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Who Read The Real Anthony Fauci

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5 minutes ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

Well I didn't bring up the subjects of AIDS or HIV. My topic was on vaccine, specifically the needle they tell you works against COVID. I never once mentioned AIDS or HIV.

Well, that's conspiranoic bullshit too.

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3 minutes ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

Well how many jabs have you taken? 

After being told in the beginning just one jab and we' ll be through this.

How many?

That's a lie. We were told - up front - when the first vaccine was released that it would take a minimum of two doses to provide efficacy against the virus AS IT EXISTED AT THAT POINT (and I recall very early discussions that boosters might be needed).  Anyone who's got even a passing familiarity with viral vaccines knows that viruses mutate and that boosters and reformulated vaccines are frequently necessary. They don't tell you to get a flu shot and never worry about it again.

It may be true that science didn't anticipate just how adept this particular coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) would be, and how frequently we might need boosters. But that doesn't change the fact that (a) the vaccines work, both to prevent most infections and to make those that "break through" much milder, (b) the vaccines are relatively safe, with mostly mild side effects, and (c) they're still (along with social distancing and mask wearing) one of the best ways to help curb transmission.

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4 minutes ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

Well how many jabs have you taken? 

After being told in the beginning just one jab and we' ll be through this.

How many?

No one ever said at the beginning, or middle or now for that matter, that it would be just one shot.

That's not how vaccines work anyway, boosters are always necessary specially with viruses that mutate are much as the on that causes Covid.

I have taken every single shot that has been available, last one on October last year. How many times have I got Covid? ZERO, that I know of.

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22 minutes ago, 50latinos said:

No one ever said at the beginning, or middle or now for that matter, that it would be just one shot.

That's not how vaccines work anyway, boosters are always necessary specially with viruses that mutate are much as the on that causes Covid.

I have taken every single shot that has been available, last one on October last year. How many times have I got Covid? ZERO, that I know of.

Well I'm old enough to remember that in grade school we had to get the measles vaccine. No boosters required there. And because this virus which mutates and creates variants goes against the narrative that this was a virus borne through nature. It was man made. 

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2 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

Well I'm old enough to remember that in grade school we had to get the measles vaccine. No boosters required there. And because this virus which mutates and creates variants goes against the narrative that this was a virus borne through nature. It was man made. 

1. You said "After being told in the beginning just one jab and we' ll be through this" now is your 'measles vaccine' what told you . . .

2. All viruses mutate. Some like the influenza virus do so very fast, that’s why we get a new flu vaccine every year.

Or is the influenza also man made?

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18 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

Well I'm old enough to remember that in grade school we had to get the measles vaccine. No boosters required there. And because this virus which mutates and creates variants goes against the narrative that this was a virus borne through nature. It was man made. 

CDC recommends that people get MMR vaccine to protect against measles, mumps, and rubella. Children should get two doses of MMR vaccine, starting with the first dose at 12 to 15 months of age, and the second dose at 4 through 6 years of age. Teens and adults should also be up to date on their MMR vaccination. Two MMR vaccines are available for use in the United States, M-M-R II and PRIORIX.  M-M-R II and PRIORIX are fully interchangeable for all indications for which MMR vaccination is recommended. Children may also get MMRV vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (chickenpox). This vaccine is only licensed for use in children who are 12 months through 12 years of age.

I'm not trying to beat up on you here.  You're getting at least misinformation and likely disinformation.  Your sources are either innocently wrong/stupid or intentionally lying to you.  You need better sources.

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19 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

  And because this virus which mutates and creates variants goes against the narrative that this was a virus borne through nature. It was man made. 

Oh fer the love of humanity - you do know that the influenza virus mutates, due to its exposure to a large sample of hosts. This is why it's advisable to  take a yearly flu vaccination. COVID evolves because it has to, in order to survive. Hence, the booster shots. There is not one type of virus. There are literally billions of viruses, which, if you have a normal cd4 and cd8 count, your immune system envelopes and kills. The HIV virus mutates as well, which is why vaccines haven't worked. [think before following links] https://hms.harvard.edu/news/keeping-hiv-mutations#:~:text=HIV frequently mutates its coat,such antibodies on their own. and [think before following links] https://science.ubc.ca/news/viruses-lots-them-are-falling-sky. InsatiableholeinTO, your post is beginning to display a certain racist bent - the inscrutable, People's Republic of China government is trying to rule the world by spreading a man-made virus....I mean....can we get any more xenophobic?  

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20 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

Well I'm old enough to remember that in grade school we had to get the measles vaccine. No boosters required there. And because this virus which mutates and creates variants goes against the narrative that this was a virus borne through nature. It was man made. 

I'm old enough to remember that too, and I'm smart enough to have learned that some viruses (like the measles one) are fairly simple and do not routinely mutate, while others are more complex and DO mutate easily.

As others have pointed out, influenza, which causes flu, mutates. There are bird flu viruses that have mutated to pass to humans, and there are some that have not. But we still have flu vaccines - which are reformulated each year to address the types of flu expected to be circulating that year.

I understand that simple minds want simple explanations for everything, but life doesn't always work that way.

