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As a young man I did some dumb things. Hormones often took control when better jugdement should have taken over. But dont we all make bad decisions when we are young and horny? I was a shy 18yo. Maybe straight, maybe bi, but horny as fuck. I spent most of my days online jerking off over whatever porn happened my way and cruising various chatrooms. I lived a little way from the city, but had just managed to save up for a car and was looking forward to enjoying my freedom. The more porn I looked at and more chatting I did the kinkier the material needed to be to give me a thrill.

Somehow I stumbled into a gay fetish chat where I was instantly messaged by a guy in his 60s from my nearest big town. I was instantly out of my depth, but didn't want to come accross as the inexperienced wannabe that I was. He acused me of being a catfish, but having turned on my webcam to prove that i was indeed a 6'4, muscular, smooth faced 18yo he changed his tune. I felt I had gained the upper hand in the chat until he started using terminology I didn't understand. The picture he sent me of his massive full balls and veiny cock set below a hairy beer gut crisscrossed by leather straps put me in my place and it was clear who was the alpha. He also had an odd tattoo just above his cock that I elt I recognised from somewhere but couldn't place. It was like black three incomplete circles forming a triangle with another overlapping circle behind.  I had never really even considered actually doing stuff with a guy, but the slight of those huge shaved balls and the veiny cock unlocked something in me that I didn't know was there.

I think he knew he was onto something, because he pace of his messaging increased after sending the picture. Lots of talk about "using my boi hole" and "teaching me what I was for". Although it was hot it was also kinda scary as I had never had sex of any kind before and he was talking about "raping my ass bare" and "planting his DNA to claim ownership". It got a bit intense and I backed off, so he softened his pace somewhat. Suggested a meeting in a nature reserve on the edge of the city. He said it could be a fun place to cruise at night, exciting scouting the walking trails to see if anyone was about. He said the fresh cool air had a fun vibe and we could play a stalking game.

I was curious about the stalking game. He just explained it could be a bit of fun. He would get there before me and set up a simple snare on one of the paths. He would then follow me quietly to see where I went. If I stumbled into his snare it meant he got to tie me up for some play fun. I had been reading a side thread about bondage, and was curious, but Being tied up and powerless seemed a bit concerning for me. He reassured me that the chances of me being caught were low and that it would just be some play fun. He would bind me loosely and let me wear a mouth opening gag. He assured me that my size meant that he would not be able to have power over me. I stressed that if anything did happen I would be interested in safe sex only.

I was still nervous but he reassured me that the second I said no he would stop what he was doing. He said he was happy to just jerk off in the bushes if things didn't work and I was kinda interested to see that cock up close. Feeling confident in my physical capabilities and excited beyond the point of control I agreed to meet him. It was about a 20 minute drive from my place which he was glad of as he said it gave him time to set his snare.

I drove the whole way feeling half crazy but also hard as a rock. It felt like my cock was driving the car and I got there without remembering any of the drive. I pulled off the main road onto a dirt side road and parked in what looked like the spot he had described. There were no street lights and the trees blocked the moon, so it was extremely dark. I had only noticed one other ar there when i arrived, a large SUV parked discreetly between some large trees and low bushes so i could not see if anyone was inside.

I nervously got out of my car. The night wasn't cold, but I shivered anyway. I was running on a mix of adrenalie and hormones. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I saw an opening in the bushes ahead. Wary of stumbling into a snare I was cautious, but I was also super excited by the risky thrill! I cautiously made my way onto the path. My senses were on fire, listening to any other sounds I could hear. I am pretty sure I heard the sound or a car door quietly closing as I disappeared into the path. I walked slowly and carefully enjoying the excitement but watching for anything that might look like a snare. The night was still and my senses were acutely tuned to hear any crunch of gravel or snap of a twig that might indicate someone was following.

About 50 meters into the wooded trail I came to a branch. Which way to turn. The left fork seemed slightly brighter and I thought I saw the grass was trampled so I thought perhaps the right? I looked closely down the left fork and saw what I thought was a branch suspiciously bent down. It was fun to have seen the snare, although I was a little disappointed how primitive and poorly disguised it was. Ah well game over I guess. I figured since I was there I would step into the bushes just off the path there and wait to see if he came. I might still see that big cock yet, but on my terms!

I inched slightly into the bushes and was almost out of sight when I tripped. Dammit, It was dark and I had tripped on a stick. I tried to get up quickly before he came, but the stick must have caught my pants. I reached down to try to free it only to realise that the stick was tied to a rope that was now firmly around my ankle. Well played sir I thought and waited to see if my captor arrived.

It didn't take long. He must have been closer than I had thought and he rapidly appeared and stood over me. In the dark I could just make out he was wearing cammos, he had obviously put some thought into this! "I win bitch! Now for your forfeit!" he barked and he quickly turned me over and pulled the tied stick up to one knee and fastened the other end to my other knee so I was kneeling with knees spread. The speed at which he tied me was very impressive, and it was immediately clear that he had some skills. He stepped in front of me and i could tell he was wearing a balaclava. I could make out almost nothing until the few pale shards of moonlight illuminated the massive cock and balls he had just flopped out or his open zipper. he moved closer and slapped his hardening cock onto my face. "like what you see boi" he said starting to jerk himself right near my face. As I opened my mouth to speak he grabbed the back of my head and shoved himself in. I had never sucked cock before but was getting a rapid crash course! "chew my cock bitch" he grunted "bite it!" I gentle squeezed it between my teeth and he gave out a guttoral grunted "fuck yeah" before he abruptly withdrew. 

