the door. Then I began to understand what was at issue: Mark wasn't merely Justin's dealer. Whatever the relationship between the two, Mark apparently had a copy of the key to Justin's apartment. I'd been played.

Justin looked down at me and told said "Have you figured it out yet, bitch? Huh? Mark is my master, the way I will be yours. After tonight you will not only be my slave to do with as I please, when and where I please, but you will also have the glorious gift he has given me." I felt the coolness of an alcohol swab on my arm and felt a needle stick me. Mark was inserting a needle into my arm, he draw a small amount of blood, and then the contents of the needle disappeared into my arm. Before I knew what happened a surge of warmth invaded my arm and quickly moved throughout my entire body. For a second I couldn't breath and then coughed, and again coughed harder. Then the transformation commenced: my mind moved from its normal plane of existence and I found myself to be a new man, a different man. Not a man. A boy. A bitch. A hole. And I needed to be used. I needed to be filled. I heard myself moaning uncontrollably as the slam hit me. Wave after wave of it. I couldn't stop moaning the word Fuck.

"See?" Mark said. "I told you this would be good." "Oh my god!" I moaned. "Fuck!" I felt a hunger inside me I'd never felt before. I needed to be fucked and I needed to be fucked now! I wiggled my ass around on the bed. "That's it, you fucking whore! You aren't going to fight me anymore, are you?" I shook my head no, still riding the uncontrollable waves of pleasure the slam had brought me. Why hadn't I done this before? "Even when I want to breed your cunt?" I shook my head again. "Say it, cunt!" "No sir!" "You'll beg for it, won't you slut?" "Oh, god! Yes Sir! Please breed me sir!" "Even when I tell you it's a positive load I'll be dumping in you?" "Yes sir, I want your poz load!" "When my master dumps his load in you, you'll beg then too, won't you, faggot?" "Yes sir, I want all the cum I can get!" "That's right. And you were right, boy. He is toxic. His viral load and cell count make him almost full blown. But, that makes you want it even more, doesn't it, bitch?" But, before I could let the thought really take hold, I smelled something under my nose. A hand held my mouth and one nostril shut, forcing me to inhale deeply from my only open airway. Poppers. English, by the strength. I was flying. I knew I'd let and do anything for these two. Even if they untied me. At this point, I wouldn't leave. "Yes sir!" I responded as the poppers traveled to my other nostril.

"Good boy!" My new master said. He grabbed my ankles and pushed them over my head. I felt my neck strain as my body was bent in half. Without lube, without warning, what I'd been craving since the needle left my arm was given to me. I felt the head of his dick push into my hungry asshole. The pain was excruciating. But, it only turned me on more. Mark leaned down to my face, held it towards his, spit in it, and said "You are starting to feel it, aren't you? Pain is becoming pleasure to you, isn't it? That will increase. In time, we will teach you to feel even the most intense, brutal pain as pleasure, but your mind and your cock will scream from more. You will need pain to become aroused. Pleasure, sex, your body, your soul, your life. After tonight, none of it will be the same."

Justin's cock was all the way in at this point. He had slowly pushed the full length into me, massaging my prostate. I thought I might shoot my load right then, no touching. But, as quickly as that pleasure and gentleness came, it was gone. Justin pulled all the way out of my ass in one quick move that made me gasp. Nothing happened for a moment. I heard a noise to my side. It sounded as if something was being sprayed. "That's it, slave" Mark whispered. "Feel it." Justin slammed back into me, his full length going in so far, I screamed in pain. A new rag was put in my mouth. There was something on it, a chemical. I could tell right away because it was cold. "Breath that in through your mouth," Mark said. "Deeply."

I did what I was told. My head started to spin. Between the Tina, the poppers, and this new cold chemical, I had never felt so overwhelmed. Tears streamed down my face from pain, yet my lust and desire were never stronger. I needed more. I wanted more. I moaned for more. "What do you want, bitch?" Justin asked me, as he continued to power fuck my twisted, bound body. Mark pulled the rag from my mouth. I heard the spray sound again. "Everything, sir!" I cried. "You want to be my boy?" Justin asked. "Yes sir!" I moaned. "You want me to use you? Hurt you?" "Please, sir!" "You want me to own you, cunt?" "Oh, god! Yes, Sir!" "Well, you know what you have to do, don't you?" he asked. In another sudden move, his cock was out of my ass. I felt empty. I expected a sudden power thrust that would send me back to the wonderland where pain was becoming pleasure. But, it didn't come. I got nothing. My ass squirmed, seeking blindly for my master's dick. "Oh no, bitch! Not until you tell me. Do you know what you have to do?" "Yes sir." I said, still squirming. I had never felt this empty inside. "And what is that, boy?" The chemical rag was back in mouth, stronger than before. Mark plugged my nose. I had no choice. I inhaled deeply. He removed the rag.

"I have to take your master's cum, sir." "Good boy. And why, faggot?" I felt his hand brush against my gaping asshole. I shivered, wanting it to slip inside, needing anything to fill me, replace what was missing. "Because he will give me the gift, sir." "So you do listen, boy. Very good. And you will take this gift from my master?" "Yes sir." "Knowing that we will not stop using you, abusing you, until we are sure you have the gift?" "Yes sir!” "You have pleased your master and my master with this. You quickly have learned that you are not important, just as I am not important to him and he is not important to his master." "His master?" I asked, excited at the possibility of even more men using me. "Yes. His master: AIDS. He is it's bitch. And, soon, you will be it's bitch, too. But, first, you have to ask for it. You have to want it. Only then will I own you." I didn't think. Beyond want, I knew what I needed. I asked.

