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Doug the unfaithful husband


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Hope you will like this. Some forced and blood kinks are present in the story, so if that's not your thing, skip the story. It is a work of fiction. Don't try anything mentioned in the story.


Part 1:

Doug was your average gym goer: 6'0", 160 pounds of pure muscle, green eyes, black hair crew cut, after years of gym, his only hobby apart from his bike and swimming - a body for both women and men to die for.

Since he made his girlfriend pregnant at 19, Doug was forced to get married, both by his and her parents and his devoutly religious girlfriend he knocked up just for fun, as well as her refusal for him to wear condoms or use other methods of contraception, once he managed to have sex with the virgin before marriage for the first time.

Thus Doug happened to become a father at 20 and being good at nothing apart from sports, started working at the very gym he frequented.

The connection of his hobby and job suited him well, as he was bi from as far as he could remember and could use the advances of some of the patrons and patronesses to his own advantage, with no questions being asked at home, leaving Doug the space to merrily fuck around and knocking up Mary, his wife, again when she started to have questions after the birth of their first child when she almost caught him in flagranti while "cleaning up" the showers and locker rooms, thus becoming father for the second time at 21.

One year and dozens of fucks later, one of the male patrons of the gym approached Doug again, angered at being left behind by Doug as a used rag, observing his fucking around at the gym afterwards, each fuck and dude fucked over and left behind by Doug later angering Hugh more and more, Hugh being no fan of fucking around, yet being kind of uptight about educating others about his ways and his dominant self refused by Doug just when he could be interesting for the 45 year old, daddy type 6"4' 200 pound, just slightly chubbier, yet muscle grayish-black haired daddy type with brown eyes.

He approached Doug when the last patrons were leaving, around half past midnight and, expectedly for Hugh, his advances refused by Doug, decided to get the better of the muscular, yet still kind of twinkish 22yo kid with exceptionally high self esteem and low regard for others.

"Well Doug, at least let me get you some protein drink and a musli bar before I leave, what do you think? At least you can do an ab or two before cleaning the place," Hugh offered.

Doug looked Hugh up and down, bewildered by the offer since he let the geezer down quite frankly, but then again, he was probably just trying it on him once again, so why not let him hoping, he laughed in his head and smiled at Hugh, telling him "that would be nice of you, Hugh." And he turned around to start cleaning the gym's machines for next day's use.

At the same time, Hugh bought two protein shakes and two muesli bars, unscrewed them, popped the no spill membranes, added little something to one of them and screwed on the mouth pieces again.

"I popped them up for us", Hugh smiled gently, as he handed Doug his shake and bar and gulped some from his own.

"The only thing I hate," said Doug, "is that they all teste like shit", he grimaced after first gulp from his laced drink.

"Right," grimaced Hugh, "better drink them in one go," he said, as he tried his best and downed his shake in one go, grimacing again as the full taste of the drink hit his mouth and the foul teste returned.Β 

At least the kid would have no idea, he though, as he watched Doug down his shake in similar fashion, the effect of the strong drug almost immediate.

"Ugh! I don't...feel very well," said Doug as he almost stammered when trying to make a few steps, his face flashing with heat, his face and body forming sweat, his muscles straining as he was trying to move around, his pecs bulging at the tight tank top, his strong tigh muscles flexing, yet as if to no avail while trying to walk, slowly failing.

"Come on, buddy, I'll help you into your car, you may have overdone it at the gym today," Hugh offered.

"I u..hwave too..," Doug stuttered.

"Nah, I'll finish it for you, don't worry", Hugh blinked his eye.

"T-Twankzzz", Doug replied, but was falling out of it quickly- Hugh catched his back and butt just in time as Doug started to fall by his next move attempt. "I'll make a nice cunt of you", Hugh petted Doug's ass, speaking half aloud. "Cunt like your character."

"W-hat?", mumbled Doug.

"No worries, buddy, come with me.", Hugh replied as he helped Doug out of the gym, Doug losing consciousness just as they were passing Hugh's van.

Hugh let the Doug's body slide onto the bed inside its cargo hold and just in case, fastened the young man's feet and arms into the chains fastened to the sides of the bed, Doug's body now X-spread onto the bed.

