cumcruzer69 Posted December 24, 2023 Report Posted December 24, 2023 On 7/22/2023 at 5:14 PM, Rillion said: Usual Disclaimers, this is a work of fiction, all characters are of legal age. Part 1 pretty much sets up the initial premise of the story as well as a few of the main characters. Feedback and suggestions welcome. Although if the story isn't your cup of tea, just please move along. Thank you. FRESHMAN PROJECT: Jason (Part 1) Jason took a deep breath, gathering up his courage, then pulled the door open and stepped inside. The lobby of the college LGBTQIA+ center was decorated in rainbow colors and the walls were covered with a mix of affirmations about being queer and safer sex messages. There were several hallways leading deeper into the building on either side of a reception desk. A butch lesbian in her mid-twenties was seated behind the desk. She looked up and gave Jason a welcoming smile, “How can I help you?” she said. “Um, well, uh,” stuttered Jason. “You here for the Gay & Bi Male Identified Discussion Group and Mingle?” she asked. “Uh, yeah,” said Jason blushing. “Welcome, it’s down the hallway to your right, second door on the right,” she said pointing to the hallway on her left,. “It’s just about to start so you better hurry, I’m Kat by the way, if you are interested in learning about volunteer opportunities come stop by after the meeting,” she said. “Uh, okay, maybe, I’m Jason,” said Jason as he forced himself to smile then proceeded to head down the indicated hallway. He found the correct door, it had a sign, “Gay/Bi Male Identified Discussion Group and Mingle, 7-9pm Every Tuesday”. He saw there was a mirror next to the door so he justified stalling a bit to make sure he looked okay. He brushed his light brown bangs off his forehead. He had always kept his hair very short at home, but let it grow about a bit before heading off to college. He guessed he was sort of attractive as there had always been girls interested in him, but he put them off saying his family did not want him dating in high school. He had blue eyes and still was not able to grow much in the way of facial hair, so he only had to shave his pale face once a week or so. The thing he hated most about himself was that he was fairly skinny and had never been able to put much muscle on his 5’7” frame. “Okay coward, it’s now or never,” he said to his reflection before turning towards the door. He still stood in front of the door for a few seconds, fighting the urge to flee. Eventually he pushed through it and opened the door. Inside there were approximately a dozen guys ranging in age from 18 to mid-20’s. Some were seated in chairs that were in a ring dominating the center of the room and a few were standing outside the ring chatting with each other. There was a table with sodas, water, and a few snacks against the far wall. Jason’s eyes were immediately drawn to a gorgeous masculine guy that was standing off to his left talking to another guy. The hunk looked like a mix between and surfer bro and a clean cut college athlete. He had wavy blond hair that framed his handsome face perfectly. His body was muscular without being thick. He appeared to be just over six feet tall and didn’t appear to have an ounce of fat on him. He was wearing a light gray t-shirt that showed off his broad shoulders and firm muscles. He wore a pair of skin tight black jeans that had a noticeable bulge in the crotch. When he laughed, his smile and bright white teeth seemed to light up the room. Jason guess he was likely in his early twenties, which would make him an upperclassman or maybe a first year grad student. He was everything Jason dreamed about when he was masturbating in the shower back home at his family’s house. The student he was talking was the complete opposite. He was either Jason’s age or maybe a year older at most. He was about the same height as Jason, 5’6” and even skinnier than Jason who only weighted about 130 pounds. He was wearing a tight pink tank and a pair of skimpy red running shorts that were stretched tight around a firm bubble butt. The outfit left a gap between the tank top and the shorts, revealing a tramp stamp tattoo on the boy’s lower back. Jason couldn’t quite make out what he said from across the room. The boy also had several piercings in his ears as well as multiple tribal design tattoos on his arms and legs. His hair was died purple on the top with the sides shaved. ‘What a fag,’ thought Jason, his internalized homophobia making him look down on the boy for being so obviously gay, which was a stark contrast to Jason’s dream guy he was talking with. Jason realized he was staring at the pair, so he quickly turned and headed to the table with the snacks and drinks, avoiding