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This documentary makes Bug chassing look really uncool

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This is from the UK Channel 4 from a couple of months ago.  The fact that it's on normal TV which sucks,makes it even more lame, anyway...

Some of the guys in this are really weird and ugly. The guy in the mask has a terrible voice... absolutely terrible. And that guy mid-way through when he starts talking at 8:46 about the "text message" he got. Like what is he 53 years old?
WARNING: British people alert... you won't enjoy hearing that guy talk.

Absolutely non of these are hot or a "dream" are they

And no-one should be showing Hampstead Heath on TV it takes the fun out of it... talking about it in public.......

Edited by KERVORKIANjack
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I liked the documentary and totally respect the presenter's perspective which presents a completely reasonable point of view. 

The fact that the people portrayed in it don't look like porn stars doesn't make the weird.


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What is UN-cool about all of this - generally speaking - is when a FETISH (e.g. the bug chasing) crosses the line into self-harm (the UN-cool part).

Fantasy = cool

Self-harm = ugly and uncool

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The part of the video that gives me a glimmer of hope is the discussion that for most people it's just fantasy and it's less than 1% that truly seek it out. 

Overall, however, this was far from being a documentary. The only piece that seemed at all professional was the interview with Jamie, the PhD who did what appears to be a better research. The rest of it was just a fluff piece for the drama of it. 

Thank you for sharing. 

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Of course there are more videos around the subject area:-

... and one about a guy that lied and converted guys without their consent...

^-- Just a clip from it.

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15 hours ago, hairyone said:

The rest of it was just a fluff piece for the drama of it. 

Um, what's dramatic about it? Isn't that just a thing people say when they want to dismiss something "stop your drama" etc..



All I saw was a guy who looks like a bus driver, standing on a cruising ground in freezing cold winter, being interviewed... 

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