"Show me your wrists" she said before grabbing them and binding them together from wrist to elbow. I was overwhelmed with the situation, but when I realised I couldn;t move my arms I felt a bit concerned. I started to say "wait...." but he just said "relax.... this is just a bit of fun. Open your mouth again." I opened my mouth and the gag was forced it. Before I could protest he had closed it behind my head. He held excess rope on my wrists so that when I tried to reach up to pull it out he stopped me. He bent down and twisted the rope from my wrists around the stick between my knees. With a quick tug he had tightened it any by using some sort of hitch he was able to completely overcome my resistance. "Now the real fun beings he said".

He undid my pants and expertly lowered them as far as the leg bonds would allow. He gentle pushed me from behind so I could not help but topple forwards. He was immediately behind me with his face burried in my ass. strong hands on my back to stop me geting up. I strated to freak out. I tried to say no, but the gag made it sound more like grunts. "you like that dont you bitch" he said. I tried to scream no, but he chuckled and pretended like all he heard was grunts of pleasure.

Suddenly  he seemed to change his behaviour. "let's help you up boi" he said placing a stong arm under my armpit and heling me up and to the side. He spun me around and before I knew it I was falling again over a fallen tree. he quickly undid and then retied the rope tying my wrists to my knees on the underside of the tree before letting go for a second. I couldn;t tell what he was doing, but he was reaching under the tree, playing with the rope. Suddenly I realise he had places a thick branch in the rope and was twisting it, tightening the rope and moving my wrists closer to my knees and making me hug the fallen tree closer. The mechanical advantage of the branch meant I could not resist. despite my larger size. Once he was sufficiently satisfied he used another stick to jam that one in place before disappearing behind me.

I heard him undressing before he stepped back up to me. "Noone can hear you here boi, it is just you and me. I am going to give you what I've got. You can fight it and I will tear you up, or you can relax and try to enjoy it. Either way I am gonna enjoy it. Part of me hopes you fight!"

With that he started rimming my ass again, probing it deep with his tongue. He pulled a bottle of what I now know to be poppers out of his pocket. took a big hit and then held it to my nose. I couldn;t help but get some of it, and soon my heart was pounding and my face felt warm. I felt a cold squirt of Lube on my ass and one, then two, then three fingers twisting in my til now virgin asshole. He squirted on more lube and then I felt him slap his cock on my ass. He squeezed more lube on his cock and I heard him massage it on with that distinctive wet sound. he lined his cock up with my lubed hole before bending forwards simulaneously nudging the head of his cock into me with gentle pressure but also thrusting the poppers under my nose. I tried to shake my head to signal no, but he just laughed and said "its better for both of us if you do. I dont want to damage me cock. just your hole". He held the poppers to my nose and as the rush hit me I felt him slowly sliding in. At first it hurt a lot, but with each passing stoke my hole relaxed and the lube allowed him to slide deeper and deeper.

I could feel his beer gut weighing on my back as he settled into a rhythm, getting deeper with each thrust until I felt his heavy scrotum pressing mine. "Fuck you're tight" he grunted as he tightened his grip on my hips and quickened his pace. "I am gonna breed you good you stupid little fuck" he taunted as his pleasure built, "you are going to get a lot more than you bargined for".

The poppers and rush of the situation started to wear off and I realised he wasn;t wearing a condom. I tried to cry out, but he just grunted"shut up, you are breaking my concentration". He grabbed my by the balls to keep me still before thrusting so hard my hips ground painfully into the fallen tree. "Oh fuck... Oh fuck.... oh fuck.... yes... take my dirty load you stupid little cunt" he half shouted and I felt his cock throb and twitch inside. "Fuck yesssssss" he groaned emptying a massive amount of jizz deep into my guts and collapsing on my back. 

He held there, draining the last drops and catching his breath before pulling out and shoving a but plug in my bruised ass. "dont want you giving my gift back" he said as he trapped the jizz inside. 

I heared him getting dress and packing up his gear. He came back in front of me, spat in my face and said "I own you now boi" before giving me a sharp smack across the face. He dropped a knife on the groud just out of reach before freeing the stick he had used to tighten the bonds and strode off. I heard his car start and leave before I had manage to get even half the tension off the ropes and it was another 15 minutes before I could reach the knife to cut myself free. By the time I had gotten free, removed the butt plug and composed myself he was long gone and his seed was doing it's work.

It was some weeks before I was brave enough to venture back into the chat room where I had first crossed his path, but having gotten over a viral illness I was feeling horny again. He refused to answer any of my messages unless I called him master and denied that he had even been there that night. He said he got a flat tyre on the way and never made it. It must have been someone else that I encountered, as it was a common cruising spot.

Needless to say I now know the meaning of his tattoo.


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