the two by heading around the other side of the circle of chairs from where they were standing. Jason said hello to several of the other students that were hanging around the snack table. He grabbed a bottle of water so he had something to keep his hands occupied and hopefully hide his nervousness. After just a couple minutes, Jason’s dream guy, broke off his conversation with the fag boy and walked into the center of the circle of chairs. “Okay everyone, it’s time to start, everyone please take a seat so we can begin. For the fresh meat, er, I mean new comers, my name is Blake and I’m the group facilitator,” he said. Jason quickly found a seat and stared at the floor. ‘Maybe I made a mistake,’ he thought. He had grown up in a conservative household, his parents were devout evangelical Christians, in a conservative southern town. He knew he was gay from a young age but had always been too scared to act on it, let alone admit it to anyone. Now he was halfway across the country at a very liberal university on the coast of California just a short drive away from San Francisco. His father had tried to convince Jason to go to Liberty University, but Jason and gotten himself accepted with a full scholarship at an elite private university. While his parents weren’t happy about it, they said that since he was an adult, he could make his own choices now. Still, Jason was struggling with the thought of actually admitting to another person, let alone a room full of people, that he was gay. “So let’s start with introductions,” instructed Blake as he took his seat. Jason noticed that he did not sit next the flamboyant twink he had been talking with, which gave Jason hope that they weren’t a couple, “I’ll go first, as I just said my name is Blake. For those that don’t know me yet, I’m a senior this year. I’m doing a double major in Psychology and Education. I’m also on the swim team and if anyone is interested in trying out let me know and I can give you the details. I identify as gay. As an ice breaker, my idea of a great evening is listening to some music and snuggling with a cute guy.” There were a couple quiet chuckles from a few of the guys and the twink Blake had been talking with rolled his eyes and said, “Oh honey.” Jason had trouble focusing on the others as they introduced themselves. He kept trying to sneak glances at Blake but it seemed every time he looked towards him, Blake turned from whoever was speaking and smiled at Jason, which made Jason blush and stare back down at his feet. “As most of you already know, my name is Aiden,” said the boy that Jason had seen talking with Blake earlier. He had a stereotypical ‘gay voice’ and very over the top mannerisms, talking a lot with his hands. “I’m a sophomore and still haven’t figured out what major is going to be…” he was saying until he was interrupted by one of the guys on the other side of the circle shouting out. “You’re majoring in dick,” said the interrupter. Several of the guys laughed. “No cross talk Roger,” scolded Blake. Turning towards Aiden, he said “Please continue Aiden.” Aiden gave a smug smile then continued, “Well anyway, I identify as a cum dump and I’d say what my idea of a perfect evening was but I got told not to be so graphic at the end of last years meetings.” Again there were a few knowing chuckles. Jason was feeling nauseous, it was a combination of knowing there were just a couple more students until it was his turn to speak and warring emotions inside of him, he was both repulsed by Aiden and jealous of him. “Hey, it’s your turn if you would like to share,” said Blake to Jason. Jason had zoned out and now he was dying of embarrassment. “Um, uh, sorry,” he stammered. “My name’s Jason, I’m a freshman. I’m from a small town in Alabama,” he said trying to not look at Blake. “Isn’t his accent precious,” injected Aiden. “Let him finish,” scolded Blake. “Yes Sir,” snapped Aiden as he dramatically straightened up in his chair and smirked at Blake. There was an awkward silence before Jason continued, “Uh, I’m still debating between Political Science as a prelude to law school or maybe History and Education. I’m not sure how I identify yet, I think I’m gay as girls never really made me feel the way inside that I do when I think about guys. I really don’t know what a perfect night would be, I’ve never been on a date before,” Jason realized he was starting to ramble and overshare out of nervousness. He fought the urge to jump up and run out of the room. He expected the other guys in the room to start laughing at him but instead he some most of them of them were just quietly nodding and giving him welcoming smiles. “Thank you Jason. Don’t worry about picking a major or an identity. There will be