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Hemroids and fucking


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Hey guys..got a question for you...I got my first case of roids...dam things have lasted over 2 weeks now and its annoying...anyone ever just go ahead and get fucked even though they have them? Also...mine seem to be really mild...and I kept putting ointment on them and they werent going away....started using a suppository and it feels like it is getting better....it is roids right?...a little worried here..

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The lump could be small if this is the first time you've expierenced them it may not be a huge roid. They tend to get larger with more exertion (pushing out).

Keep putting on the ointment and using the suppositories, they will subside in time. I don't recommend getting fucked though until they clear up, if you do you risk opening them up and bleeding and well taking much longer to heal.

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I've found that fucking, with plenty of lube, actually feels good if not done roughly - pushing the hemorrhoid back inside the rectum helps keep it moist and lessens the inflammation and irritation. If you have a shower shot (or a hand-held shower), very warm water directly on the anus will help shrink the tissue and soothe it, and, as you've found, the suppositories work very well (I think Tucks are better than Prep H).

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Also, you may want to check to make certwin it isn't an STD.

This...and get it checked to make sure you don't have an anal fissure (split or tear), some of which are slight and will heal on their own...other more serious anal fissures can require specific care and treatment. Ignoring it is not a good idea as the severe split is direct route to the blood stream for bacteria.

Edited by Euroverse
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  • 3 months later...

Reading this is scary. I've got hemorrhoids as well. I know that for sure because my colonoscopy showed. Now, that being said, when I get fucked, it bleeds once in awhile. From what I heard, if it's clear colour, it's more likely hemorrhoids, but if it's dark red, it's some tears deep inside. I don't remember where I read this, but the reason is due to the time the blood is retained inside and the distance for it to be expelled.

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I usually would ignore such comment that is reflecting only ONE's opinion. But, today I have dealt with so many individuals who don't understand what it means that one's opinion is just that--one!

Because you feel that you don't like it, it doesn't mean OTHERS won't. You assume too much. I have 3 tops line up to fuck me because that's what turns them on.

Oh, how I hate people who stereotype things. All day at work and now again on-line from a website that the majority of users here is not even going through with that fantasies. Come on!

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