Hugh then fastened Doug's neck into a collar, fastened to the bed from two sides and applied a mouth gag into his mouth after disrobing Doug and starting the hold's heating.Β 

He then took Doug's keys, closed the van and returned to lock up the gym. He then returned to his van and set up for a trip with Doug, safe in the van's hold.

End of Part 1



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I have joined so many gyms in the hope I might experience Something like this. Difference being, I'd hop in the back and assist with the ropes to tie me down, and in return for my cooperation, you'd admin a booty bump/slam and a generous amount of laced lube finally inserting the fuck machine so by the time we'd arrived at your place I'd be ready for service

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Part 2:

Some BDSM and BDSM play ahead. Read on your own risk.


Doug woke up, unable to see anything, his brain in terrible pain. He tried to move his right hand, but something blocked its movement. He only managed to move it an inch or two, before it was stopped with a metal sound. The same happened when he tried to move his other arm, then both of his legs. Just the same metallic, clicking sound, as if his limbs were bound with chains. He tried to move his head around - it was stopped almost immediately by the pull at his throat, whichever way he moved it.

Moreover, the chain sound seemed to echo back to him, into his aching head, adding to his discomfort and growing fear.

He screamed from top of his lungs, but only an incomprehensible, muffled sound came from his mouth as he found out he cannot really move his jaw, his teeth unable to move against something solid stopping any attempt to do so, yet the thing was unable to bite through.

By trying to scream, he almost drowned in his own saliva, which he gulped, finding out he can breath, possibly through an opening in the hard thing stopping his teeth and jaw, but only if he doesn't try to talk or scream, the new slurping sensation of gulping down his saliva embarassing him.

However, the embarassment was nothing compared to embarassment and fear when he felt the slightly cold air pass his naked (!) body, forming goosebumps on his nicely trained back, shoulders, muscle butt and thighs.

His butt felt wet and sore.

"Ah, the Sleeping Beauty's finally awake", said a familiar voice.Β 

"HUGH!", thought Doug, mindlessly screaming it out loud , despite his previous experience. "What the hell is happening?", he wanted to scream, yet only the unaudible, gurgling sound emerged from him, as he began to choke on his own spit again, coughing, leading for air, gulping down some of his own saliva, while the rest most likely escaped through the breathing hole in his mouth.

"You prepared yourself for me. How nice of you," commented Hugh sweetly, yet slyly. "I have to admit I would absolutely love to try out THAT hole, too," he most likely grinned while saying that. "You weren't kidding when you told me you only topped," Hugh laughed. "I have to tell you I absolutely LOVED every second of taking that perfect, sweet, muscle, virgin cherry of yours, buddy," Hugh whispered to Doug's ear, Doug feeling the hot air of Hugh's breath as he was whispering.

"You were certainly confused when you only let other guys blow you, though," he continued. "You're a natural.", he replied to Doug's barely discernable "no", as he licked Doug's earlobe, his hot saliva turning cold in no time, and caressed Doug's squirming back and the right side of his well-excercised pecs, feeling them trashing, exposing his ribs, playing with the muscles around them, his back muscles arching and bulging nicely, meeting Hugh's touch. "Every Sub and Bottom IS, until he found his REAL purpose, yet," Hugh said, licked part of Doug's cheek, where the special mask Doug was wearing wasn't obstructing it, followed its line down Doug's cheek and jaw, licking his throat, and as Doug thrashed it around, pinned the young man with his own heavier, muscle body, dig his heavy hands onto the back of Doug's skull and forced his head onto the table, licking his throat.Β 

As Doug tried his best to squirm him off of his body, the pressure of Hugh's body on his back and the hard thing under his chest making it harder for him to breath, Hugh sank his teeth into Doug's neck, stopping Doug's movements immediately.Β 

Hugh then suck-kissed Doug's neck so violently Doug felt a sharp pain in and on his neck and after seconds that Doug felt like eternity, withdrew his mouth from his neck with a loud noise and Hugh observed his handywork of a spectacular hickey, smile that Doug wasn't able to see forming on his face.

