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I really enjoy writing stories here, in the appropriate sections here. However, I have discovered (and maybe someone who has read my stories may I agree) that I'm more interested about how the story leads to the sexual intercourse and the feelings after that, rather than the sexual part itself. So I was wondering if you think that a story that has lots of sex in it but also is part of a horror story for example has place in the reading material section. Would u be interested to read such a story? That could include rape, drugs, murder and other stuff? 

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On 1/23/2022 at 6:41 AM, Sharp-edge said:

I really enjoy writing stories here, in the appropriate sections here. However, I have discovered (and maybe someone who has read my stories may I agree) that I'm more interested about how the story leads to the sexual intercourse and the feelings after that, rather than the sexual part itself. So I was wondering if you think that a story that has lots of sex in it but also is part of a horror story for example has place in the reading material section. Would u be interested to read such a story? That could include rape, drugs, murder and other stuff? 

I think a lot of stories could benefit from more "lead up" to the sex, as opposed to hopping right into bed with the characters. 

That said, broadly speaking, no, I don't think most stories would benefit from horror, rape, drugs, or murder.

Horror and erotica CAN work together - the works of the late great Anne Rice come to mind immediately, of course - but hers was a different kind of horror from most of what we see today. Certainly not slasher horror and the like - frankly, I think there's some sort of pathology involved if you feel compelled to link murder and sex; and generally speaking, posts here that promote harm aren't permitted. If you can't talk about deliberately giving someone AIDS or celebrating progressing to AIDS (a stance I agree with), you certainly shouldn't be able to celebrate or eroticize actual murder.

As for the other topics: drug-fueled sex is already permitted in the backroom "Chem fiction" section. Isolating it into a separate section is a reasonable compromise between banning it entirely and other people stumbling onto it in the midst of other erotica.

Rape is touchy because most eroticized fictional depictions of rape end up with the rape victim enjoying it, or at the very least coming to accept his position as the recipient of another man's lust. As such that's still problematic (because there will be those who assume all rapes, if done "right", end up that way), but at least *as far as the fiction goes* it kind of ameliorates the harm promoted. 

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If you read the Chem Sex Fiction stories carefully you’ll see that all of that’s in there already. Including at least the allusion to the eroticization of murder. 

Theres a certain abjection process common to the Chem Sex stories that is both horrific and an amplification of PNP realities. Shorthand for it is often corruption. It basically follows the conventions of a seduction narrative but brings it to darker places. 

pervinmt has a story that I think is kind of the epitome of this on the site, about a straight skater boy converted to meth addict and eventually a bottom cumdump whore. There’s a certain viciousness to the story and it’s definitely not for everyone, but neither is some oft-cited and well regarded pornography from TIM, like Slammed or the Touch of Evil scene from Bad Seed, both of which are probably about as close to the corruption narratives as you’re likely to find in porn that’s not restricted to the dark web’s peer to peer networks. 

I think it can be very hot, and there’s an element of death in sex and sex in death at an almost metaphysical level (even outside the long shadows cast by HIV). There’s the kind of ravenous bacchanalia of gangbangs that toy with the outer limits of consent, especially once drugs and age and power dynamics enter the mix. And you will find it all in porn, and much more as well. 

That said there’s usually a fundamental distinction between erotica and the alternatives.  The purpose of the stories is to provide fantasy masturbation material, but that’s not really the aim of something like Stranger By the Lake (which has a novel tie-in I’ve beeN reading) or films like Cruising or works by authors like Dennis Cooper. Those stories might be heightened by the presence of the erotic but getting off is not the focus. 

I think you should experiment and see! And hey…it’s almost October country after all…

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