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7 hours ago, Poz50something said:

Oh fer the love of humanity - you do know that the influenza virus mutates, due to its exposure to a large sample of hosts. This is why it's advisable to  take a yearly flu vaccination. COVID evolves because it has to, in order to survive. Hence, the booster shots. There is not one type of virus. There are literally billions of viruses, which, if you have a normal cd4 and cd8 count, your immune system envelopes and kills. The HIV virus mutates as well, which is why vaccines haven't worked. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://hms.harvard.edu/news/keeping-hiv-mutations#:~:text=HIV frequently mutates its coat,such antibodies on their own. and [think before following links] [think before following links] https://science.ubc.ca/news/viruses-lots-them-are-falling-sky. InsatiableholeinTO, your post is beginning to display a certain racist bent - the inscrutable, People's Republic of China government is trying to rule the world by spreading a man-made virus....I mean....can we get any more xenophobic?  

Don't go trying to put words in my mouth. I didn't say anything about the Chinese government wanting to rule the world. I said the virus came from a lab in China. You're a real piece of work you know. Makes me wonder you, running cover them? Any time one of us mentions China you play the race card. Can you be anymore shallow?

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On 5/25/2024 at 2:57 PM, BootmanLA said:

That's a lie. We were told - up front - when the first vaccine was released that it would take a minimum of two doses to provide efficacy against the virus AS IT EXISTED AT THAT POINT (and I recall very early discussions that boosters might be needed).  Anyone who's got even a passing familiarity with viral vaccines knows that viruses mutate and that boosters and reformulated vaccines are frequently necessary. They don't tell you to get a flu shot and never worry about it again.

It may be true that science didn't anticipate just how adept this particular coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) would be, and how frequently we might need boosters. But that doesn't change the fact that (a) the vaccines work, both to prevent most infections and to make those that "break through" much milder, (b) the vaccines are relatively safe, with mostly mild side effects, and (c) they're still (along with social distancing and mask wearing) one of the best ways to help curb transmission.

Now this is a load of crap if I ever read one. I can even get through it without wanting  to lose my lunch. You go believe what you want, live whatever dystopia you want, listen to whatever talking head on  CNN tells you. I don't give a fuck what you do with your life, but stop imposing your BS on me and many other. It's rather comical that the US government is so concerned about the health of their citizens they will provide with a booster every 6 months for the rest of your lives.....but they wouldn't provide universal healthcare for those same citizens during a pandemic. And you defend them. You can't live life on your own or take responsibility for your life, you leave in the hands of a bunch corrupt politicians and health officials. Well you reap what you sow 

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1 hour ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

Don't go trying to put words in my mouth. I didn't say anything about the Chinese government wanting to rule the world. I said the virus came from a lab in China. You're a real piece of work you know. Makes me wonder you, running cover them? Any time one of us mentions China you play the race card. Can you be anymore shallow?

[think before following links] https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2020-05-09/was-the-coronavirus-made-in-a-wuhan-lab-heres-what-the-genetic-evidence-shows - this should offer some clarity on whether SARS-CoV-2 is lab manufactured. Love how you cherry pick though - I see that you have no answer for rapid evolution of HIV. 

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While you are welcome to believe “science” there’s massive fraud in science, per this article on Wiley, one of the largest science publishers, as covered by the  WSJ ([think before following links] https://www.wsj.com/science/academic-studies-research-paper-mills-journals-publishing-f5a3d4bc) and Australian Broadcasting Corporation: [think before following links] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-21/wiley-hindawi-articles-scandal-broader-crisis-trust-universities/103868662.

I tend not to trust people who take establishment claims at face value. 

anyone who makes claims about “science” as a whole without taking on the substance of the argument is just spouting propaganda and playing trust games. 

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14 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

Now this is a load of crap if I ever read one. I can even get through it without wanting  to lose my lunch. You go believe what you want, live whatever dystopia you want, listen to whatever talking head on  CNN tells you. I don't give a fuck what you do with your life, but stop imposing your BS on me and many other. It's rather comical that the US government is so concerned about the health of their citizens they will provide with a booster every 6 months for the rest of your lives.....but they wouldn't provide universal healthcare for those same citizens during a pandemic. And you defend them. You can't live life on your own or take responsibility for your life, you leave in the hands of a bunch corrupt politicians and health officials. Well you reap what you sow 

I am not trying to imposed anything to you. For all I care you can go unvaccinated and face the consequences. The problem is all the vulnerable people that may be affected by your irresponsibility and, why not say it, stupidity.

Like I said, I don't want to impose anything on you. I and most people here for what I read, are just trying to combat your fake info.

You say that you don't give a fuck what I do and I truly appreciate and thank you that. But you must understand that such feeling didn't come across all that clearly when you asked . . .

On 5/25/2024 at 2:49 PM, insatiableholeinTO said:

Well how many jabs have you taken? 

After being told in the beginning just one jab and we' ll be through this.

How many?

 . . . twice.

Don't ask question that you know you won't like the answer of.

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9 hours ago, nanana said:

While you are welcome to believe “science” there’s massive fraud in science, per this article on Wiley, one of the largest science publishers, as covered by the  WSJ ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.wsj.com/science/academic-studies-research-paper-mills-journals-publishing-f5a3d4bc) and Australian Broadcasting Corporation: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-21/wiley-hindawi-articles-scandal-broader-crisis-trust-universities/103868662.

I tend not to trust people who take establishment claims at face value. 

anyone who makes claims about “science” as a whole without taking on the substance of the argument is just spouting propaganda and playing trust games. 

One of the most notable frauds in recent science history is Wakefield's "Vaccines cause autism," fraud, which has spawned a movement of credulous fools afraid of big pharma making money off vaccines that save people's lives. 

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