Doug was blabbering something and entered another saliva choking fit. "I was not very happy about your treatment of the other men in the gym, not to say me and your wife," Hugh said, more angrily.Β 

He must have been now fully on the table, as Doug felt more of his weight hitting his body with air escaping Doug's chest as he jumped on him, Doug's own trained muscles probably the only thing between Hugh and his own otherwise broken body, Hugh's fuller muscle thighs enveloping Doug's just slightly less rounder, both of them feeling each other's muscle spasms as they touched-muscle on muscle, Hugh also feeling Doug's heart beating faster and faster as his own chest landed on Doug's back, pinning him down, letting more air out of Doug and making him gasp for air he was now unable to inhale.

As he started to cough and gasp real hard, Hugh let part of his pressure on Doug's spasming body release, let him inhale, then quickly grabbed Doug's forehead with both hands from behind, lifting Doug's head and neck up and to the back, making Doug's double-fastened choker snap closed around his neck, then choking him progressively more as Hugh was pulling his head more and more, Doug feeling the opening in the wind tube in his throat growing smaller and smaller, unable to inhale or exhale.

"Short answers only, Doug!", barked Hugh, "Understood?", he commanded. "I can still understand a simple Yes or no coming out of you."

"Yes" with some air came from Doug.

Hugh let him move his head a little forward and take a breath.

"You enjoy screwing around your wife like a whore?", he asked, sharply.

"No", came from Doug, whose breathing was slowly returning back to normal.

"Well I don't think so," said Hugh calmly, but angrily, and yanked Doug's head back again. "Are you sure, whore?", Hugh asked again and after another, this time more frightened-sounding "no", pulled his head back even more, making Dough cough, fight for air and turn red.Β 

"Tell me the truth, Doug," asked Hugh, you are whoring around with men while being unfaithful to your wife?", after a short pause from Doug, contemplating his position, he added, "Don't try to lie again. You are even turning red when you attempt to."

Doug, who was fighting himself, unable to say the truth aloud, fought it as long as he could, slowly letting out some air with a whistle from his neck and sounds one make when he is being strangulated, tried his best against Hugh's grip, took all his available strength, rocked his body against Hugh's, trying to get off his hold, get his head off his hands, his muscles starting to form sweat on his body, mixing with Hugh's own, result of Hugh's laying on Doug's body that was becoming hotter and hotter.

End of Part 2

I kind of went with the flowΒ 

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Part 3:

Β Read on your own risk.


After several tens of seconds of futile attempts at fighting back, Doug only managed to use up most of his remaining oxygen, let most of his lungs' breath out, his muscles starting to fail and hurt him, only managing to carry additional weight of Hugh for a while, then collapsing back on the table, his neck and head the only body parts to give a fight now as he fought to get some air, his thick neck with a large hickey on protruding veins, his heartbeat visible in them as it was changing colour from red towards purple. What was worse, he even felt the whole thing made Hugh hard against his exposed, wet and sweaty muscle butt that just ceased to spasm in his previous attempts to show Hugh's stronger, heavier body off.

As he understood he wouldn't be able to take another breath, Doug let a short, single, choked "Yes."

"'Atta boy!", said Hugh, encouragingly, pushing Doug's head to the table again. "You see it gets easier when you're telling the truth now, isn't it?", he asked the young man, coughing, wheezing and squirming his head and neck on the table, doing his best to keep his consciiusness while breathing through the opening at his mouth and feeding his body the precious oxygen it was lacking.

"Now," Hugh said, getting his palms under Doug's neck, his fingers crossed under Doug's Adam's apple, as he started lifting it higher. "You told me you're just getting blowjobs from men, right?"

"Yes," replied Doug, now afraid the ordeal will continue. The pitch black darkness instead of his sight only stressed him more and his heart was pounding wildly. At the same time, he found out his dick got all hard from the treatment, despite him being convinced he doesn't like Hugh's treatment.Β 

Despite the seemingly true answer to Hugh's question - Doug really just used men to suck him off - Doug remembering ramming his own dick down Hugh's throat last and only tine he let Hugh service him in the gym's changing room and despite Hugh's later advances and flirting attempts, despite Doug fucking his mouth so hard that in the last thrust, he dig so deep down Hugh's throat he almost choked him, only to deposit and cause Hugh a small coughing fit, as his hot cum hit both of Hugh's throat holes.

