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Anal Orgasms Affected by Poppers?


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I've had very few anal orgasms (assgasms) in the past.  But, lately, I've been using poppers a lot less and noticed I seem to have a lot more anal orgasms. 

I will only use poppers for the initial entry. Once I'm used to the top's cock, I'll stop using the poppers. My ass may hurt a little during the next few minutes of the fuck but it seems like the sensation (not really "pain") causes the anal orgasm?  Or maybe it's just not having the poppers in my system allows my body to react to the fucking because I can feel that spot inside me being hit by the cock. I can kinda bear down on that spot and it seems to help bring on the assgasm.

Anyone else have a similar experience with the use of poppers affecting anal orgasms?  Or maybe your experience is completely the opposite?

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An orgasm is like a soufflé - all the right ingredients have to be combined in just the right way to make it work, and if you even jostle it wrong it may fall flat… but when you get it right, it’s to die for.

Poppers could deflate that particular soufflé in more than one way. By relaxing the tone of all the muscle tissue in the area, they may make it less able to react to the friction and pressures being applied, like a violin whose strings are too loose.

By dilating the blood vessels in the brain, they may saturate the brain with such an inrush of sensation that the subtle signals that begin the buildup to an orgasm get lost in the noise.

Or, by leaving tissues too relaxed to properly contract in response to certain stimuli, they may make it impossible fir the body to even undergo the physical actions needed to cascade an orgasm - it’s certainly the case for Tops who use them and end up trying to fuck with noodles. Why shouldn’t it be just as true for bottoms who need to keep their junk tuned up for an assgasm?

 I use poppers strategically, to ensure that I absolutely never fail to take a man’s cock. Beyond that, I find there’s a point of diminishing returns. Everything in moderation.

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