BootmanLA Posted January 30 Report Posted January 30 20 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said: Where do you get your info from? 1 person died and she was shot by Capitol Police. Your argument that they took the pardon to escape Trump's DOJ is pathetically weak. If they were only doing their job then what is to hide? If you did nothing wrong then why accept a Presidential Pardon? When you accept a Pre emptive Presidential Pardon, you are admitting guilt even before charges have been laid against. So Biden pardons the J6 committee, his wife and 3 other members of his family and Tony Faucci. Yet not one has been charged with a felony yet.Hmmm, and let's not forget he lied to the American people when he said nobody is above the law and he would not pardon his own son. Funny Trump didn't pardon any of his family members. In fact Trump didn't even pardon himself. When asked why not he said " if I would have taken a pardon that would mean I'm admitting I'm guilty. Now you can spin this any way you want personally I could care less. Bottom line the Democrats have been lying to the people long enough and we're sick of their BS. By accepting those pardons and admitting their guilt the democrats have no moral authority whatsoever and the people can see them for who they really are as was apparent in November. More than one person died. Yes, one insurrectionist who refused repeated orders from the Capitol Police to not enter the building "fucked around and found out", as they say. I feel bad for her family's loss but not bad for her being so dumb as to disobey a police order with guns pointed at her head. And actually three other protesters died, one trampled to death by her fellow protesters, the other two by a stroke and a heart attack brought on by the melee. Five police officers died: one of complications of injuries received in the attack; the other four by suicide shortly afterward, with the circumstances of the riot almost certain a primary factor. I realize that some asswipes here don't consider police suicides to be actual problems, but here we are. As for accepting a presidential pardon, especially a pre-emptive one: It means, for someone like, say, Fauci or Cheney that they don't have to hire several high-powered lawyers that bill $1,500/hour to fight all the fucking bullshit that Trump promised to unleash on them. If you were looking at legal bills that could bankrupt your family and you were offered a pardon that meant those bills would never happen, you'd take it too, guaranteed. You said "When you accept a Pre emptive Presidential Pardon, you are admitting guilt even before charges have been laid against." That's untrue. I'm not going to say it's a lie because a lie is a deliberate falsehood, and I don't know whether you're deliberately saying something know is false, or you're just gullible enough to believe that this widely circulated piece of shit is actually good law. It's not. Accepting a pardon is NOT an admission of guilt. The fact that Trump is stupid enough to believe it doesn't make it true. But let's assume that's true: That means ALL those people who Trump pardoned in 2021 on his way out the door, including Mike Flynn, Joe Arpaio, Dinesh D'Souza, Bernard Kerik, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Stephen Bannon, and - oh, let's not forget - Charles Kushner, who hired a hooker to seduce his brother, and filmed it, then threatened to release the film to his brother's wife, to keep the brother from testifying against him in his massive fraud trial (where he was in fact found guilty). So, by your logic, all these people are admitting their guilt. Right? 2 1
BootmanLA Posted January 30 Report Posted January 30 20 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said: Joe Biden and Anthony fucking Faucci that's who. Then it went to a second vaccine, then on to a booster, then a 2nd, 3rd, 4th. How many are you all up to now? Have any of you even attempted to look at the the Pfizer documents that were released by court order that lists the abnormalities and side effects of that jab. Doctors and scientists won't know for at least another 7 years the full implications of what you all put in you bodies. It's a gross miscarriage of science and public health and the fact that you are still in denial is mind boggling. You don't want to listen to reason or look at the documents fine that's your problem not mine. One last question. Do any of you get compensated for being an experimental pin cushion for Pfizer or Moderna? You'd think that with all the taxpayer money that went into developing the jab and with the billions of dollars in profits that Big Pharma made from the jab, did any of you get a slice of the pie? No? Hmmm pity. JFC: From the day the vaccines were announced, they were touted as a TWO shot regimen - it didn't "go" to a second vaccine. Were you just living under a rock for the entire pandemic unable to read, watch, or hear the news? Or did you just not understand the words they were using? I can't think of any other way to explain not understanding, FROM THE BEGINNING, that there would be a two-shot sequence. And like MOST vaccines given to adults, particularly for mutable viral agents (like flu), there's almost always a booster or annual shot. It's true we did not know, in December 2020 (which is when the vaccines were released - UNDER PRESIDENT FUCKHEAD TRUMP, mind you, so you can't blame Biden if you weren't told from day one) whether boosters would specifically be needed. But again, anyone who isn't suffering from cranio-rectal inversion would have heard, very early on, that the virus was, in fact, mutating and would probably require boosters to maintain efficacy against it. 2