Now, as his throat was being lifted and more and more pressure applied on his Adam's apple, giving him less and less breath to breath in, his mind panicking as he was both choking and his Adam's apple giving him further distress, he tried his best to lift his neck more, but his own upper back and neck bones were preventing it, as were the chains stopping his neck movements, and even though he was able to relieve Hugh's pressure on his Adam's apple, the chains on his choker went to their end, sending in the choker to choke him with the same force. His arms' muscles were struggling against the chains to no avail, only making the steel like things, holding his wrists, dug deep in them, causing him additional pain. He was sweating profoundly, and if Hugh could see it, he even started to cry into his eye mask.

At the same moment, the pressure of Hough's palms reached Doug's Adam's apple again, the combined effect choking him even more, when Hugh stopped while applying just some pressure, asking Doug, "Are you sure, Doug?"

"Y..No! No, no!", cried out Doug.Β 

"That's right, bitch!", said Hugh, almost sweetly, releasing some pressure on Doug's Adam's apple, yet still holding his throat so high that Doug was still choked by the position and the chain-tightened choker around his neck.

"You also get heads from your wife, don't you?", chuckled Hugh and applied a more pressure on Doug's throat, almost choking out Doug's swift, yet now whiny reply, "Yes!"

"Well," said Hugh matter of factly,Β  as he let Doug catch his breath again, "I'm sure she won't like to have anything to do with you anymore, after what she saw you doing yesterday night."

"Naaaugh!", cried out Dough, followed by some inaudible blabbering.

"You see Doug, she was concerned why you didn't return home..."

At that moment, Doug thrashed around, trying to find a way to purchase or kick Hugh. "Hugh! You sonofa bitch!", he was screaming, yet Hugh couldn't understand any of that because of the rubber teeth protector, spreader and hole device, all in one practical setup, fastened in and around Doug's head and he began choking on his own saliva again.

"Don't force it, Doug," laughed Hugh, patting Doug on his short, crew cut cut, sweat soked hair, sending drops down his spine, touching his upper back muscles, before copying his pecs and hiding somewhere beneath them, out of Hugh's view.Β 

Doug could now breath more freely, as his body was suddenly free from Hugh's weight, yet his back, throat and lungs being sore from all the weight and pressure, now relieved and adjusting to the partial freedom of movement he was allowed without Hugh on his back.

Hugh catched some of the sweat drops from the back of Doug's head, captured some more as he was moving one of his palms down the back side of Doug's neck, following his spine, the rising witnessed of Hugh's palm mixing with wetness of Doug's back, causing him goosebumps as his hot back was touched with Hugh's cold, wet palm.

"You know very well all of that is true, right?

"No! It can't be!", screamed out Doug, almost crying.

"You know it is, Doug," said Hugh teasingly, but now he was collecting Doug's sweat with his fingers and nails as he changed the angle of his hand and his nails dig into Doug's skin with a soft whimper coming from Doug as Hugh's fingers and nails slided down his upper back, plowing Doug's skin and sweat to the sides of his passing fingers, leaving behind four to five reddish lines as Hugh's nails copied Doug's muscles, bones and skin on their way down his back, zig zagging between his lower neck, upper back right back arm muscles and spine, its canal source of sweat, coming down his lower back before Hugh-forced up Doug's slightly trembling butt, then gaining momentum of its own, disappearing and moisturizing Doug's ass crack.

End of Part 3Β 


I needed to break part 3 into Part 3 and 4. Since it ended up long and since I'm writing this on my smartphone, whwre the editing is harder, here is the part 4:


Part 4:

"Oh it is, Doug. If you don't remember, I will show you the video," said Hugh, as if slightly angered, "the same she saw", he whispered to Doug, jokingly now, "but I'm sure you remember this", and with a swift movement of the wet palm Doug almost wasn't able to detect, apart from no hand present on his back suddenly, since Hugh moved his hand up his back again a sharp smacking sound and pain came from his left buttock, as Hugh smacked it with full force of the palm of his hand.

"Aww!", cried Doug, as he squirmed to the left unvoluntarily, but his further movements must have been caught by one of Hugh's hands, and some of his weight was applied to his left thight and left side.

"Do you?", asked Hugh, the same loud smack and sharp pain coming from his right buttock now.Β 

"Nooo!", cried Doug, and without any control over his movements, tried to squirm, to no avail.

