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How do I handle a neg top with HIV issues?


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24 minutes ago, Guest50 said:

My boyfriend isn't on prep but we have an exclusive relationship.

I was in two relationships like that.  Until I found out I was the only one being exclusive...  

Re: the OP.  All of the prior posts here have done a stellar job of walking around the issue.  I am hopeful the OP take away is to just choose to be truthful from the outset and let the chips fall where they may.  One of the mottos I live by (Kimo's Rules if you want to google it) is "tell the truth, there is less to remember".  

If for some reason he wants to try to salvage something he might suggest they go and get tested together.  Obviously Mr Top will get a rude awakening.  The clinic will give both some education which, given the circumstances as they are now; is likely overdue for both.  

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