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[Smooth Butt] why can't Steamworks (think Chicago) buy out one of the lame Philly gay


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as you may have followed by my previous blog entry...i spent the last few days "scratching an itch" by going to both of the gay baths of significance in Philadelphia...first the Sansom St. Gym on Friday night...and then the Club Body Center on Saturday. don't get me wrong...i found some good (ok...a few GREAT) cocks...and gave some good head and got really fucked. HOWEVER...i gotta tell you. the collective experience is still very lame compared to other baths in other cities.

i have been patient...i have tried every possible scenario (time of day, day of the week, getting a room, etc.).... but in the end, and the bottom line is...gay baths on the east coast SUCK!!!!!!!

if you travel to Chicago (SteamWorks)....or even weaker cities like Seattle, Toronto, Orlando, or second tier cities like St. Louis, Indianapolis, or Columbus, OH of all places....you WILL FIND BETTER GAY BATHS.

Why in the world do the baths on the East Coast suck so much? There are multiple reasons...but for the most part it is a half-ass investment by owners (news flash - there is an ROI for good services and good facilities...and trust me...there is pent-up demand for it). let me count the ways that the current east coast baths don't live up to expectations - shitty service, shitty facilities, under-marketing leading to lack of awareness...but the biggest reason is the COMPLETE LACK OF CARING FOR THE CUSTOMER!!! having visited places that i consider successful...and at the top of my list is SteamWorks in Chicago...I am completely underwhelmed by what is being delivered in places like - Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Washington, Baltimore, etc., etc.

My next course of action? I plan to e-mail the owners of SteamWorks and "suggest" they invest NOW...during the economic downturn. i would love to see the owners of Steamworks buy out Sansom St. Gym in Philly...great space...but now needs to be filled with great facilities and service. who can't argue with a 50x50 foot hot tub and a massive steam room.

LET'S GET SOME QUALITY BATHS on the East Coast!!!!

Who is with me on this?



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  • 9 months later...

You could not be more correct, Rawtop. I've never understood why the two facilities in Philadelphia are so 'modest' (to be kind). I've long thought the Club Body Center, which is a series of two or three rowhouses that were internally merged, needs to be gutted and completely reconstructed. Although the management has been gradually making improvements to the facility, the improvements tend to be superficial (floors and staircases resurfaced, paint and paper), and don't address the fact that the underlying buildings are rowhouses. The Sansom Street Gym, although a clean and relatively new facility, is primitive compared with, for example, the Steamworks in Chicago. I have no idea what ROI the facilities could support were they more upscale, but it's reasonable to assume a population of 5.8 million in metropolitan Philadelphia could support a better facility. Hell - Pittsburgh, with a metropolitan population of about 1.7 million, has a better bath house than Philadelphia.

The bath houses in Washington, (metropolitan area population 5.4 million) and NYC (metropolitan population 18.2 million) are not markedly better facilities than those in Philadelphia.

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having lived in NYC i was also shocked to find the lack in quality (and even lack in actual existence) of places to play up and down the coast, i usually just organized my own apartment fun. and now residing back in chicago i feel blessed to have all of the great clubs, baths, and backrooms that are at my disposal, that i had ignored before i was pig. there's definitely something about the city that has made it a mecca for pervy guys (maybe the cities history as a center for leather/kink etc has contributed to the easy going sexual atmosphere? there truly is nothing like chicago during IML in the world, maybe berlin has something, but i've never experienced it?) that all being said, i visit NYC often and would love to have a great establishment to whore myself out at! as for reasons why those places dont exist, i always figured that it was because the city was so huge that guys just figured they could set up any type of arrangement online, and baths, bars, etc lost their importance somewhere in that mix, along with the hyper-fast gentrification that exists in condensed cities like NYC, it's just harder to organize and keep alive places like that. i love chicago, for me it represents some sort of neo-san francisco, just the right amount of arty poverty and urban sophistication all add up to a laid back liberal sexual community that works together to keep everyone informed and ready to participate. but honestly, if NYC acquired the type of sexual community that chicago has, i'd be on the next flight right back to brooklyn.

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Guest pozpig46

I am defintely with you on this issue. The so called bathhouses on the East Coast are the pits. I have been to the both of Philadelphia bathhouses and the facilities are shitty and the rooms are unbearable and they charge such ridoulous prices. I have been to paradise when I was in California a few years back and had the best time in Berekly at the Steamworks out there. I hated to come back and face the baths here. As for the ones in DC well a few years ago a man fell down the stairs at Mens Party and died and they shut the place down now you have to Philly or NY for any bathhouse action. And as for Baltimore they are non existent in Charm City. And to Hotload84 my ass is always avialable to you for your toxic load and would welcome a nice drink from your piss laden dick.

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