"Do you?", asked Hugh again.

"No I don't re...", Doug was about to say "remember anything", when another hand hit landed on his left buttock, this time hurting even slightly more than the first time.

"No! No! Stop!" Cried Doug. "I don't remember anything, honestly!", he was trying to scream, each muffle causing a hand hit on his other buttock, the intensity of pain rising with each hit.

"Do you now?" asked Hugh aloud

"Nooo...n...Yes! Yes! Yes!" Cried out Doug, as audibly as possible. After the 5 more hits to his hurting butt subsized, his buttocks were hurting even without Hugh hitting them.

"I can't forget, either," said Hugh, teasingly, now petting Doug's reddish buttcheeks, one at a time, at times rising his hand as if to hit Doug again, then letting them land gently, scaring Doug and making him whimper, as it hurt when the sweaty hands of Hugh touched the red areas, Hugh content, looking at his handywork, his palm and fingerprints clearly visible as red marks on Doug's butt, at places just slightly scarred where one of Hugh's rings hit the place in a wrong angle.

"I'm sure you remember, Doug," he said, as his hand suddenly went into the moisty crack of Doug's butt. "We had a lot of fun together, me and you," he teased, and as he touched Doug's sore orifice, Doug suddenly remembered the soreness of his butt and the wet feeling he had there, mixed with a feeling as if he needed to go to a toilet or had some gastric problem.Β 

It struck him at the same time Hugh suddenly pushed two of his fingers against his spincter, it hurt and felt like not resusting that much.

"Nooo!", he cried out. "Noooo!"

"OH Yes, Doug", exclaimed Hugh, as just the tips of his fingers attempted to get through Doug's wet hole, his nails went partially in, but were stopped by the sudden spasm of Doug's butt muscles.

"You were crying like a bitch in hear, too," chuckled Hugh, as he straightened himself up with tge rest of his body, as he started to precum a lot, thinking of how tight Doug's cherry was and how tight he is even now, his cute thighs and butt muscles accenturating his little sloppy hole as it was jerking unisono with them, rest of Doug's muscles, Doug whining and crying as he was trying to gently probe at his hole again and again.

"You whimper like your first time, Dougie," teased Hugh. "Or should I say, doggie?", he laughed.

Doug tried to protest, but none of his muscles were of any use against the chains Hugh must have used. He knew that if all of this is true (and it really seemed to be true now), he just lost his wife, his kids, and God knows what will happen to him now. Who knows what he did to him? This night? Was it this night? Is he there just for one day, or does thectorment last longer? Is it still possible that this all is just some really fucked up joke? He really didn't remember anything from the last (?) night, he was scared, sad, angry and his head started to hurt again.

At the same time, he felt some liquid landing on his butt. Unbeknownst to Doug, it was Hugh's precum, now leaking liberally over his butt.

"W-what?", Doug tried to say.

"It's just a precum, boy," laughed Hugh, seeing Doug's jerking reaction, his chains stopping his muscles mid-action, making a nice show of tamed strength.

"We don't want to destroy your hole even more than it is now, don't we?", he said as he bathed his fingers in the pre and wetted Doug's hole some more, progressively circling and poking at its entrance, more and more precum oozing out of his cock, before the amount of precum, mixed with his previous cum inside Doug, made his index and middle finger slide inside Doug's formerly virgin hole, making Hugh precum more and more."

After he prepared Doug's hole with his third finger and scratched him from inside, just in case, to protests of Doug's muscly thighs and moaning, he stopped them from moving by getting between them with his own ones, kicking Doug's apart and making them stay at safe distance, made the part of the table with Doug's butt fall to the ground, leaving Doug bent over the table, slicked his own cock with a single spit and hus precum, and as he lined his cock with Doug's futily self-defending hole, entered the still tight hole with some hardship, as the boy's butt was still almost as tight as the first time.

He rammed the length of his dick up Doug's tight hole, Doug screaming as if it was on fire, Hugh's own sweaty thigh muscles landing on Doug's sore buttocks, his big balls hitting the full balls of Doug, to the degree they hit against the table, putting Doug's dick to full attention again, though it was still stuck between his belly and the table, the physical stimulation making it horny.

