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Phone Number Collectors 🤔


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Guys so I know some guys love attention but have you ever found that you give your number to guys they txt you a bit then the convo drys up ? 

Is it me or do some guys get off on collecting  phone numbers?


Look forward to hearing your experiences guys 

Karl 😀

Edited by Karl8181
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  • Carlos1881 changed the title to Phone Number Collectors 🤔

well that happens all the time to me... idk why men do that... but everytime we have an amazing sex, they ask my number... but never talk to me afterwards. so i stopped giving my real number

so, i think its a man thing to do that, i still dont know why...

several times i got my hopes up for something happening between us, but nothing happened... dumb ass guys

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I've made it a personal rule to not give out my phone number until after a few hookups. I figure by then they have shown commitment. And that brings me to pics.... it's kind of surreal to see a pic of a butt shaped just like yours with the same birthmark as you have taken in your bathroom.... on another bottom's profile. 😕

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