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What makes a man a pig? Lowering inhibitions with drugs and alcohol


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Whenever I'm browsing ads online or talking to a potential fuck, I'm always turned on when a guy describes himself as a sex pig. Attitude is a big part of what makes a man attractive to me. I like my men slutty, sleazy and insatiable.

I've noticed that a lot of guys who present themselves this way often seem to use drugs of various kinds to get into that mindset, whether it's alcohol, poppers or something harder like cocaine or t. And I sometimes wonder if you're really the pig you say you are if you only act that way when you're under the influence.

That's not to say I don't enjoy indulging in various substances myself as part of getting into a scene. I most certainly do. And I also recognize the role drugs can play in getting you started down the path to being a pig; the first time I ever got fucked raw and took a load was in a bathhouse after spending a few hours in a bar.

But I'm also perfectly happy enjoying a nasty scene with a hot and piggy man (or men!) stone-cold sober.

So what are your thoughts on what makes a man a pig? Does he have to be that way by nature? Or does it not matter how he gets in the right frame of mind as long as he's there?

I guess I'm really interested in hearing how people define pigginess, not so much a "drugs are bad"/"drugs are awesome" thing.

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I like to think that whatever gets the best results in the end is fine by me. I don't think anything less of a person if they are sober OR if it takes a little extra to get them in the zone. It can even give a little boost of confidence or pigginess to the partner, depending on the situation.

That's certainly not to say that drugs or alcohol always improve the sex. Sometimes they do the complete opposite and can either cause a guy to flake out entirely and not follow through with a meet. Or distract from the session so much that all benefits of being a bigger pig are overshadowed that he's a tweeked out mess with sex suddenly becoming several stages less important to him than maintaining the high.

There's a fine line. Some people know how to make it work to their advantage and others just don't.

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As a selfdescribed pig, I consider myself an expert on this matter. What makes me a pig is my absolute willingness to do the most nasty, dirty, sleazy things with a man/men. Like you, I'm known to indulge, but it's more chemistry than chems that make for piggy fun. I also believe that being a pig is something within you, it can't be learned, but for some, it can be dormant until it's brought out by a particular guy/scene. My limits are few...and anything that's not definite is definitely negotiable. OINK~

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Almost all men are pigs deep down. A cock has no conscience. We evolved from mammals who acted on gut instinct. We are conditioned from childhood to believe that our sexual urges are sinful/dirty/socially unacceptable. For many guys it can take a lot to dissolve those inhibitions. Alcohol ( I know my limits ) and poppers release my inner slut. If you want a pig slut to play with and they choose to use something to get them to that zone, I think that's ok. Obviously it's easier for bottoms - as we don't need to maintain erections.

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