As he made the first full thrust into Doug's hole, he also hit Doug's prostate and Doug couldn't understand why this painful intrusion suddenly make him feel good.

As Hugh landed on his back again, his head ended up by the left side of Doug's, as he whispered to his ear, "By the way..do you remember me telling you I'm poz, bitch?", before quickly taking Doug's frozen cheek into his mouth for another hickey kiss, the combined effect of pain at his cheek and in his butt as Hugh started fucking him waking Doug up from the dream-like state.Β 

End of Part 4

It ended up longer than I thought. Hope you made it to the end and that you'll like the follow up(s)

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Part 5


At that time, Doug really started to panic. Pain in his ass was unbearable and his attempts at closing his thighs to stop Hugh's assault didn't stop Hugh, as he managed to piece through his ass muscles, penetrating his ass deeper and deeper, the thrusts making him squirm and moan, even making his cock react as his prostate was hit for the first time, sending Doug's cock to attention, then pumping more and more pre cum out of it as it was hit again and again, making Doug unable to comprehend why it feels so good while hurting so much.

Apart from the pleasure and pain, thoughts of why did this happen to him, that no one else can see this, how would he explain this to his wife- his using of other guys and their mouths quite discretely, his longer stays at the gym now most likely exposed in front of his wife, her devoutly Christian family and, through them, his own family, which was lagging just a step behind in their own devotion.

Doug's thoughts were cut short by the sharp pain inside of his ass as Hugh started to almost withdraw his cock from his hole, then thrusting it as far as possible, feeling like tearing him apart, Doug crying a muffled "Augh," "Oww," or "No!" each time Hugh violently pushed deep inside him, a plopping sound starting from his ass as it got progressively used to Hugh's size.

"See bitch? Told you you were natural? You worthless, unfaithful, pretending piece of whore!", Hugh barked as he was pounding Doug's formerly tight man hole.Β 

"You remember now?", Hugh growled, as he gained more speed, and caused Doug to scream out and pant even more, which in turn, only made Hugh hornier to fuck him further, with each moan coming from Doug.

Doug attempted to trashing some more, hit and squeezed Hugh's thighs with his own own stronger, and with a combination of trashing around and pressure against Hugh's dick in his ass, managed to almost make Hugh's dick fall out of his now obscenely gaping hole.

Hugh, registering it and almost losing his balance, quickly stroke Doug's right butt cheek forcefully, making Doug concentrate there while his butt muscles loosened, allowing Hugh to force his dick down Doug up to his balls, hitting a wall inside Doug's guts as he fucked into it mercilessly, stopping Doug's movements as the pain from his insides hit him and made Hugh's cock deposit some more poz precum deep inside his new bitch.

He then reached towards the table close to them and took another chain, ending in leash.Β 

Doug heard another clinking and didn't even try to protest as each of his suspicious movement was greeted with impaling pain in his ass, and/or a painful smack against his already abused butt.

Hugh fastened the chain to his choker, relicating one of the chains, previously located at the choker end, to be able to control Doug much easier, rolled part of the leash against his fist, so that Doug's neck started to rise and arch again, asking him, "You won't try to fight it again now, would you?", as the angle of Doug's neck, together with the chains around Doug's choker and Hugh's chain around the choking end made Doug choke again, to which Doug's body tried to respond by rising his upper body an inch or two, before his muscles were stopped by more chains rustling around him.

Doug responded with a choked sigh as he couldn't move no further, and as his neck moved further away from the straight line of his body and he started to choke again, a fast-paced, broken "no" on verge of crying rang from the hole in his mouth.

"That's better", said Hugh matter of factly, and kept the just slightly choking and unpleasant posture of Doug, admiring the arc he just made, his muscles straining to keep him in the less choking position, a drop of sweat on his just slightly trembling muscles here and there.

"Perfect!", commented Hugh. "Now keep like this, unless you want to choke yourself," Hugh commented, and proceeded to fuck Doug again, Doug almost falling when he was ball-deep fucked for the first time again, then again and again.

"That's what you were like the first time", Hugh commented as Doug started to moan at the invasion of his butt. "Can you hear yourself?", he let Doug hear himself, and pulled at the chain when the reply he expected wasn't fast enough.

"Y-yes!!", cried out Doug, his muscles sweating from the straining and lack of oxygen, his butt bringing him to heaven and hell.