"Please, sir!" "Please what? You have to say it, bitch!" "Please infect me with AIDS. I need it. I need it inside me. I need to be owned by you, master. Please! I'll do anything!" "That's all you needed to say, boy." I heard some movement on the bed and I wondered what was happening. Even though no one was holding my legs, I still kept them wide in the air, hoping. I didn't have to wait long.

I had never been this turned on in my entire 30 years. I wanted everything from these men. I needed it. In the matter of one hour, I had changed from a guy valued his negative status, one who never took risks, a guy who fundamentally wanted a regular relationship into a moaning, pleading, bitch who would do anything to make my master happy, even if it meant taking highly toxic loads in my ass. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted more.

I felt the head of a dick brush my hole. I moaned. I was going crazy and they new it. From between my legs, I heard Mark say "You stupid fucking faggot!" He pushed inside me, all the way. I moaned in pleasure. His cock was not nearly as big as Justin's, but it was definitely thicker. Feeling my hole stretch in a new way drove me even wilder. "Oh, god, yes! Fuck me!" "You like that poison cock, bitch?" "Fuck yes, sir! I love it!" Mark pushed two fingers into my ass, along with his cock. I had no idea why, but I knew I loved be filled even more!

"There's no turning back now, bitch" I heard Justin say. He had taken Mark's place as the devil whispering in my ear. "Do you know what he's doing to you? He's digging into you with his fingernails. Those long nails of his. They are sharp. There's no way it won't take now!" Knowing that Mark was cutting into me, mixing his precum and soon his cum not just into my asshole but directly into my blood caused a lust in me I can't explain. This was happening. Up until know, it wasn't just talk. It would happen. I trembled. An orgasm greater than I've ever experienced rocked my entire body. I shook and moaned uncontrollably as shot after shot of my cum flew, hitting me in the chest,face, and hair. I could feel cum dripping under my blindfold, starting to burn my eyes. "Holy fuck, boy! You're making me-"

Mark began to moan. I realized he still had one hand inside me, scraping and scratching me, while his free hand gripped into my leg. His long fingernails sank into my skin, causing me to moan and convulse in pain and pleasure along with his orgasm. I felt shot after shot of his toxic seed shoot into me. With each shot, I knew I would never be the same. Finally his orgasm subsided. I felt his cock begin to slide out of me. My exhausted legs began to fall back to the bed. "Oh, no you don't, faggot!" he said, slapping me sharply where he'd just wounded me. I knew I'd have marks for a while from his claws. "You keep those legs up, boy! Let that cum and blood flow into your body, becoming apart of you."

I imagined his virus slowly moving through different parts of my body, taking over. Soon it would be everywhere throughout my body. "I am apart of you now" Mark said. He stood up and crossed to my head, removing my blindfold. "Look," he ordered. "See what I've done? There's no escaping now."

I looked down at his thick cock. It was coated in my blood. "Clean it, faggot. Taste what I've done to you." I had no time to protest before they both grabbed my head and forced Mark's blood-covered cock into my mouth. I gagged. "That's it," he said. That's it." Slowly I started to lick his cock. Leftover cum was still seeping out of his piss slit. My desire took over. I started to suck. The more cum I tasted, the more I wanted it all. "That's it, boy. Become one of us."

They continued to roughly push my head into Mark's pubes, but they didn't have to. I had surrendered. The taste of his cum, my blood, and my dirty ass became intoxicating. I wanted it all. When all the flavor was gone, I still continued to suck, hoping for just one more little taste, but, I had gotten it all. Mark pulled his cock out of my mouth and inspected it. "You've pleased me, boy. I think you are ready for the final steps."

With that, Justin was back between my legs, forcing his long cock to the hilt. I could feel my hole ripping even more. The pain made me moan, I couldn't take anymore. My orgasm was just as powerful. My drained balls pumped and pumped, but little came out. My dry orgasm rocked my balls with pain as if I'd had blue balls for weeks. This pain caused even more pleasure, making me shake and convulse more. "Do you love it? "Yes" I moaned. "And do you love your master?" "Yes!" "Tell him." I looked right at Justin. Our eyes locked. "I love you, Master."

"I love you, too, boy." Justin came, shooting his load into my torn up ass. He fell against my chest, moaning into my chest. I felt his tongue tracing my chest and I'd never felt anything like it. The pleasure was coursing through me along with the virus.

Justin raised his head up to mine, his red lips moving towards mine. "Now I own you. You belong to me. I control you. You will never again do anything unless I tell you to, do you understand?" "Yes, Master." Justin kissed me. It was the roughest, most passionate, violent kiss I'd ever experienced. "Cleaning my cock binds the deal. Once you clean the cum, shit, and blood from me, we are bound. Do you understand?" "Yes, Master."

His cock entered my mouth. I knew what I wanted. All of my lust and longing went into licking and sucking him clean. The taste had the same intoxicating effect, causing my cock to stiffen and drip. As I lay, exhausted, bound to my new masters' bed, I knew that I would never be able to leave, escape, even if I wanted to. I was theirs.

Edited by Hotload84
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Guest mspsubmale

very nice conversion...could see this happening to me...


Poz breeding is so fukkin HOT - and chems take it to an even higher level! Great story.

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