plenty of time for you to figure everything out. That is what college is for, it helps you find out who you really are and lets you become what you were meant to be,” said Blake. The guy next to Jason started his introduction and Jason again had trouble focusing. After all the introductions were done, Blake led a discussion about safer-sex. He explained that it was a requirement from the university that the first night’s topic for all the student groups was to go over all the safer sex resources available at the campus health clinic including STD screening and PrEP for any students that felt they were a high risk for HIV. Blake also demonstrated on a banana how to apply a condom and that university recommended them for oral and anal sex as well as using a dental dam for rimming, all of which was available to students for free and both the health clinic and the LGBTQIA+ Student Center, which everyone just called the Rainbow Center since most of them kept stumbling over all the letters. After the presentation was over Blake announced that they still had the room for another half hour if people wanted to stay and mingle some more. Jason jumped up and was about to bolt for the door when Blake quickly crossed across the circle and stopped him, “Hey Jason you got a sec?” “Uh, sure I guess,” said Jason trying to not appear as the huge mess he felt he was at the moment. “I want to say it took a lot of courage for you to come here tonight. Coming out is tough and its hard if you are doing it all by yourself. If you would like to talk sometime we can grab a coffee at the Student Union and have a bit more relaxed chat, not in front of the big crazy group like these guys. Would you be interested in that?” asked Blake. Jason gulped. This smart, amazingly handsome jock senior was offering to have a coffee with him. Jason fought his instincts which were driving him right into fight or flight mode. “Um yeah, okay,” he said. “Great, does 3pm tomorrow work with your class schedule?” asked Blake. Jason couldn’t remember if it did or not but quickly replied, “Sure.” “Perfect, it’s a date,” laughed Blake. He saw a look of panic pass over Jason’s face, so he quickly added, “Just a phrase, no pressure Jason, I’m sorry.” “Uh okay, um, well,” sputter Jason, his words failing him. Fortunately Blake bailed him out, “Okay see you tomorrow at three,” he said as he reached out and gave the shorter boy a gentle squeeze on his shoulder. They said their goodbyes and Jason finally got his wish to flee the meeting. After the new boy had left, Aiden walked over to Blake. “So, he seems interesting,” said Aiden with a smirk. “Yeah, I think I found this year’s Freshman Project already,” said Blake with a big smile. “Do you think he will be as easy to convert as I was?” asked Aiden. “Depends on which definition of convert you are talking about,” replied Blake with a laugh. “Both,” said Aiden laughing as well. “Speaking of that, I missed you this summer, you started meds yet?” asked Blake. “I missed that pussy wrecker of yours. My t-cells are holding up so far so I haven’t started any yet, want to get as many strains as I can before I have to start. I’d love a recharge of yours if you are offering,” said Aiden as he leaned into the muscular swimmer who had been his gifter last fall. “Sure come by my apartment tomorrow after 9pm, I’m sure I’ll have good load worked up after spending a few hours with that naive southern boy. You going to want to pick up any party favors for the weekend as well?” asked Blake as he reached down and gave Aiden’s ass cheek a hard squeeze. “Yes please, I’ve already got quite a few guys lined up who also missed me over the summer,” teased Aiden. “Well keep some time available for me, I’m going to need to breed that ass of yours a lot until I got Jason broken in,” said Blake. “Well then for my sake I hope our little southern belle hangs on to her virginity for as long as she can,” said Aiden. “Oh come now Aide, you know he’s going to be pregnant with my babies before the Thanksgiving break, particularly if he meets Miss Tina,” said Blake, an evil gleam in his eye. Such a hot story! I’m still neg and have never PNP’d but so ready to try T and think it would be so much better with a trying to convert me. I quit taking my PrEP a while ago! 1
Rillion Posted December 24, 2023 Author Report Posted December 24, 2023 2 hours ago, crawford912 said: THANK YOU! I'll just sit here patiently waiting for even more 😄 Can't wait to see where you take this. I've already got most of part 4 finished and will post it before the New Year. 5 1
dazzasboy Posted December 24, 2023 Report Posted December 24, 2023 Thanks for coming back to this I really enjoy your writing 1 1