"Yes, whore! Like a bitch in heat you are", Hugh cried while pounding Doug's ass. "You love it, don't you bitch?"

A second or two with no response. A clinking sound of chain echoed the room, Doug's neck and head raised and he couldn't breathe anymore. His cock was freed as it jumped to attention and as Doug was choking, he felt it sent precum to the table and his underbelly in ropes, perplexing Doug.

"Yes!", he cried out automatically, the darkness in front of his eyes mixed with fear from choking of lack of oxygen, the thought of his muscles falling, the chain snapping his neck flying through his head as he cried it, the "yes" cracked from fear and his almost closed windpipe, the sound extremely choked.

Hugh let the chain a bit.

"Ask for it, bitch! Ask me to fuck you!"

"Puuuiz, fwwug meeee, hwwwyuug!", cried out Doug.

"Say you want to be fucked like a bitch, by dom alpha men like me!"

"W-wes, hwyoug!"

"You would let other dom men poz breed that bitch cunt you have, like I did and you enjoyed yesterday?"

"Wyes, hyough!", cried Doug, tears and sweat filling his mask.

"Now you can hear yourself yesterday", said Hugh, who was now really close, landed on Doug's upper body, just the rapid movements of his muscled, lower belly and ass into Doug's own Red, muscle ass, as well as the sloppy sounds of their fucking, their sweat mixing together as Hugh applied additional pressure against Doug's body, Doug now feeling and wondering he is getting actually close from all of that and fucking of his hole, his precum spasming veiny cock changing colour, his foreskin getting down, the prepuce jerking his reddening cockhead.

At the same moment, Hugh started to pull and release the chain as he was riding Doug, before pulling it as far as it was safe towards himself, making Doug's neck and head turn red as he started fucking him even more violently, in animalistic way in which Doug wasn't sure whether his ass or neck will kill him.

He continued panting and crying out like a real bitch nonetheless, to his own shame and he was close to fainting, his treatment of his wife and the men at the gym as protected live in front of his eyes.

The lack of oxygen made his balls pent up, and as Hugh's cock hit his prostate and gut wall again and again, he screamed out, sending rope after rope of his cum on the table and his belly.

"See bitch, you're natural", cried Hugh in a cracked up voice, pressure in his own balls building up. "I'm gonna breed you with my poz cum again! Here I come!", he screamed out, as he rammed his huge dick head against Doug's gut wall as his big balls slapped the base of Doug's sweaty one one last time, filling Doug's intestines with yet another poz load, before fully collapsing on Doug, releasing Doug's neck chain and making him fall to the table as he was struggling to breath, while Doug pumped inside him, slowly, some more, as he was unloading more and more ropes of his highly viral load deep inside the sloppy bitchy boy cunt who just landed in the pool of his own cum, proving to him his real position with men.

End of Part 5


It ended up longer than expected again. Hope it is still aomewhat readable


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Part 6:


Doug landed on the table, panting profoundly, catching his breath as Hugh withdrew from his hole, his formerly virgin ass still aching, gaping and Doug felt some fluid inside him moving in his spent guts.Β 

"Ah-ah-ah!", exclaimed Hugh, as he put something inside of Doug's ass, which soon started to burn even more as did his as, then it was sealed there with what felt like Hugh's cock again.

Then, Doug felt a movement around him as Hugh changed his position. Suddenly, Doug felt something slimey and faintly stinky, as like a mixture of blood, cum and some poop by the hole of his restricted mouth.

"I wanted to train you in sucking, but you needed a reminder of what a bitch you really are", barked Hugh, pulling at the leash to choker around Doug's neck, making his mouth hole poke at his slimy dick. "Now bitch," he commanded. "Lick me clean!"

Doug didn't want to obey - Hugh's dick smelt disgusting, plus he was the one getting sucked! He was no fucking cocksucker! He was feeling a heatwave rushing through his body, though, was perplexed how Hugh's cock can be both in his ass and by his mouth, feeling more and more good as it was stuck up his ass.

However, as Doug was hesitating with the licking, Hugh pressed a button on the remote in his other hand and the fucking machine, connected to the dildo in Doug's ass, started to pick up speed and fuck Hugh's cum back into Doug's insides, making Doug moan.

