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The finger-crooking has got to cease


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When I was first getting experience as a male submissive, I paid a visit to a Dom in Cincinnati who was over-fond of finger-fucking. I remember it well because he had me bent over the back of a chair with my bare ass skyward and roped in place.

He them proceeded to finger-fuck my hole for hours. At one point I got to where I was ready for him to stop, and said so. He ignored me completely and kept right on finger-fucking me. That day I learned what submission actually means. I also picked up a distinct dislike of finger-fucking.

Yet every single time a man encounters my ass in the position of submission, he’ll stick a finger in my cunt.

Okay, fine, I can accept that you want to test the waters before committing your cock, precious as it is. But every now and again a man will thrust his finger intp my ass, crook it into a hook shape inside my body, and then proceed to swirl this evil thing 360 degrees in my rectum. I presume this is to hook out cum loads, but listen and listen carefully, all of you - STOP DOING THAT. It hurts. And while you’re at it, would it kill you to trim your nails?


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