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anal fissure


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Hi All:

So, I parTied with a group of 4 or 5 guys two weeks ago (all tops, I was the only bottom), and a couple of days later I realized I had an anal fissure. I'm now in week two of having this fissure, and it really fucking hurts.

Does anyone know much about these things? I'm going to the clinic on Saturday (I live in NYC and work during the week when it's open). It's a pain in the ass (no pun intended) because I haven't had sex since late May and I'm going crazy.

Any advice on how to deal with these? Is it possible to have sex?

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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Get it looked t right away. It will not go away on its own. If it hurts it is infected and the infection won't heal itself. Don't fuck around (literally) with this. Surgery to close up the fissure is often required. I know I had two different hospital stays over 3 years because of a fissure. The last doc finally seemed to figure it out and close it up. Good luck.

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I went to the doctor today, and it turns out it's an anal fistula. This is such a fucking pain!

I'm getting a colonoscopy done in two weeks to see what the deal is with it. Tested negative for syphilis, but waiting on my other tests to come back.

It's odd because I've had chlamydia before, and never had anything like this happen before. Sorry for the update, but I figured someone else may need this information one day. My fistula formed after being fucked by four guys over about 16 hours (not the first time that's happened; I've been bottoming for ten years). I waited less than three weeks before seeing a doctor, but it's so annoying that I had to get it checked out. I don't think fistulas heal on their own, though.

I will update this post as I learn more! Thanks, all.

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One short term care for soothing it might be warm baths with epsom salt- the epsom salt will help with the bacterial growth, the warm water helps open things up and aid in rinsing away any - uh- debris that may be gathered or trapped in the fistula.

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so it turns out I had chlamydia. Now the plan is: 3 week treatment of pills 2X/day for chlamydia, doctor's appt on Sat 6/25 for a second opinion, colonoscopy on 7/6, and hopefully a surgery to fix this fistula sooner rather than later.

There goes my summer of sucking and fucking in NYC...

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  • 2 weeks later...

for anyone who cares: turns out I had chlamydia, which caused a fissure. The doctor put me on antibiotics for three weeks (2 pills twice a day). He did so much medicine because he wants to make sure the chlamydia is gone, but also that I don't have some STD that has been dormant for years but is making a comeback in the gay communities called VGL (I think). After less than a week of taking the medication the fistula went away! My hole is back to 100% and I can start bottoming soon (though to be honest, it was so painful that I'm still really anxious). I don't know what this strain of chlamydia was, but that anal fistula was no fucking joke. Hopefully this post will help someone else out...happy fucking!

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