BootmanLA Posted January 30 Report Posted January 30 19 hours ago, PozBearWI said: I gather you were not a sexually active adult in the late 1980's.... To clarify (I hope): What I believe @PozBearWI is saying is that when the very first treatments for AIDS came out (like AZT), an AIDS diagnosis was, in fact, pretty much a death sentence that was (all things considered) rapidly approaching. And thus, as he's noting, people with AIDS (and even some who were just positive, but not yet at that stage) jumped at the chance to try AZT and the other early experimental drugs, because at that time the choice was "experiment or likely die". As I understand @Poz50something, some gay men being reluctant to get an untested COVID vaccine are hypocritical because they'd have been among those lining up for AZT back in the late 1980's. But @PozBearWI has a point in that most people who rejected the COVID vaccine weren't facing certain death if they didn't try SOMETHING, the way men with AIDS were. I disagree with those who reject(ed) the COVID vacccine on that basis, but the AZT and COVID vaccine comparison is only slightly useful, if at all. 1
insatiableholeinTO Posted February 11 Report Posted February 11 On 1/29/2025 at 9:06 PM, Erik62 said: Adverse reactions occurring via inadequate research into side effects will be dealt with in the same way that Thalidamide & Johnson & Johnsons female IUD??? with legal action. Even with a class action it still DOES NOT PROVE that millions of lives weren't saved. So if the vaccine let's say saves 10 million lives, but kills 2 million, is that acceptable? 1
BootmanLA Posted February 11 Report Posted February 11 10 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said: So if the vaccine let's say saves 10 million lives, but kills 2 million, is that acceptable? If there was any evidence whatsoever that the vaccine killed 2 million people, the vaccines would have been withdrawn long ago. Hell, if they'd killed 10,000 people, that would have been acknowledged. But they didn't. 1 1
PozBearWI Posted February 11 Report Posted February 11 10 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said: So if the vaccine let's say saves 10 million lives, but kills 2 million, is that acceptable? KILLS If the proposed drug kills someone; we would know early in the game; the drug trial would end and things go back to be studied. So when you write the drug kills xyz, that just won't happen. Now we might see some percentage of the group exposed to new(ish) treatment XYZ manifest other health conditions later on. But inferring that was "caused" by the vaccine would be unanticipated. We've had unhappy things happen while trying new treatments. If the option is "do nothing" vs "learn and do the best we can"; why would we not side for the latter? The trials we do are a pretty good predictor of how a new vaccine will work among the full population. It is nonetheless true we are working with diverse humans. At initial roll out the first users are the final guinea pig. Perhaps you've forgotten that during the Covid19 initial vaccinations they were rolled out by risk. Those who might die sooner anyway but for whom avoidance of the pathogen lessens a hasty death. My group; HIV poz, otherwise immune compromised, seniors with some underlying conditions were that first Covid vaccination group. It would be interesting to grab those stats specifically; how many of us were adversely affected by the vaccine and how infections rates evolved between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. SAVES Context is relevant here. The words you used were "(it) saves 10 million lives". Knowing how many lives were "saved" requires us to know what would have happened vs what actually happened. And while we can measure things to gain a trajectory of likely outcomes; we don't know specific numbers. By tracking information and grouping them into those we did X to and those we didn't do X to; gives us one way of considering outcomes. From that we can calculate what what likely would have happened. But it is a calculation. If you meant, 2 million died rather than 12 million from the disease we are attempting to control; I am pretty damned happy with that number. A more accurate metric would be when we compare the frequency and severity of infections between vaccinated and unvaccinated. And if you listen to any statement about Covid vaccine, it's goal was to reduce frequency and severity of infection. They absolutely do not guarantee you won't get infection by the targeted pathogen. If we're watchful, some of that USAID sorta work, we can detect and contain a new pathogen to as small as possible geographic region as we can. Initial containment limits progression and sometimes that is self correcting (looking back on human history). My HIV resistance directly connected to the Black Plague survivors. We implemented AZT largely as an experiment rather than do nothing until we achieved perfection. So the number you pose is unlikely, but honest if I am one of the 10 million, that is 10 million ostensibly happy people vs zero. I imagine there are stats one can pull that would give us the details of 85 yo 95 treatment success ratio. 2 1
Erik62 Posted February 12 Report Posted February 12 11 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said: So if the vaccine let's say saves 10 million lives, but kills 2 million, is that acceptable? NO😱, not at a humanitarian level or in a perfect world. HOWEVER, putting that 10 million lives at a huge risk to save 2 million, by stopping the vaccine cannot be justified. This situation would require governments to co-ordinate, on a worldwide level, to literally "throw" millions of dollars into research in the same way that the COVID & HIV/AIDS epidemics was dealt with. It is a difficult fact to comprehend & accept but when the loss of 10 million people (particularly involving children & young people, the FUTURE) is weighed against saving 2 million people, governments will not abandon the vaccine programme. More research YES but abandonment NO.
PozBearWI Posted February 12 Report Posted February 12 Oh lord NOT the way HIV/AIDS were dealt with. For the first few years to our President AIDS was the solution, not a problem.
Erik62 Posted February 12 Report Posted February 12 7 hours ago, PozBearWI said: Oh lord NOT the way HIV/AIDS were dealt with. For the first few years to our President AIDS was the solution, not a problem. My bad, I assumed that the US had worked with the UK 🇬🇧 & Australia 🇦🇺. AUSTRALIAN infectious disease medics & scientists took to the front lines & can only be praised for their prompt response to HIV/AIDS. The Australian government must also be praised for their immediate funding response. Australia also had the benefit of the Southern Hemispheres only specialist Infectious Diseases Hospital.