"Yeah bitch, you are loving it! You love this as well! You are natural!", Hugh said, in a commanding and leading voice, as he pushed his cock through the opening at Doug's mouth and pushed his dick deep inside Doug's virgin mouth.

Despite Doug's best attempts, he couldn't resist Hugh's intrusion, his disgustingly dirty cock in his mouth, the rubber piece in his mouth stopping his teeth from biting Hugh's cock off and he could now feel the disgusting taste coming down his throat as Hugh cleansed his cock by face fucking Doug.

What was worse, Doug started to choke by the deep intrusion of his neck and once it was fully filled, couldn't really breathe. On the other hand, it mysteriously felt good, the good feeling coming from his butt, from each thrust Hugh's cock was making there. He wanted to clarify this in his head, but couldn't think straight anymore, the feeling now even better as he was lacking oxygen, even Hugh's mouth cock feeling so good, fucking his throat, touching and sliding around his tonsils and voice box, moans of pleasure escaping him, making him ashamed, but less and less so.

Doug almost fell into blissful sleep with the feeling, but Hugh suddenly undid his nose blocker and inserted a nose piece there which, unbeknownst to Doug, was connected to a bottle of oxygen and nitrogen with a mixer and connector for other gasses.

This mix woke Doug up, made him more aware of his surroundings and when Hugh asked him "tell me the truth! You love this, don't you?", his dick out of his mouth for a while, he only managed a horny "Yes!" as his cock rose to attention from the gas mix again, dripping some more precum as Hugh's cock was reinserted into his mouth hole, the entrance point sensitised for Hugh's pleasure, caressing his cock on each entry into Doug's mouth.

As Hugh started to face fuck Doug again, he, screwed in a bottle of poppers into the gas mixer and asked Doug, if he enjoys it.

"Fwuck whea!", muffled Doug, as the new gas hit him and the pleasure from being fucked from both ends entered his mind, rewriting it.

Hugh then took his pace, fucking Doug's throat deep, Doug feeling it touching his Adam's Apple from inside, teasing him and making him hot once the drugs made him overcome his gag reflex, Hugh fucking him up his huge balls now, hitting against his chin, Hugh's manly ball and cock curls tickling Doug's face as the two cocks brought him to heaven, saliva from his throat wetting Hugh's cock, balls and his own chin as Hugh pumped some out with each of his successive fucking plow out and back his mouth, making Doug's cock release more of his precum.

Hugh, seeing it, pushed another button on the remote, pulled Doug's head on his cock with the leash, forcefully fucked his head as the fuckmachine did the same to his butt.

Few fucks later, as the machine hit his prostate vigorously, again and again, Doug shot multiple more cum shots, all in rhythm with the machine hitting his prostate.

Hugh took Doug's neck in both of his hands now and began pressing at it, feeling his own dick pulsate deep inside Doug's throat, closing it around it, making Doug squeeze and milk it with the insides of his throat as he began fighting for air.

Moments later, Hugh exploded deep inside Doug's neck, unloading into Doug's stomach and almost his airways as well, with a load groan coming from Hugh. He withdrew to let Doug's breathing stabilise, patted his sweaty, coughing and leaping for air hot head, and as Doug's breathing stabilised, inserted his cock in his mouth again.

"Just one more thing, Dougie," he said, "I really need to pee now", and before it hit Doug's brain, hot pee started to flow down his throat, waterboarding him, as he started to fight it. Hugh choked his neck just above his cock in Doug's throat, and by petting movements beneath that point, around Doug's Adam's apple,Β  made Doug swallow it. "Atta good bitch! Good bitch!", he was praising Doug, as he would a dog, when Doug finally swallowed it all.

As Doug was fighting the urge to throw it up, Hugh was petting him and praising him, until the feeling subsided. The fuck machine was then stopped, he was told to think how much he liked it, the burning thing reinserted to his butt, some powder to his mouth, as some cock was reinserted to his butt and a plastic dildo inserted to his mouth, something bound around his head, keeping it there, he was petted by Hugh, gently, with "good bitch!" repeated over gently over and over, as with the turning of another gas cylinder, air still coming through his nose from the port fastened around his head, Doug fell asleep, Hugh caressing and petting him.


End of Part 6

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