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Curiosity Chemmed the Boy

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On 5/6/2024 at 10:33 PM, Pnp-pig said:

Damn the thought of the iced chain going into his ass made blow my load.  The iced chain is some thing I wanna try!

hot, thanks 

Always scared that my sloppy insides may get caught in the moving links...either a pinching, or far worse???!!!!

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Wow...first thing to note: this is very well-written, even gripping. Dark-themed stories are not uncommon here, but they usually revolve around the corruption associated with drugs. The drugs in this story have been almost incidental. The feeling of menace is what moves it forward. I love the physical abuse: the relentless slaps and punches. "You'll always wear one of my blacked eyes..." Fuck, yes. I am torn between fearing for our narrator's safety and wanting to trade places with him. Bruises, after all, can be quite beautiful. These Mayhem Riders have great possibilities. I wonder if we'll learn what their "final way" entails....I could hazard a few guesses.

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On 5/29/2024 at 5:55 AM, rosebudforuse said:

Always scared that my sloppy insides may get caught in the moving links...either a pinching, or far worse???!!!!

being spun only intensifies those fears 🙈

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Part 5 - A Brief Interlude

I woke up.  I have no idea how long I was out, but I felt "hung-over" so I figured it was long enough for the drugs to get out of my system or fade significantly. I was on a bed (or at least a mattress). I couldn't open my left eye, it was swollen shut. My lips were split, and it burned when I ran my tongue over the lower one. I hurt all over. As I took stock of my body, I could feel the heavy cold metal around my throat. I followed a chain from the collar to the the wall. With the one I could see out of, I knew it was well-secured. I wasn't pulling it out. The room was windowless, but had a ceiling fan so it wasn't stuffy. I could see 2 doors, one was open to what looked like a bathroom. Since there was no way the chain was long enough, I assumed someone would take me there if I needed to go. I stank, and I really wanted a shower....hoping hot water would help ease of the aches I felt all over my body. I figured I had bruised ribs at least, and likely even broken. I lay back down on the bed and tried to stay calm. Bits and pieces of the night came to me, but I wasn't sure what or when any one thing happened.

A little later I heard keys in the door and it swung open, with 3 men walking in. I recognized them, by their face, but I had no idea who they actually were.

"Glad you're awake, faggot. We need to chat." The guy was clearly the one in charge here, and he had "PREZ" written on a patch on his leather vest over his heart. He pulled over a chair and straddled it, leaning over the back and glaring at me. "I doubt you remember much about the other night, but here's the short of it - you belong to the Mayhem Riders now. We paid good money for you."

"You bought me?! I'm not a fucking toy that you buy!" By the time the last word was out of my mouth, the Prez had launched himself forward, knocking over the chair and grabbed me by the hair and slapped me hard across the face.

"You shut the fuck up! You are nothing but a faggot hole that belongs to the Club! A hole! A punching bag! A fucking urinal! And if you don't like that, you can be fucking target practice. So shut the fuck up, if you want to keep breathing!"

He flung me back against the wall and I curled up into a ball, as far away from him as I could. He picked up the chair and took a seat again. I looked at the two guys behind him. They were leaning against the wall and didn't seem at all bothered by the explosion of violence. I suppose it wasn't anything they hadn't already seen.

"Now, as I said, we bought you and we own you. What that means for you, is that anything a man with a Mayhem Riders cut, can do anything with you he damned well pleases. The words "yes, sir" are the only fucking two words you ever speak to a man around here unless he asks you a question that requires another answer. Is that understood, hole?"

I whimpered out a "yes, sir".

"Good, now that you understand your new situation, here's what else you need to know - no one knows where the fuck you are, so don't expect anyone to come save you. The only 2 people who know you came here ain't saying nothing. Anyone reports you missing, ain't gonna get help from the cops. The sooner you internalize that you are here for good, the sooner you will adjust. Understand what I'm saying?"

Another barely audible "yes, sir" came out.

"You met M and Horse the other night, though you may not remember them. They're gonna be your handlers. You will always be with one of them. They are your Gods and only one of them, or me, can override another man when it comes to you. But don't be looking for saving. Ain't nobody here gonna save you from anything a man wants of you. For now, I'm going to leave them here to get to know you and get you showered and cleaned up."

Prez stood and turned to walk out. He stopped and looked at M on his way, "Check his cunt and see if it can be claimed by the club tonight."

"Got it, Prez. I'm sure he'll be good to go."


Edited by GAwhoreSub
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On 4/26/2024 at 5:46 PM, GAwhoreSub said:

Side note: I may be away from thus for the next week. I'll be traveling for a death in the family and won't have time (and frankly don't have the mindset) to add a 3rd chapter right now. But I'll be back to this, promise.

@GAwhoreSub - Thank you for an amazing start of an amazing story ... and we shall wait until you are ready again to continue this brilliant plot and set you have created .... 


But for now - MY SINCERE CONDOLENCE as it is always a sad time when one looses someone who has his/her place in ones heart and when the realisation sets in that this person no longer is around! 

Remember those special moments you shared with this person and those moments of laughter you shared and this will always put a smile onto your face and make your heart glow with warmth. 

A person might no longer be able to share a coffee etc with you - BUT when they touched your inners, they are never forgotten and shall always remain with you, til the end.... 

Take all the time to grieve and heal from the pain ... 


We all shall be here awaiting your return.....


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