Versdc Posted December 26, 2023 Report Posted December 26, 2023 On 12/24/2023 at 6:25 AM, dazzasboy said: Thanks for coming back to this I really enjoy your writing Same here. I like that it’s real and down to earth, descriptive and thought out 1
Rillion Posted December 30, 2023 Author Report Posted December 30, 2023 Again see disclaimers in Part 1. Happy New Year everyone! Freshman Project: Jason (Part 4) Jason woke up the next morning in his bed. His 5 inch cock his was rock hard and his jaw was sore. He was not sure if it was just his imagination or not, but he thought he could still taste Blake’s cum in his mouth. His mind was at war with itself. His religious upbringing was trying to make him feel guilty for all the sins he committed last night, specifically smoking pot and sucking a man’s cock. Meanwhile there was no denying that it had been the best night of his life. Part of him also feared it might have just been a dream, but when he looked down at the floor and saw the backpack that Blake had sent home with him, he knew it was not a dream. ***Last Night*** The southern baptist evangelical closeted gay boy had never felt more alive than after he had declared Blake his Master. Blake had reward him by sliding off the dirty jockstrap and freeing his thick veiny cock. Once free of the pouch, it quickly grew to its fully nine and half inch glory. “Worship my cock slave,” commanded Blake after his heavy cock had been freed and flopped against his smooth abs. “Yes Master,” responded Jason, embracing his new role. While he had no real life experience, he had learned enough about computers to be able to secretly watch a lot of gay porn over the years without his parents finding out. He shifted his position so that he was no longer laying next to Blake but was on his hands and knees perpendicularly to Blake’s body. He gently ran his hand over Blake’s cock, enjoying the sensation of feeling another cock for the first time. It felt similar to his own, but so much bigger. The one thing he noticed was that it was not quite as stiff as his smaller cock, even hard it still had a bit of bend to it. Being stoned out of his gourd, Jason took a long time just feeling the thick cock with his hands, running his hands up and down it, slowly jacking it. As he ran his hand down to the base he finally noticed Blake’s large balls nestled between the swimmer’s bare legs. Like the cock, the senior’s balls were much bigger then Jason’s. He wrapped his around the older boy’s balls, and gently stroked Blake’s cock with one hand while fondling his balls with the other. He watched as the head of Blake’s cock slide in and out of his foreskin. “That’s my Boy, now use your tongue,” order Blake. “Yes Master,” said Jason, getting turned on by feeling like this hunk of an upperclassman owned him. The most gorgeous guy he had ever met in real life was calling him his. As he started to lower his face and stick out his tongue, there was a small part of his weed addled brain that recalled all the safer sex messages he had been subject to during orientation and the meeting at the Rainbow Center he had attended, ‘use a condom, even for oral sex’, it said. As he stared down at the huge beautiful cock that belonged to his new god, he rationalized ignoring the advice, ‘it’s just a blow job, it is low risk, I want to to taste him, not a rubber.’ He ran his tongue up from the base of Blake’s cock to the head as he pulled the skin down to make sure the head of Blake’s cock was exposed. He saw a glistening drop of pre-cum oozing out the tip. He licked up to the tip and swirled his tongue around the head savoring the sweet taste of Blake’s pre-cum. “Suck it Boy, I don’t expect you to take the whole thing tonight, but eventually I’ll train you to be able take the whole thing, you want that right? You want to be able to deep throat real men’s cocks, don’t you slut?” asked Blake. “Yes, oh yes,” replied Jason. He opened his mouth and took Blake’s cock into his mouth. Blake knew he did not need to push too far tonight and punish Jason for not saying Sir or Master every time. There would be plenty of time to fully break the boy and unleash his truly submissive side. So instead of reprimanding the freshman, he just lay there passively as the horny repressed stoned teen let himself indulge a long unfulfilled fantasy and suck his first cock. “Take as much as you can and use your hands on the rest. Yeah that’s it. Get it nice and wet, feel it in the back of your throat, you’re doing great Boy,” instructed Blake, coaching the virgin boy, “Pull on my balls, yeah that’s it.” Having cum twice the night before and once before practice today, it took Blake awhile before he was ready to shoot his load. He made Jason work for it and much to Blake’s