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Posting Identifying Info Online


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So someone decided to post some partial identifying information about me in a Gay site online. Part of me wants to confront the two “suspects.” They other part doesn’t care because I could always deny it. Again, I try to be very careful out and about, so I don’t know how much more this person knows about me.

I tried to flag the comment, and report with little to no results. And idea of where to go from here? Has this happened to anyone before? 

Never ceases to amaze me how goofy and immature some guys can be. 

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I can’t imagine that confronting the guilty parties would result in anything but making the situation worse, if their posting was done will ill intent. They might even double down and try to expose you more. If the exposure was unintentional, you might be able to nonconfrontationally request that the information be removed.

You say you reported the comment; if this was just a matter of using a regular reporting feature, you might try making a direct contact by email with the site management and explaining that your personally identifying information has been exposed against your wishes and ask that it be removed.

If the information revealed is such that it is only identifying when linked to your account, you could consider eliminating the account and creating a new one that would not associate with the linked comment. That would, of course, not be a preferred solution, but might dodge the bullet.

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We kind of need a bit more context to assist with any ideas.


If its personal details like name or address you might need to threaten the site owner with legal action if its not removed. Also you might want to visit their TOS to see if the suspects violated TOS to support your case.

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