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No sexual experiance


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I was just wondering if there are guys out there that are interested in a man that hasn't had any kind of sexual experience at all?

I'm only asking because I recently turned 30yo and I've never had a sexual experience and I've wanted to for a very long time but I'm not a very social person so it's just easier not to meet people for me.

Basically what I want to know is it a turn off?

I personally feel like it would be a turn off and it kind of scares me, I'm thinking now that I should have tried something when I was younger. 

I was also hoping to meet the right guy by now.

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16 hours ago, soloT30 said:

I was just wondering if there are guys out there that are interested in a man that hasn't had any kind of sexual experience at all?

I'm only asking because I recently turned 30yo and I've never had a sexual experience and I've wanted to for a very long time but I'm not a very social person so it's just easier not to meet people for me.

Basically what I want to know is it a turn off?

I personally feel like it would be a turn off and it kind of scares me, I'm thinking now that I should have tried something when I was younger. 

I was also hoping to meet the right guy by now.

A few things to unpack here.

First, yes, a lot of guys are OK with someone who has had no sexual experience at all. Not all of those are good guys, however; there are some predatory sorts who go after inexperienced guys hoping to mold them into their specific kind of guy, rather than helping them learn and grow into whatever kind of guy THEY want to be.

But here's the thing: you can't expect, realistically, to find "the right guy" when you've had no experience whatsoever - because you haven't had the opportunity to figure out what you like and what you don't (sexually speaking).

Until about a hundred years ago, most young women in western societies were in the same situation you're in, only younger; they were expected to show up to their future husbands (whom they may or may not have known) as virgins and there wasn't a question about compatibility or anything like that because they weren't supposed to question their marital roles. This was not an era noted for extraordinary sexual satisfaction among the affected women. I would suggest you strongly consider not looking so much for "the right guy" as for someone to introduce you to sex, and be prepared to explore it with other guys as well. You may then have some idea of what you want in "the right guy", at least in the sexual realm.

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To answer the immediate question, yes, there are men who are interested in the uninitiated - many a Top likes the idea of fucking a virgin ass or mouth. (I don’t personally understand this, but there it is.) The thing is, though, it may be harder to convince most people that you’ve reached the age of 30 having had no sexual experiences whatever. More likely, they’ll think you’re playing some sort of game - or just flat lying to try to capitalize off the allure of being a virgin. The guy who took my same-sex virginity flatly did not believe me when I said he was the first cock I’d ever taken.

We should also qualify what you mean by ‘no sexual experience at all’. Do you mean no intercourse if any kind? No male-male sexual activity? Are you saying you’ve never masturbated (which would strain credulity) or inserted a foreign object in your ass for pleasure? Solo sexual experiences are sexual experiences. It’s possible to be an intercourse virgin and yet be an advanced practitioner in all manner of kinds of self stimulation.

 I was a very late bloomer myself, did not have any sort of intercourse until I was 23, and didn’t have a sexual experience with another male until I was 37. There are levels of virginity.

But the larger issue is to ask yourself why you’ve had no sexual experiences by age 30. This is not unheard of, but it is relatively unusual. If you haven’t even had any solo experiences, that is most unusual, and if that’s in fact the case, then jumping into the deep end of the mansex pool is not recommended.

If, on the other hand, you’ve simply been ‘saving yourself’ for the one-and-only Mr Perfect-For-You, then it becomes clear why you’re unfucked at 30 - he doesn’t exist. No one is going to be perfect. Sorry. Even Prince Charming can be kind of a prick sometimes, and you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince.

When you say you’re’ not a very social person’, what do you mean? How severe is this? At one end of this there are misanthropic hermits, and on the other, people who mingle but don’t engage. How unsociable are you? This could bear on how you approach sexual encounters, and how successful you can expect to be, particularly if you suffer from social phobia.

The good news is that I’m more on the misanthropic hermit side of things and didn’t even start fucking men until I was nearly 40, yet I’ve managed to take over 1,000 cocks so far. You can do it.

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There is nothing wrong with waiting until you are older to have sex, and you should never let anyone else -- or let yourself -- put yourself down for waiting.  I think there are a few advantages to waiting. Age usually brings a certain level of maturity so that you can approach sex with a clearer head and make more informed decisions about what types of activities turn you on and what type of risks you might be willing to take. You know about prep, and condoms, and other vaccines that may be beneficial to have. You may also have a better idea of what your interests are than you did when you were younger. This is important since our interests can often change as we age. You said you were hoping to meet the "right" person, however, someone you met ten years ago might not have changed or matured in the same way you did,, and thus, no longer be "right". (That's why a lot of people who get married young end up getting divorced,) Waiting to have sex or start dating may help bring about more stable relationships.  

As to whether others would see an inexperienced partner as a turn off, it's going to depends on the situation. There may be a few guys looking for a quick fuck that may be turned off. On the other hand, someone looking for a long term partner might see it as a plus.  But the vast majority aren't going to care one way or the other.

Sex is fun, sex can feel really good, but it isn't all that complicated. And from the stand point of will someone dislike you for not having experience -- that's something you don't have to worry much about.

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