delight Jason never once complained about how much Blake’s thick cock made his stretching jaw ache. He warned Jason as he was about to cum, “I’m close Boy, you are going to make me shoot my load. I’m going to cum for you, take my load, take it, you’ve earned having part of me inside you.” Jason felt proud that he was going to make this hot experienced older guy cum. He had no second thoughts, he wanted to taste Blake’s cum, he wanted to have a part of Blake in him. It just felt right. Even though his jaw was hurting him, he redoubled his efforts, trying to take even more of the thick monster cock into his mouth and down his throat. “Oh yeah, take my gift Boy, swallow me, you want that cum, oh fuck yeah,” moaned Blake as he shot his load into Jason. The first couple of shots went straight down Jason’s throat, but the boy started to gag and pulled back so the rest went into his mouth. He did a good job making sure he caught it all and none spilled out. Jason savored the taste, it was both sweet and bitter at the same time. Blake reached down and gently stroked Jason’s cheek, “Fuck yeah, you did good Boy, savor that cum. A man’s cum is a great gift for a slave. Cherish it.” After he had recovered from his orgasm, Blake pulled Jason up and kissed his newest boy. He hugged the boy to him and gently rubbed his sides. Now was the time to be gentle and caring. Coach Malone had taught him that nothing was better to sooth the guilt an inexperienced boy might be feeling than snuggles. He smiled to himself as he felt Jason melting into him. He snuggled with Jason for ten minutes or so, letting the boy come to terms with what had just happened before he rolled over on top of the smaller student. Jason’s eyes shot open as he felt Blake’s full weight on top of him. He saw Blake smiling down at him. “Your turn,” said Blake. “Huh?” responded Jason. Blake sat up, pulling his legs underneath him, and straddled Jason, his naked ass resting on top of the boy’s small hard cock still covered by his tight skinny jeans. “No more speaking Boy until your Master says you can. Do you understand? Nod if you understand,” said Blake. Jason nodded eagerly. "Stay there, put your hands behind your head and clasp them,” order Blake. Jason complied. Blake climbed off of Jason and the bed. He smiled down at his newest toy, “You are so cute. You are meant to serve men. Now to reward you for taking the first step in accepting yourself, I’m going to make you cum for me, for me. Do you understand?” Jason was about to say something when he remembered that he had been ordered not to speak, so he nodded instead. He was rewarded by seeing Blake smile again. He wondered why it made him so happy to see Blake smile at him. ‘Was Blake right, was he meant to serve men?’ he asked himself. Blake reach down and unbuttoned Jason’s jeans then pulled them and his underwear down to his hips, freeing his five inch rock hard cock. Blake grabbed a tube of lube from the nightstand and squeezed a small amount into his hand. He then reached down and started to stroke Jason’s cock. “Cum for Daddy, cum for Daddy, give me your load Boy. Yeah you want this, you want to be sex slave for dominant men, don’t you?” asked Blake as he stroked him. Jason blushed but he knew deep down that Blake was right. This felt so right, he loved being told what to do, he always had. That was why he had always been a good boy for his overbearing religious dad. He did what he was told even if he did not like it. He needed a man to tell him what to do, he wanted to please a man, that was when he truly felt alive. “Go ahead and shoot your load Boy, you have my permission. Cum for me,” order Blake as he knew Jason was not going to last much longer. “AHHHHHH,” screamed Jason as the most powerful orgasm of his life rocked his young body. The first shot of his cum landed in his hair, the next on his face and rest trailed down his chest and stomach as his body twitched on the bed. When the last bit of cum had been milked from the boy’s balls, Blake started collecting it off his body with his lubed up hand. “Open your mouth Boy, cum is not to go to waist, it needs to always go in your mouth or ass. Show me you understand,” commanded Blake. Jason instinctively knew how to respond, he opened his mouth. He greedily licked and sucked the cum and lube off Blake’s fingers as his Master fed him his own cum. Once all the cum had been cleaned off Jason’s body, Blake lay back down along side Jason and took the boy into his arms, “You can speak again Jason, our scene is over. I hope you enjoyed it.” Jason started crying tears of joy. Blake was not surprised by the response, Aiden had reacted similarly. He held the freshman against him and let the boy process his