Erik62 Posted February 12 Report Posted February 12 On 1/30/2025 at 12:20 PM, insatiableholeinTO said: Where do you get your info from? 1 person died and she was shot by Capitol Police. Your argument that they took the pardon to escape Trump's DOJ is pathetically weak. If they were only doing their job then what is to hide? If you did nothing wrong then why accept a Presidential Pardon? When you accept a Pre emptive Presidential Pardon, you are admitting guilt even before charges have been laid against. So Biden pardons the J6 committee, his wife and 3 other members of his family and Tony Faucci. Yet not one has been charged with a felony yet.Hmmm, and let's not forget he lied to the American people when he said nobody is above the law and he would not pardon his own son. Funny Trump didn't pardon any of his family members. In fact Trump didn't even pardon himself. When asked why not he said " if I would have taken a pardon that would mean I'm admitting I'm guilty. Now you can spin this any way you want personally I could care less. Bottom line the Democrats have been lying to the people long enough and we're sick of their BS. By accepting those pardons and admitting their guilt the democrats have no moral authority whatsoever and the people can see them for who they really are as was apparent in November. He pardened his father in law.
Erik62 Posted February 12 Report Posted February 12 Just now, Erik62 said: He pardened his father in law. What about the one, at least MURDERED Police Officer, along with those officers who were so badly injured & traumatised that they will be scarred for life & never serve again. I have NO SYMPATHY for Trump or any of his sadistic & violent henchmen/women that suffered injury. As for those CRIMINALS they will face a justice far stronger than that which is administered on earth. 1
insatiableholeinTO Posted February 18 Report Posted February 18 On 2/11/2025 at 6:03 PM, BootmanLA said: If there was any evidence whatsoever that the vaccine killed 2 million people, the vaccines would have been withdrawn long ago. Hell, if they'd killed 10,000 people, that would have been acknowledged. But they didn't. You don't know that because there have been no long term studies to what degree the effect these vaccines have on humans. That's why Placebo trials are supposed to be done. Scientists believe it will 6-7 years before they truly know the effects these jabs have had on humans. Before Covid-19 how many times have you heard the term myocarditis or turbo cancers? For you to say the jabs aren't responsible for any deaths is nothing short of ignorance. Obviously you haven't looked at the Pfizer documents that list their risks and abnormalities. 1 1
insatiableholeinTO Posted February 18 Report Posted February 18 On 2/12/2025 at 7:14 AM, Erik62 said: He pardened his father in law. Trump's father in law WAS found guilty prior to being pardoned. Biden's family haven't even been formally charged or prosecuted. Get it? 1
Erik62 Posted February 18 Report Posted February 18 53 minutes ago, insatiableholeinTO said: You don't know that because there have been no long term studies to what degree the effect these vaccines have on humans. That's why Placebo trials are supposed to be done. Scientists believe it will 6-7 years before they truly know the effects these jabs have had on humans. Before Covid-19 how many times have you heard the term myocarditis or turbo cancers? For you to say the jabs aren't responsible for any deaths is nothing short of ignorance. Obviously you haven't looked at the Pfizer documents that list their risks and abnormalities. Like the Polio, Tetanus, Smallpox & ALL other vaccines there is a risk. To what degree??? That is an individual reaction/response to whether vaccine is LIVE or DEAD. The number of deaths / life changing reactions to vaccines is FAR, FAR, FAR outweighed by the LIVES SAVED, in communities both POOR the wealthy. Those drugs or vaccines that display adverse responses (THELIDAMIDE) are removed from programmes at the earliest time that these negative responses are revealed. Had we waited for COVID vaccines to be tested, in the normal way, we would STILL BE IN the COVID arena & the death rate would be exponentially EXTREME. I am POSITIVE (immunosuppressed) & have just had my 5th booster. I also have my yearly flu boost & have never had any adverse reactions to any. I have survived 2 entirely different cancers & MAY ONLY BB but, if any HIV/AIDS related illness takes me, I will go with a huge grin BUT, I am fucked 🤬🤬 if I will go not being able to breathe & a fucking plastic tube rammed down my throat, breathing for me. I'LL TAKE the vaccines that I REQUIRE. 1
Erik62 Posted February 18 Report Posted February 18 (edited) 1 hour ago, insatiableholeinTO said: Trump's father in law WAS found guilty prior to being pardoned. Biden's family haven't even been formally charged or prosecuted. Get it? Hunter was formally charged & found guilty. As for the rest of Biden's family COULD IT POSSIBLY BE that they have committed NO CRIMES. Unlike Trump, who was charged & tried for PROVEN CRIMES (94 INFACT) but, managed to weasel out of any punishment. Trump's crimes stand, for the world to see. Bankruptcy, rape, sexual assault, fraud, intimidation, potential treason & EVADING THE DRAFT x 5 times. How can he POSSIBLY, WITH HONOUR, be the C-in-C & salute those he REFUSED TO SERVE WITH🤬🤬??? Edited February 18 by Erik62 1
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