emotions. When the tears had subsided, Blake spoke again, “You okay?” “Yes, thank you. That was, I don’t know how to describe it,” said Jason. “Heh, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it too and I want to see you again. I look forward to doing even more, would you like that? Would you like me to take you on a journey of discovery?” asked Blake, already knowing the answer. “Yes,” said Jason. “Cool, you are a really awesome guy Jason,” said Blake. They stayed cuddling for awhile longer before Blake spoke again, “So Jason, about ‘safe sex’; the school makes me say a lot of shit about it, but the reality is that condoms suck. They totally kill the vibe and don’t feel good. While I have to push them in the meetings, I don’t use them. I don’t like having a barrier come between me and my partner. I want to feel you and I want you to feel me. I hope that’s not going to be a problem?” Jason cuddled his naked body up against the naked body of the senior god that was lying next to him. “I can understand that, but aren’t you concerned about STD’s?” he asked. “Not really. Everything is treatable these days. Even if it can’t be cured, it can be kept in check. If you have concerns you should go to the campus health clinic and ask them,” offered Blake. Jason felt a deep sense of dread at the prospect of talking with strangers about sex, “I don’t know if I could do that.” “If you have any concerns, you should. Ask for Ian though, he’s a gay guy that won’t judge you and will answer all your questions honestly. I don’t ever want you to feel that you’ve been pressured into anything you didn’t want to do, so while you can come over and suck me off whenever you want, I’m not going to fuck you until you beg me to fuck you, and I’m not going to wear a condom, you understand?” asked Blake. Jason was still too stoned to really understand, but he knew he did not want to say no to Blake, so he said, “Yes Master, I understand. But um, being honest, I don’t know if I can, um take you, you know, up there. You’re so big.” Blake gave a little chuckle, “I’m big but I’m not ‘that’ big compared to some others. If you want, I can send you home with a few toys that you can test out and play with at your own pace to start getting you ready, would you like that?” Even though Jason had sucked off Blake and eaten both his and his own loads of cum, he blushed. “I guess,” was his answer. “No guessing BOY,” scolded Blake. Jason sheepishly answered, “Yes Master, I’d like that, I want to be ready for you.” 19 1 9 1
KinkyTallBottom Posted December 30, 2023 Report Posted December 30, 2023 Mmmmm I love this slow introduction to becoming a gay poz slut! More please! 2 1
JWC1202 Posted January 1, 2024 Report Posted January 1, 2024 I'm eager to witness Jason's "journey of discovery." I love a slow burn story that takes its time with world and character building, and this is one. Blake's confidence practically drips off the screen, and is as palpable as Jason's naiveté. I am eager for more! 1
bootedrbrboi4poz Posted January 3, 2024 Report Posted January 3, 2024 On 12/24/2023 at 3:10 AM, Rillion said: Santa came early.... Thanks for posting two more parts. It was a wonderful Christmas present. I love the pace of you're writing. The reader is carried along watching Jason being nudged down the rabbit hole - but only because that's where he wants to go - look forward to seeing what happens next.
Rillion Posted January 10, 2024 Author Report Posted January 10, 2024 Working on the next part. It's a major transition piece so I've struggled a bit but my partner is out of town from Thursday through Monday this week and my new boy toy will be spending sometime with me this weekend so that always inspires me to write lol. 1 2 1
bootedrbrboi4poz Posted January 10, 2024 Report Posted January 10, 2024 So far every chapter has been worth the wait so I look forward to the next part 1
Snskj Posted January 10, 2024 Report Posted January 10, 2024 14 hours ago, Rillion said: Working on the next part. It's a major transition piece so I've struggled a bit but my partner is out of town from Thursday through Monday this week and my new boy toy will be spending sometime with me this weekend so that always inspires me to write lol. Please speed up 😛🥶🥶
bootedrbrboi4poz Posted February 24, 2024 Report Posted February 24, 2024 Hoping there's a fifth part cumming soon.
Rillion Posted November 24, 2024 Author Report Posted November 24, 2024 Apologies for not adding more chapters. I do have the next one almost ready but I really want to post the next two chapters in quick succession. I will try to work on it this week and post something over the Thanksgiving weekend. 2 1 3
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